67: You've said enough

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The Dream House Part Sixty Seven

TW: Mentions of death, suicidal thoughts.

Third POV

It was minutes past six pm when Techno, Wilbur, Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy reached home together. Everyone sat in the living room, now waiting for Puffy and Hannah to get home. Sapnap stared at Tommy menacingly in silence, until Tommy noticed him staring.

"What the fuck are you staring at, prick?" Tommy queried.

"Staring at the little bitch sitting in front of me."

"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO CALLED ME A PIECE OF SHIT FOR NO REASON. HOW AM I THE BITCH!?" Tommy raised his voice, catching Dream's attention.


Part of him was saying these things to himself but another part didn't want to believe it was his fault, so he blamed someone else.

"YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH." Sapnap added, seeing past the fear in Tommy's eyes.

Dream's POV

After everything that happened today, everyone's been quiet and it's understandable. However, once I heard Tommy raising his voice, I tried to understand what happened. From what I heard, Sapnap called Tommy a piece of shit for a reason Tommy was unclear of. I thought it was just a small banter, nothing would get physical but once Sapnap got up from his seat and went closer to Tommy, I knew I had to step in.

"YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH." Sapnap added and pointed to Tommy's face, making him flinch.

"Sapnap, back off!" I said sternly, stepping in front of Tommy and pushing Sapnap away.

Although he's my best friend, he has no rights to yell at Tommy and say things like that.

"Dream-" Sapnap called, still staring at Tommy.

"No, fuck off, you've said enough. What's wrong with you?! You're literally scaring him." I scolded, but kept my voice lower than a yell.

Sapnap stayed silent, and I resumed speaking.

"Sit back down. I don't know what the fuck happened between you two but if it's about who I think it is, it's not worth fighting over."

Sapnap mentioned in his yell "he died" so I was almost positive this argument was about Karl. I understand Sapnap's upset, as am I, but there's no point in fighting over something that's in the past, something that's gone forever because it already happened.

Within minutes, Puffy and Hannah got home with a ton of pizza boxes. I helped them carry some to the living room table, where everyone was gathered for the house meeting. I didn't plan on what to say verbatim but I didn't want to drag it out or make it a long meeting anyway. I allowed others to add their opinions or say whatever they wanted.

"Okay. Sapnap, George and I were at the police station earlier and we've tried to call Karl's parents. We told his mom, but we couldn't get a hold of his dad unfortunately." I spoke.

"His mom doesn't know where he is either?" Punz asked.

"No, she never kept contact with him after they divorced." I clarified, continuing to speak as the rest remained silent.

"Karl's mom is planning a funeral for the day after tomorrow, around noon. The investigation is still going on, they're trying to find Jimmy and make him confess to everything. Just thought I should let you all know about that."

"To anyone who has planned streams, videos, events or anything social media related for the next few days, I think it's best if you cancel them. Especially tomorrow and the day after." Phil took over.

"Won't everyone get suspicious of why we aren't posting or streaming?" Badboyhalo questioned, facing Phil.

"They'll know something is up if you stream and act differently. Plus, you can't ignore chat. If they do notice something is off, they'll pressure you and ask a shit ton of questions. It's better to just cancel and say you're busy." Phil answered, letting the few seconds of silence flow like a chill breeze.

"We're definitely going to do another one of these house meetings soon, but if you guys need someone to talk to, you know where my room is." Puffy said gently, passing a light smile.

"If there's any updates, like the time and venue of the funeral or anything about the investigation, we'll say it in the Discord group. Let's eat for now." She added.

Ranboo's POV

I'm not crazy.... Right? My friend died and I hate how I feel. It's like there's a monster eating my guts. Guilt, shame. Something punching my ribs. Anger, despair. Something blurring my visions. Sadness, tears. Something whispering in my ears. Suicidal thoughts. Hell, I couldn't even pay attention to whatever stupid meeting happened. All I heard was "funeral".

It feels like I'm going crazy yet no one seems to realize it. I can't see what they see, no. What do I see though? Everyone's sad, but they're being sad together.

I'm just sad and alone.


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