26: All My Fault

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The Dream House Part Twenty Six

TW: Blood, gore.

Dream's POV

My heart was beating quick as I drove to the destination. I'm not the type to worry but right now I wanted to make sure Tommy and Tubbo were safe. I didn't do anything when Tubbo told me about that man and now they're in trouble. This is all my fault.

Once I reached, I found a bunch of police cars and an ambulance outside an abandoned building calling for backup as some of them were bringing men in handcuffs from inside the building to the back of the police cars.

I spotted Ranboo and Techno and instantly tried to get to them.

"Where are they?" I questioned worriedly.

"In there." Ranboo answered, pointing to the abandoned building.

"Are they okay?"

"I'm not sure."

"Continue what you were saying, Ranboo." Techno stated.

"Tubbo said that they injected Tommy with something."

"What!? I yelled.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he's fine, he just acted a little off."

I observed as a police officer brought Tubbo out leading him to us and going back. His hands were tied with a rope behind his back. He looked awfully pale and sweaty, like he got tortured almost.. Tubbo's nose was bloody and he had a wound on his head, dried blood on it.

"Tubbo, you alright?" Ranboo asked worriedly.

"Where's Tommy?" I questioned, trying to keep calm.

"I'm fine but I don't know if Tommy's okay, they took him to another room and I could just hear him yelling and calling for me. I didn't know what to do I'm sorry..." Tubbo answered, clearly panicking.

"Don't be sorry, Tubbo. I'm sorry I didn't do anything when you told me about that guy." I tried not to panic.

"I mean it was their fault for even passing by him anyway, they asked for it." Techno stated.

When I tell you I was so close to beating the shit out of him-

"Turn around." Ranboo stated, turning Tubbo around so he could untie the rope.

My heart shattered as I saw Tubbo's hands were dark and almost purplish, extreme loss of blood circulation.

"Let me get that." Techno said, getting a knife from his pocket and cutting the rope off of Tubbo's hand.

Tubbo then rubbed his wrists painfully.

I observed as they pulled Tommy out to the ambulance. I was speechless. He had a black eye and was bleeding a lot from his stomach.

"TOMMY!" Tubbo yelled, seeing Tommy unconscious.

Ranboo held him back from running and looked at me.

We were clearly panicking but not showing it.

I tried being the leader but I didn't know what to do. Tubbo's injured and should probably go home but he really would want to see Tommy.... Phil is probably worried too...

"Fuck, uhm. Techno and Tubbo can go home. Ranboo come with me we're going to the hospital."


"I NEED TO BE WITH TOMMY!" Tubbo yelled, staring at me teary eyed.

"DREAM!" Ranboo called.

"HE'S BRUISED AND INJURED-" I said, getting cut off.

"MORE OF A REASON TO TAKE HIM!" Ranboo explained, he's right.

"I'M FINE! I'M GOING FOR TOMMY." Tubbo declined.


"TOMMY'S NOT GONNA WANNA SEE ME WHEN HE WAKES UP." Ranboo spoke, that's true.

"Tubbo's coming then. To get checked. Okay?" I decided.

"YES, PLEASE." Ranboo thanked.

"I'M FINE, I DON'T NEED TO BE CHECKED!" Tubbo rejected

"He needs to be checked. Come on, Ranboo." Techno agreed.

[616 words]

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