8: It'll Be Alright

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The Dream House Part Eight

TW: Blood, gore.


Tommy's POV

"Tommy?!" Dream called.

I looked away, feeling this uncontrollable rage that made me want to break a pencil and I DON'T KNOW WHY.

"What happened?" Dream asked Niki.

"I'm not sure but he cut himself and he's scared you'll get mad at him." Niki responded.

"Tommy... What's wrong?" Dream questioned quietly.

"I don't know how to solve a single fucking question." I whimpered, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Why are you crying over such a small matter?" He added, sitting down on the chair to get a good look at my face.

"I DON'T KNOW. I'M SORRY." I yelled.

"You don't have to hurt yourself because of it! There's blood everywhere!" He said, voice rising higher.

I clenched my fists tightly, watching them go white as I lose blood circulation in my hands.


"Shhhh.... Calm down..." He whispered calmly, holding my hand.

I snatched it back because I thought he was going to touch my wound.

"I'm sorry..." I uttered shakily.

Techno would get so mad. He hates orphans and I never knew why. We are a family but he hates to think of it that way. I'm such a f-

"Dream, Sa- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?" Quackity shouted from upstairs.

Dream explained while Quackity started walking downstairs. I didn't like how many people were here right now and I was scared if they were going to judge me. I was about to run past Quackity when he held my arm, close to where my wound was. I cried out, almost falling down the stairs.

"Tom-" Dream called worriedly.

"Oh shit! Sorry I didn't know I touched it." Quackity claimed, leading me down the stairs.

I leaned my head against the wall and tried to recollect myself but the pain wasn't helping.

Dream walked to us with the first aid kit and noticed how my wound was still open and blood was oozing out.

"It's not healing... How deep did you cut yourself?" He questioned.

"I'm sorry!!" I kept apologizing, not knowing what else to say.

"It's okay, Tommy. I'm not mad at you." Dream whispered.

"Really?" I interrogated.

"No, why would I be? You really shouldn't have done this but I'm not mad because you did. A little disappointed maybe but it's fine. He stated politely.

Quackity opened the kit and grabbed a bandage. He poured some yellow liquid on it and gave it to Dream. He took a napkin from his pocket and put it up to my face.

"Umm... Here, open your mouth." Dream demanded.

I allowed him to put the napkin in my mouth, wondering why he told me to do so.

"Okay, this may hurt- a lot." Dream mentioned, wrapping my arm with the bandage, placing the yellow part on my wound.

I felt a burning sensation and started screaming, muffled because of the napkin. Oh, that's why he put it there.

I was struggling to get away but Quackity and Fundy were holding me down. Niki tried her best to comfort me and it was helping. I focused on her calm voice, trying hard to ignore the pain. She went through my hair gently with her hands and said to me;

"It'll be alright, Tommy."


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