47: Last Words

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The Dream House Part Forty Seven

Tubbo's POV

"We're sorry to inform you but he's dead." The police officer said.

"What!?" Sapnap and I yelled in unison.

"N-no, he can't be! He was just here! I- I don't believe you!" I panicked, tears forming in my eyes.

Sapnap turned to me and bent down to my level, hugging me lightly.

"It- it's okay, let me handle this..." He whispered, pulling away.

"We need his parent to sign some papers at the station and go to the mortuary first before that." Raina said.

"He is... was adopted by uh.. Phil but I think he's not here at the moment. I could go and sign the papers if you want, I was very close to him as well." Sapnap told the officer.

My last conversation with him was an argument...

"Are you above the age of eighteen?" Raina asked Sapnap.


"Okay, you need to bring the adoption papers to the station."

I couldn't even imagine what was going through Sapnap's head.

Sapnap's POV

I need to bring the adoption papers to the station. Where the fuck does Phil even keep those?!

"Could you give us like five minutes to get the papers and stuff?" I asked awkwardly.

"Sure, I'll be waiting by the car." Raina said as I closed the door.

Technically Phil is the right person to go because I have no fucking idea how to deal with this. Okay, maybe I should tell Dream. I was lost in my thoughts.

"We have no time, Sapnap! Let's get the papers and go!" Tubbo stated.

"Do you know where it is?"

"What? Of course! I'm also the adopted one if you forgot."

"No, I- Well, where is it?"

"The room with a ton of books and stuff."

"By the camera room?"

"Yeah, I'd go take it but I wouldn't know which is the right one."

"Yeah we know."

"I'll go get the papers, you stay here." I ordered, sprinting to 'the room with a ton of books and stuff'.

Tubbo's POV

I waited a while, a million thoughts running through my head. Sapnap shouldn't be taking this long.

"Hey, was there someone at the door? What happened?" Quackity questioned, walking down the stairs.

"A police officer is outside, she told Sapnap to get Tommy's adoption papers." I explained briefly.

"Why, did Tommy finally get arrested for breaking into school that one time?" Quackity laughed.

"He did what now?-" Sapnap spoke as I interjected.

"He fucking died, stop making jokes."

"Huh, did Principal Whitner kill him?" Quackity asked jokingly.

"Let's just go find out what happened to him." I said sadly, walking towards the front door.

"We'll get to the bottom of this, Tubbo. Let's go burn the school down." Quackity suggested, while he continued laughing.

"Shut up, Quackity. We'll be back later. You better tell me why Principal Whitner would kill Tommy later." Sapnap mentioned, walking to the door.

I followed Sapnap to the police car, we both got in the back. Sapnap debated whether he should tell the group, he was sceptical about the whole situation. He sent this to the group.

Cops came to the house earlier, said there was a car accident and our address was in the passenger's wallet. Apparently the passenger is Tommy and when I asked if he was okay, the lady said he's dead. Still not sure about this but I'm heading to the morgue then the police station. Anyone other than Phil, don't call or come to where we are.
Oh and also Tubbo is with me.

I couldn't comprehend what just happened. I doubt this is true mainly because I don't want it to be true...

"Forget about me if I die."

I remembered what Tommy had told me before... I can't forget him even if I tried.

We got to the mortuary first, I hated how it reeked of death. We walked in and waited for the police to show us the body and confirm if it was Tommy.

It was Tommy... There was something off but I'm pretty sure I just wanted to think that way because I want him to be alright... His blonde hair was drenched in blood, his face was as pale as ever, he was wearing the same red and white shirt he left the house in.

"Fuck all of you. Especially you, Tubbo. I thought you were better than them... I guess not."

Tommy's last words to me were that. I deserved that. My Tommy... is gone.

Third POV

Sapnap couldn't believe it was him. Tubbo was devastated by looking at his corpse, already in tears. As Sapnap dragged him out the mortuary, he saw Quackity and Ranboo outside. Ranboo quickly ran to Tubbo and gave him a tight hug. Sapnap felt relieved even though he clearly ordered them to stay back home.

"Thank God you're here. How are you guys here?" Sapnap asked, pulling Quackity into a hug.

"Puffy drove me here, she's around the corner. She wanted to help out. Is Tommy actually..." Quackity trailed off, he meant to finish with 'dead'.

Sapnap nodded yes, pulling away from the hug as he looked at Tubbo.

"Tubbo, I think it's best you go home." He said softly, wiping Tubbo's tears as they kept flowing.

"No..." Tubbo mumbled through his cries.

"It's okay.. We'll just wait in the car." Ranboo stated, putting his arm around Tubbo's shoulder as they walked away.

Sapnap and Quackity walked back in to talk to Raina, the officer in charge with the ongoing investigation involving Tommy.

In the car, Puffy and Ranboo tried their best to reassure Tubbo. Hearing his phone ring, Tubbo looked at the screen to see who was calling.

Tommy <3

Decline | Accept

[997 words]

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