72: Trust No One

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The Dream House Part Seventy Two

TW: mentions of blood, mentions of self-harm.


Third POV

So now Phil, Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo knows about Ranboo. Ranboo made it clear to them he didn't want anyone else to know, so they respected his decision...but it's hard to keep that from their roommates, especially when an ambulance came to their house. Some of them heard it, and informed the others.

The Dream House

Did anybody else hear sirens?

i was just playing bedwars with techno and i heard it
im pretty sure it passed the front of our house

i would say i didn't hear anything but i heard it coming from ur mic

Tbf Techno you're all the way on the other side of the house
And yes I heard them too

who tf just closed the front door...?

Not me
It was probably Wilbur, I saw him in the living room earlier

Wasn't me either
I'm checking who's downstairs just in case
No one's here


Not here

Meanwhile, Tubbo and Tommy sat at the eerily empty seats outside the emergency room in the hospital. Wilbur sat in between them, his left hand being held by Tommy and his right shoulder being leaned on by Tubbo's head. He reread the messages he'd just sent in the group chat.

The Dream House

Wilbur Soot
I took the children to watch a movie

in an ambulance?

Wilbur Soot
No? What are you on Techno
The movie's starting, byeeeee

"He told me he didn't take them, Wilbur, if I knew earlier-" Tommy spoke but Wilbur cut him off.

"It's okay, Tommy, it's not your fault."

"I should've just let Sapnap yell at me instead of bringing up Ranboo again."

"No, Tom-"

"Wait, what do you mean again?" Tubbo asked.

"Sapnap and I were fighting earlier... and I brought up Ranboo's name. He heard and that's why he didn't want to join us for movie night."

"Was it about the same thing?"

"Yeah." Tommy answered honestly, he felt guilty.

Tubbo was enraged. "You're so fucking stupid."

"Tubbo, don't." Wilbur said.

"Why did you both lie to me?"

"Look what you're trying to fucking cause, that's why we did." Tommy scolded back.

"I'm not trying to "cause" anything! You just admitted to arguing with Sapnap, talking about Ranboo behind his back, and lying to my face! You're the one that starts shit."

"That's not fair, Tubbo, I wasn't the one that started it this time."

"Sure, t-" Tubbo replied, getting interupted by Wilbur.

"Tubbo, that's enough. We, including me, are being bad friends to Tommy. Instead of yelling at him at everything he does wrong we should push him in the right direction and try to prevent him from making the same mistake!"

"Jesus Christ, what did I miss?" Phil questioned.

"Phil!" Tubbo called, completely ignoring Wilbur's statement.

"Ranboo's stable, luckily. He's going to stay here for the night under suicidal surveillance, and I'm staying with him."

"I'm staying too." Tubbo walked over to stand beside Phil.

Tommy wanted to yell at Tubbo so bad. He had a lot to say.

"Clearly, you don't fucking know how to be a good friend as you've never been one. You yelled at me even though you didn't do SHIT when he bled out. Yeah, maybe I was acting stupid at times but don't act like you never were." Tommy thought.

"I'm going home with Tommy." Wilbur replied, pulling Tommy's arm with him gently as they walked to the car.

"Trust no one." Tommy thought as 'it' came back.

"Relapse, do it. Join Karl. Join Tristan." It said, but Tommy didn't want to believe it anymore.

"Tommy?" Wilbur called, they both stood next to the car.

Tommy then heard Karl's voice.

"You're better than this, Tommy. Better than them."

"You can do this, Tom. I believe in you, I'm proud of how far you've come."

Was the second one Tristan? He didn't know. He was left teary-eyed.

"Tommy, hey, you okay?" Wilbur asked.

"Huh? Oh, y-yeah. Sorry."

"It's alright. What happened?"

"Nothing." Tommy responded, clearing his throat.

Wilbur ruffled the blonde's hair. "Are you sure?"

Tommy nodded.

"Let's go home."

The two of them reached back home safely and quietly. Tommy seemed lost in his thoughts, and Wilbur knew but acted as if he didn't.

"Are you still up for a movie?" Wilbur asked, both of them in his room.

"Sure, but pick a good one this time."

"Was the other one not good?"

"I dare you to fucking watch the whole thing and we'll see if you fall asleep again."

The brunette chuckled, passing Tommy his phone and letting him pick the movie. They both eventually fell asleep while watching the movie.


[800 words]

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