10: Divorced

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The Dream House Part Ten

TW: Panic attack


Third POV

It's Wednesday in mid March, eleven days after Tommy self harming. They've been treating Tommy better, helping him with his homework and keeping an eye on him to make sure he doesn't cut himself again. They haven't sent Tommy back to school just yet but Tubbo is still going. Tubbo has been updating him, telling him how different school is comparing to last year.

Karl has been awfully quiet this past few days and no one knows why. No one has seen Karl today at all, he's been in his room the whole day. Wilbur, Tubbo and Ranboo planned on going to the beach this Saturday and Dream wanted to make sure everybody was free.

"Okay, who's left?" Dream questioned.

"Punz, Quackity, Karl-- Yeah it's only them three." Wilbur answered.

"Quackity texted me and confirmed that he's free." Sapnap announced.

"And Punz said he'll give us an answer by Friday." George replied.

"Well, then it's just left with Karl." Wilbur stated.

"Where is Karl, anyway?" Tommy questioned.

"He's been in his room all day... I wanted to talk to him but I'm waiting for Quackity to get home so we can talk to him together." Sapnap mentioned.

"Really? Can I go check on him?" Eret asked worriedly, tuning to Sapnap.

Sapnap nodded, watching as Eret walked up the stairs.

Eret's POV

I knocked on Karl's room door silently to hear sniffles and sobs coming from it. The door unlocked and I walked in. He was sitting with his knees up to his head behind the door.

"Karl, what's wrong?" I inquired gently, locking the door behind me for privacy.

"My parents are getting divorced..." He whimpered.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked calmly, bending down to him.

He nodded, eyes red and swollen from crying. I sat on the floor next to him and waited until he was comfortable to talk about it.

"I don't want them to split up..." He mumbled shakily, wiping his tears.

"It's okay... Explain to me what happened."

"They argue a lot and I- I understand why they want to get divorced but I visit them everyday and I l-love them, I can't imagine them not being together..."Karl explained.

"I totally get it."

"How would you know how I feel!? You're parents aren't divorced and I know that!" He bawled back.

"They aren't divorced but my dad cheated on my mum nine years ago and told me to keep it a secret. I told my mum the next day but she already knew."

"What?! She didn't do anything about it?" He questioned, confused.

"Their parents were strict. They had an arranged marriage, they didn't want to get married in the first place."

"She couldn't do anything about it. My parents argued all the time and I used to feel the same way you did." I added.

Karl's POV

After Eret told me about his past, I started to get worried if something serious like that happened between my parents. I love them so much but I can't stop thinking about the worst case scenario after their divorce. I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE TWO CHRISTMASES OR THE TWO BIRTHDAYS. I WANT MY FAMILY BACK TOGETHER!

"Karl?" Eret's voice echoed by me.

I came back to reality and found myself having difficulty to breathe. I turned to Eret, trembling and freaking out because my heart was racing. I felt an intense pressure on my chest and I thought I was going crazy.

"KARL, WHAT'S WRONG!?" Eret shouted, worried for me.

I was worried for me too. I was hyperventilating and felt a choking sensation in my throat. It was almost like my spirit was slowly riping apart from my body. I put my hands on Eret's, begging him to help me.

"Wait here!" Eret ordered and ran out of the room.

I heard as he announced to the rest:



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