63: Evidence

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The Dream House Part Sixty Three

TW: Mentions of murder, self-harm thoughts.

Quackity's POV

It took me a long time to process everything that happened. I don't know what came over me but I think the fact that I was too busy being mad at Karl and not helping him with Jimmy made me regret my actions and wished I could've been there for him. I could hear everything and everyone but I just didn't feel like talking.

"GUYS, COME HERE!" A voice, most likely Ranboo's, yelled at the other corner of the house.

I passed a glance to Puffy, who was sitting opposite me in the living room. Her eyes met mine, both of us mentally agreeing to follow the orders of Ranboo.

"Where are you?" Puffy asked, walking in front of me to where we heard him.

"Karl's room!" Ranboo answered.

I could hear an argument, two familiar voices but they sounded as if it were a recording.

"-wanna test that theory?"

"I don't think you'd do it."

"Ranboo, come out of his room. What happened?" Puffy sighed, standing outside Karl's room.

"Give me one reason why you think so."

Facing us, Ranboo spoke.

"That's Jimmy voice. The one talking to Karl." He smiled menacingly, looking down at the phone he was holding.

That's Karl's phone.

"Come out here, show us." Puffy ordered, not wanting to go in the room as it did reek of blood.

"It's a recording. This proves that Jimmy was here and most probably killed Karl." Ranboo explained, walking out the room towards us.

"Hand it to the cops! It's evidence that Jimmy's guilty."

"Guys, don't go in that room, the cops are about to check it for evidence and stuff." Phil said from a distance, two cops following behind him.

"We found something." Ranboo said, passing Karl's phone to Phil as he came closer.

"Karl's phone! Where'd you find it?"

"He texted me hours ago saying his phone was under his bed. I found, and it was recording everything that happened before he died!"

"Evidence." One of the cops said before Phil handed it to him.

"If y'all find any more things or evidence that may be connected to this investigation, tell us and don't touch it." He added.

"Okay, sorry." Ranboo apologized.

Wilbur's POV

Phil told us all to leave the house temporarily if we could, until the cops left. He specified he didn't want the three youngest, Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy in the house. Then Phil called me and asked me to take them somewhere. We'd just lost one of our closest friends and I didn't really feel like doing anything but that doesn't matter. Tubbo and Tommy didn't look like they wanted to leave either.

"Where do you guys want to go? I feel like the cops would be here for hours so we have time to waste." I asked softly, looking up from my phone.

"I don't fucking care." Tommy whispered shakily, staring at his phone screen.

"You can take us anywhere, Wilbur." Tubbo replied, instantly after Tommy.

"Alright, come on. We'll get Ranboo and leave now."

Tommy's POV

So I lost my twin brother and one of my best friends in the same month. What did I do to deserve this? My heart is saying I'm not in the wrong but my mind is telling me the exact opposite. Maybe I did do this. Karl's been there for me at my lowest and I wasn't there for him.

He didn't make it

I continue staring at that message while a million thoughts run through my head.

"Where do you guys want to go?" Wilbur asked, then continues talking but my mind decided to block out his voice.

"I don't fucking care." I hear myself say.

I didn't mean that. Shit, what's wrong with me?

"You can take us anywhere, Wilbur."

I'm so thankful for Tubbo. He really understands me. I don't deserve him.

"Alright, come on. We'll get Ranboo and leave now." Wilbur said as I passed a glance over to one of my drawers, which consisted of multiple sharp objects.

I'm sure Tubbo knew what I was thinking about, that he wouldn't leave my room until I did first.

I don't know where Wilbur told the Uber driver to take us, but I could tell Will was worried about us from the way he turned back to check on us every few minutes. We reached a house, it wasn't small but wasn't a mansion. It wasn't dirty but didn't look new. I got out the car after Tubbo and Ranboo.

"Where are we?" I asked quietly, after Wilbur payed the Uber driver.

"A house filled with memories." He said.


I've been working on this story a lot more recently that I already have the next few chapters written. That being said, "64: You're a piece of shit - Sapnap" is coming soon! I hope you guys have been enjoying this book, I would love to hear your constructive criticism :)

[800 words]

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