42: Low Blood Pressure

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The Dream House Part Forty Two

Third POV

Tommy wasn't showing it, but he was more weaker than the others thought. Phil thought of the worst, he's always the type to worry about even the little things. Ranboo tried distracting Tommy by making small talk.

"So Tommy, what are your favourite things in that park?" Ranboo asked.

"I really loved how there were Jasmine flowers every corner, and the pond looked really cool too." Tommy answered truthfully.

"You always loved Jasmine flowers." Tubbo mentioned.

"They're my favourite." Tommy revealed, Tubbo already knew this of course.

Once they got home, Phil opened the front door and went inside quickly. Ranboo and Tubbo helped Tommy get inside, the door was only a few feet away but they still wanted to help.

Tommy wanted to let the rest know that he was fine so that they wouldn't worry but he'd be lying. He already lied about harming himself and felt guilty.

"Tommy, stay there." Phil announced from the kitchen, loud enough for them to hear.

Tommy disobeyed as he leaned next to the couch, watching Phil walk towards him with a glass of water.

"Drink it slowly." Phil told Tommy softly, bending down next to him and giving him the glass.

"Tom, are you okay?" Jack questioned as he walked out his room, seeing as Tommy looked debilitated.

"I think he has low blood pressure." Ranboo answered, letting Hannah and Jack know.

"Yeah, obviously." Phil sighed, he was stressed.

"It's fine." Tommy said as he let out a raspy cough.

"Clearly not, Tommy. Why did you even stupidly decide to leave?" Tubbo mumbled, taking the empty glass to fill it back up.

"Where was he?" Jack asked.

"At the park." Tubbo answered, giving a filled glass of water back to Tommy as Jack asked him why he was there.

"Wilbur said Phil, Tubbo, him and I were going there together today but with the whole Niki thing I knew he wasn't gonna do anything." Tommy explained after drinking the water, his voice was clearer than before.

Once Tommy said this, the others especially Phil, were confused as they knew nothing about this. Phil trusted the rest to take care of Tommy as he left to his room upstairs.

Phil called Wilbur over the phone and told him to come to his room.

"Hello?" Wilbur called, walking through Phil's room door.

"What did you tell Tommy?" Phil asked sternly.

"What do you mean? I haven't seen him all day."

"Yeah, because he ran away." Phil said, watching as Wilbur closed the door.

"What? To where?" Wilbur questioned worriedly, knowing nothing about that.

"The park and we got him back but he said you promised him that we were going."

"Woah, I didn't promise anything." Wilbur defended himself quickly.

"But you told him that, correct?" Phil double-checked.

"Not exactly, I said I'd check in with you guys."

"But you didn't, Wilbur. You didn't even know he was gone."

"I was taking care of Niki! Do you not know what happened to her!?"

"I do, but because of you, Tommy's extremely weak."

"Because of me!?"

"YEAH." Phil yelled.

"It's not that big of a deal-" Wilbur stated softly, getting cut off.

"Look, I know you're not Tommy's biological brother but he sees you as one."

"That's not fair."

"No, Wilbur. I don't want to hear it anymore. You could've at least acted like a good brother to him. Get out."

"Phil, stop acting like this is a bigger problem than it is!"

"I don't care, I said get out."

Wilbur felt irritated and furious. He wanted to yell because he couldn't handle dealing with everyone's problems. He hid that feeling to make sure Niki was doing alright. After that, he knew exactly what he was going to do.

[635 words]

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