45: Things Change

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The Dream House Part Forty Five

Tommy's POV

When Tubbo said he was 'staying with me until tomorrow' I didn't know he meant it literally. He slept in my room and really never left my side. I woke up at 9:30am and saw that he was asleep next to me, at the edge of the bed.

I knew he was getting quite annoyed of me because he did call me stubborn yesterday but I didn't want to live and Wilbur didn't want me to either. I haven't spoken to Phil and he didn't call us to get ready for school. He's probably mad at me like everyone else. I didn't want to come home, I knew this was going to happen.

I stretched and leaned against the wall next to the bed. Tubbo woke up and turned around, seeing me awake. He yawned, sitting upright.

"Good morning." Tubbo spoke.

"Morning." I greeted, seeing my poorly bandaged hand.

I didn't even know we had medical items like a bandage in the bathroom cabinet until Tubbo took it yesterday.

Tubbo's POV

I'm on Tommy's side no matter what but he's making it so hard for me to be nice. I kind of understand why Wilbur fought with him. But he's hurt emotionally, causing him to hurt himself physically. I just want him to stop doing stupid things.

"How's your hand?" I asked, clearing my throat.

"Better than yesterday." Tommy replied.

"Okay, well you should take it out and have a shower, then I'll wrap another."

"You don't have to." He said, getting up from the bed.

"Someone has to and I know you won't."

"I don't know what can hurt you in there but don't do anything dumb. Just quickly shower." I added, watching him grab his towel and go in the bathroom.

After he got ready, I saw Quackity with Karl outside and told them to keep an eye on Tommy while I take a shower.

I still wonder how Phil doesn't get mad at him the way Wilbur and I do.

Dream's POV

While listening to music in my room with George, I saw the door open.

"Sam said he's moving out." Sapnap said, closing the door behind him.

"Really? What about his things?" I asked, confused.

"He's packing some stuff right now, said he's leaving tomorrow." Sapnap answered.

"That sucks but I understand. Does he have a place already?"

"Yeah ten minutes away from here. He's sending the address later in the gc in case we want to come over sometimes which I'm going to do often."

"Should we throw a going away party or something?" George suggested, Sapnap rejected.

"No, he said he just wanted it to be low key."

"Okay then."

"Your sister called me earlier and she said you're letting her come over?" Sapnap mentioned.

"Oh my god, she just can't keep her mouth shut. I didn't even guarantee the date or anything." I scoffed.

"It's fine she just was excited. Why are you getting so worked up about it?" Sapnap questioned.

"We had a fight, she said I never visit them anymore and I was pissed because she brought up streaming and stuff." I explained, George kept quiet since he already knew about this.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure she'll understand." Sapnap comforted.

"I hope so." I sighed.

Wilbur's POV

I get how Tommy wanted to go back to the park. Those times were fun but he has to understand that things change, we can't pretend to deny it.

It's a few minutes past noon, I've apologized to Phil over text. He still wants me to apologize to Tommy but I've been avoiding going downstairs because I'm still mad at him.

I didn't want to yell at him, I knew it was wrong but he kind of deserved it anyway. I stayed upstairs all day, I did climb out my window at one point and sat in a tree while I played my guitar but I never set foot by the stairs. Not even for food or water.

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