32: I Missed You

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The Dream House Part Thirty Two

TW: Mentions of self harm

Tommy's POV

"Like you said, Tommy, I feel like I deserve to be hurt."

The voice of Karl's words echoed in my brain. He totally doesn't deserve to be hurt, what made him say that? Was it me or did he actually feel that way? I feel bad for Karl. He's been through so much, his parents divorce, hate from that, and now getting betrayed by someone who he once called his friend. I could not imagine what's going through his head. I'm proud of him though, for being able to keep it together for so long.

"Tommy?" I heard, but didn't pay much attention to it.

He said that because of me, didn't he? I did that to him. I ruin everyone's life. And it's true no matter what anyone else says. He doesn't deserve to be hurt. I SHOULD.

"Tommy! Snap out of it!" Karl shook me, I realised warm tears rolling down my cheeks.

"What happened!?" Karl asked, his hands on my shoulder.

I don't know. I felt... angry. But I don't want to yell at Karl like I did to Ranboo.

"Karl, get out.. Please." I said softly.

"Are you oka-"

"KARL. Get out." My voice spoke loudly, but shakily.

I noticed as Karl's eye filled with tears, walking out slowly.

Wilbur's POV

I came back from my office earlier around 3pm. Not many people were back yet, but once I entered I saw Ranboo on his phone in the living room. At the dining table sat Karl, who had his head in his hands.

I'm pretty sure George, Dream and Sapnap were home too, I could hear them talking loudly upstairs. I think they mentioned they were gonna stream something but I'm not sure. I would watch the stream but my battery has been dead and my attention was on Karl at the moment.

"Karl? Are you alright?" I asked worriedly, making him lift his face up to me.

"Yeah I'm fine. How are you, have you eaten?" He replied, his voice a bit raspy.

"I ate out, yeah. You?"

"No, I actually forgot. I'll eat soon."

"You seem upset, what's bothering you?" I questioned.

"Tommy yelled at Ranboo earlier, then I went in to speak to him." Karl explained.

"And as I suspected, he yelled at Karl too." Ranboo chimed in.

"He probably just needs some space. He's been through a lot." I spoke my thoughts.

Third POV

Tommy was annoyed. He was enraged but sad at the same time. He wanted to apologize to everyone but when he wanted to, he'd just end up yelling.

"Don't think of the bad side of people. Think of the good in them." Tommy thought to himself.

He likes Wilbur, he is like a brother figure to Tommy.

He liked how Phil used to take him, Tubbo and Wilbur to parks and shopping malls but that kind of faded away.

Tubbo. He is Tommy's everything. Even though he doesn't show it, he would die for Tubbo. Tubbo always makes him happy. When Tommy cried, Tubbo would change the subject and make Tommy laugh, forgetting why he was sad. When he was mad, Tubbo would know how to calm him.

He had Tubbo all to himself. Until Ranboo came along. He never had a deep hatred for Ranboo, he just is kind of jealous. He won't admit it though.

He remembered the pocket knife was in the bathroom and was so sure he was going to use it once more. Until.... He heard Tubbo's voice. Karl had caught him up about Tommy, Tubbo yelled at Ranboo for lying to him and saying that 'Tommy's doing great'. Tubbo then asked them why he's mad.

"He thinks we don't care about him." Ranboo said.

"I'm sure he would like to hear your voice in a time of need." Karl whispered, Tubbo going to his own room and closing the door.

He knew Tommy was in the bathroom, he could hear Tommy's sniffles from behind it.

"Tommy." Tubbo called softly.


"What's up? Did you miss me?" Tubbo questioned playfully, but Tommy couldn't act that way today.

"Tubbo, I missed you so fucking much. I- I've been wanting to talk to you all day." Tommy cried.

"Really? What happened?" Tubbo asked, he wanted to hear it from Tommy's perspective now.

"I'm sad and angry... I keep yelling at everyone even when I don't want to. I- I keep thinking about..." Tommy trailed off, remembering Tubbo hated when Tommy talked about self harm.

"Tom, don't think about that. Like- do you- where is it?" Tubbo stammered.

Tommy's phone started ringing, he reached on the counter to see that it was Niki.

"Niki's calling..." Tommy mumbled.

"She can wait. Where's the knife? Are you having it with you? TELL ME." Tubbo interrogated, very sternly.

"I- I'm..." Tommy stuttered, not wanting to tell him the truth.

"Tommy, WHERE IS IT?"

"I'm... holding it."

"Throw it across the bathroom and I need to hear it."

Tommy slides the knife across the bathroom and Tubbo heard it.

"Okay, good. Did you use it? Are you okay?" Tubbo concerned.

"I was so close to using it but then you came in... So I didn't." Tommy answered.

"I'm glad I stopped you then." Tubbo said, relieved.

'so close to using it... again.'  Tommy thought to himself.

[900 words]

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