22: Food Poisoning

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The Dream House Part Twenty Two

TW: Mentions of self harm.

Third POV

"Guys! We come bearing food!" Tubbo announced, walking through the front door with Ranboo.

"There's no guys downstairs, they're all in their rooms." Ranboo mentioned, glancing at Jack, Puffy and Hannah.

"Yeah it's only the girls and Jack Manifold." Tubbo chuckled, putting a bag of food on the counter.

"How dare you?" Jack Manifold questioned playfully.

"Why does it stink?" Ranboo asked, confused.

"Apparently Wilbur is sick, he threw up and Schlatt took him to the doctor." Puffy claimed.

"Yeah, we mopped the floors carefully but we still can't get the stink out." Hannah revealed.

"I feel like throwing up just smelling it." Tubbo stated, quickly pacing upstairs to Ranboo's room.

"Don't worry I'll spray so much air freshener, you would get sick by the nice smell." Jack mumbled, getting the spray.

"I warned him about the milk." Ranboo uttered.

"I hope he's okay." Hannah responded, glancing at Jack spraying the air freshener.

"FUCK!" Tubbo yelled from upstairs.

"Tubbo!? What's wrong?" Ranboo called, hearing his phone ring.

"Tubbo why are you calling me from upstairs?" He answered.

"Because you wouldn't hear me."

"Why did you yell earlier?"

"I forgot it was a Sunday, I have school tomorrow and I need to do my homework."

"Oh okay."

"Can you get my homework and come upstairs please?"


"Thanks, Boo!"

Ranboo then got Tubbo's books and went upstairs.

Schlatt came home with Wilbur from the ER and walked through the front door.

Karl's POV

Sapnap gave the directions to the cab driver right after they got in the car and we were going home.

"Thank you guys for getting me out of there." I spoke, watching as the two rush in the backseat.

Quackity instantly pulls me into a hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I missed you so much. And I'm sorry for being rude to you at the beach.." Quackity ranted.

"No, no, Quackity it's not your fault I was the one being in a bad mood in the first place." I said, pulling away from the hug.

"It was equally our fault... Mostly mine for telling the stream your parents were divorced... So I'm sorry because I didn't know you didn't want that info out." Sapnap apologized quickly.

"Your face..." Quackity mumbled, his hand gently caressing the bottom of my eye, close to my nose bridge.

"Oh my gosh, Karl, what did he do to you?" Sapnap concerned.

"Don't worry about it, I'm okay." I replied.

Jack's POV

I observed as the two walked through the door, Wilbur had his arm around Schlatt's shoulder, who was holding Wil's arm and waist for balance. I quickly helped them and got Wilbur down on the couch.

"I'm fine guys." Wilbur groaned, adjusting his posture.

"Wilbur you are not fine, stop acting so tough." Puffy appointed, followed by Wilbur's sigh.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO DRINK THE MILK." Ranboo bawled from upstairs.

"Lesson learned, I got it." Wilbur muttered.

"I'm glad you're fine." Hannah spoke.

"Yeah we got a little worried for you there." Jack added.

"I wasn't worried at all." Schlatt crossed his arms.

"That's a lie. You should've seen him- he was so worried, he was yelling to the nurse." Wilbur snitched.

We all laughed at that one.

Then comes in Dream and Tommy, who instantly ran to Wilbur.

"Will!" He called, hugging him tightly.

"Oh! Tommy, wha-" Wilbur confused.

"Are you okay? Dream told me you were at the hospital and I got so worried-" Tommy continued.

"It's okay, Tommy, I'm alright."

"Yeah, the doctor said it's just food poisoning. He gave meds and advised him to drink water." Schlatt conveyed.

"Tommy, go ask Tubbo about school tomorrow." Dream demanded.

"He's upstairs with Ranboo." I let him know.

"Alright..." Tommy sighed, letting go of Wilbur.

Tommy's POV

I'm so scared to go back to school... I walked upstairs to Ranboo's room where I saw Tubbo on the desk doing his homework. I kept overthinking about school and it was annoying.

"Hey, Tommy!" Ranboo greeted.

"Hi." I said softly.

"Does it still stink downstairs?" Tubbo queried.

"I don't smell anything." I mumbled.

"Wow, Jack was right." Tubbo stated.

"Tommy, are you okay?" Ranboo questioned, noticing that I zoned out.

"Yeah." I whispered.

"You don't look or sound okay." He replied.

"What do you mean?" I continued, sitting on the bed.

"Tommy, you're so clearly whispering. What's wrong?" Tubbo concerned, turning his rotating chair around from his desk.

"Nothing." I answered, looking down and rubbing my wrists.

Ranboo stood there eyeing my hands as Tubbo noticed it and quickly sat by me.

"Tom. Don't think about...that." Tubbo said softly, trying to get my mind off it.

"Is something worrying you that's making you think about it, maybe?" Ranboo chimed in.

"I just- I'm scared to go back to school."

"I mean I don't get why you should be, not only does the guy stand there after school, he stares at certain students that I kind of think just disappear." Tubbo explained out of the blue.

I wasn't paying attention to what he said.

"What? Tubbo, you're not helping!" Ranboo said.

No, I wont think about that. Nothing will happen.

[870 words]

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