27: Heaven?

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The Dream House Part Twenty Seven

TW: Suicidal thoughts.

Tommy's POV

My visions were slightly blurry. The first thing I saw was a white ceiling. Is this heaven? I hope so. I don't want to feel this pain anymore. I tilt my head to my left and I see a bag with fluid in it that's going in my arm. I always seen those, I don't really know what it is. Wait a minute. I'm in the hospital...? This is like the second time... First in school when I felt something and just blacked out, then I was in that... horrid place getting fucking tortured, I guess I got knocked out and now I'm here...

I couldn't comprehend what was happening. My head was throbbing and it felt like my emotions had been sucked out of me and I hated it. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, I JUST WANT TO GO HOME-

"Tommy, are you awake?" I heard a familiar voice.

I turned to my right and see Dream sitting on a chair far back this room. Once he noticed I was in fact awake, he sprinted over to me.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

I felt weak and I didn't want to speak. It kind of felt like I tried fighting KSI but failed miserably.

"Do you remember what happened?" He continued.

I nodded yes, but I don't really remember how I got here.

"Say something, Tommy... You got us all worried." He requested.

I got them worried? WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE- TUBBO-

"Tommy?" He called, I'm sure he realised I was worried now.

"Where's Tubbo!?" I yelled, but my voice was hoarse from recent yells and my throat was painful.

"Don't worry, he's okay. He's in the floor below this, he's condition is not as bad as yours."

He passed me a bottle of water and told me to drink it.

"Is he alone? DID YOU LEAVE HIM-" I got cut off.

"Phil came here, he's with Tubbo."

I drank a little bit of the water.

"Can I go see him?"

"Not right now, Tommy."

"Can I go home?"

"You have to stay here for the night until you get better." Dream answered.

"What!? How about Tubbo?" I asked once more.

"He can go home but Phil told the doctors to run more tests on him and make sure he's okay."

I sighed and look back at the thing on my left.

"You're still weak, you should get some rest."

"What is this thing?" I asked out of boredom.

"It's an IV fluid... bag."

"Why is it attached to me?"

"It's to make sure you stay hydrated and stable."

"Have any more questions?" He chuckled, not knowing I did in fact have a lot more questions.

"What happened to me? Did I die? What time is it? What day is it? Who else knows about this? Where is Wilbur? You asked for this so you better fucking explain."

"Oh, well... You and Tubbo got kidnapped and sort of tortured, the people who did that to you are in jail, but you were injured badly and the police officers found you unconscious. Then you were brought here in an ambulance. You didn't die, thankfully, but you lost a lot of blood. Hence the reason why you're really weak. It's still a Monday, now 6pm. I mentioned this in the gc so I'm guessing everyone knows. Wilbur is on his way, he wanted to stay here with you for the night." Dream explained.

I didn't die. I was tortured but not to death. I'm alive. Sometimes... I wish I wasn't.

[606 words]

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