71: ...broken?

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The Dream House Part Seventy One

TW: Attempted suicide, drug-use/misuse of drugs, self-harm, blood, gore.

I started the story with Ranboo's pov, but it's a flashback of before he sent the suicide note.

Ranboo's POV

As the tears continue to roll down my cheeks, I reread the paragraph I typed out. I left my phone beside me and opened the cap of the pill bottle. I took the pills two by two harshly along with water, not caring if I choked on them. The bitter taste leaving my tongue within seconds just shows how quick I swallowed them. I threw the half-empty container to the ground.

The minutes went by like hours. I couldn't bare to be here alone anymore. I didn't want to wait 10 minutes for these pills to work even though I've been waiting. I rushed out my room and went straight to Tommy's, then started rummaging through his drawers. Finding the drawer I was looking for, I took one of the blades he kept there and ran back to my room.

Running back was a bad idea. I started to feel dizzy, it was probably the pills. I quickly but quietly locked my room door after entering, and sat in the closest corner of my room. I couldn't think. I felt sort of...broken? Like someone hit shut down but there was still an open tab. I lifted my shirt slightly and pressed the blade against my skin. I couldn't feel it and everything got more blurry. My other hand held my phone and just sent the message I typed before. Everything went black.

"RANBOO!" I heard a muffled shout.

I struggled to open my eyes. I still couldn't feel anything but I could hear and see a little. Everything sounded distant, yet loud by how it echoed through my ears. The door was slammed open, although I remembered locking it. Tommy stood there watching me.

Tommy's POV

Breaking the door open with all my strength, I pay close attention to detail whilst ignoring the pain in my knuckles and elbow. Ranboo's curled up in the corner of his room, he looked pale. His hand was wrapped around his stomach and one knee was up to his chest. There were also a bottle of pills on the ground next to him, and pills were clattered around the floor. My eyes widened. He tried to kill himself. Out of instinct, I ran over and dropped to my knees.

"Did you take any? Be honest, please."

He shook his head no and sobbed. I gave him a hug.

"Don't ever fucking scare me like that."

"I can't do this, Tommy." He mumbled as I pulled away, sitting in front of him.

"I know you, Ranboo. Don't be like me and do this to yourself. It's not worth it."

"Then why do you still do it?"

"It gives me more reason to."


"Ranboo, are you okay?!" Tubbo interjected, standing in the doorway.

"Took you long enough." I uttered.

"I'm fine." Ranboo said, shakily.

Tubbo looked at him. "Say that again?"

"I said I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine, something's wrong." Tubbo said softly.

Tubbo got down next to me, I stood up but not far away from them. Tubbo gently took Ranboo's left hand, that was wrapped around his stomach, and pulled his hand out. Revealing a pool of blood along with a crimson stained blade on his hand, Tubbo gasped and backed away.

Oh, fuck.

"Fuck, no, no, no." I cursed and quickly applied pressure on Ranboo's wound.

Ranboo flinched at the pain. Remembering Tubbo hated the sight of blood, I knew I had to take control of the situation.

"Tubbo, wake Wilbur and call 911, now." I told him sternly but softly, and watched him back away.

I teared up at the sight of Ranboo.

"I'm sorry." Ranboo cried, breath becoming more unstable.

"I'm not letting this happen, you're gonna be okay." I reassured, trying not to think of the worse.

"I told you I can't do this."

"Stop saying that, I know you can." I replied, and continued speaking.

"I'm so sorry for everything. You don't deserve to be hurt like this. I promise I'll be a better friend to you and I really mean that."

Ranboo sobbed. "It doesn't matter anymore. I lied, I took the pills."

My heart felt like it sank into my chest. This is fine. There's still hope. There always is.

"This is all my fault." I whispered.

Third POV

Wilbur sprinted to Ranboo's room after getting woken up by a panicked Tubbo telling him Ranboo stabbed himself. He saw Tommy sitting by Ranboo, holding his wound. They both had bloody hands. Wilbur didn't interfere their conversation, but eavesdropped.

"I lied, I took the pills."

That's all he needed to hear for him to run back to Tubbo.

"Tubbo can you inform either Dream, or Phil about Ranboo? I'm about to call an ambulance." Wilbur ordered, Tubbo nodded and pulled out his phone.

Tubbo, being worried for his best friend, decided to go back to Ranboo as he rings for Phil's number. He remembered Phil and Tommy's phone number ever since they got adopted, so in case of emergencies he didn't have to go through his whole contact list. Going back to Ranboo's room only made him more scared, it made him think about how his life would be like without Ranboo.

"Tubbo, are you there?" Phil asked, after Tubbo didn't reply to his "hello".

"Phil, Ranboo t-tried to..." Tubbo trailed off, tears clouding his field of vision.

He sighed and hit his head against the wall on purpose.

"Tried to what? Is everything alright?"

"Tried to k-kill himself."



[956 words]

Started a joint account (@BonkersFruitSMP)! We write dsmp oneshots there, comment / dm if you're a decent writer and would like to be involved!

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