6: Bruises Heal

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The Dream House Part Six

TW: Blood, gore.

Eret's POV

We got out of the supermarket and carried the bags of groceries we had to the car.

I heard Bad's phone ring a couple of times in the store right before we got out but I didn't say anything because he was busy paying at the cashier. It rang again shortly after and it was Quackity who called. Bad tried calling him back but he didn't answer.

I was about to call Tommy to ask if there was a problem when Schlatt said they messaged in the group.

"They said something about Tommy thinking there was someone in the house." Schlatt added.

"I'm calling Tommy." I stated in a hurry, putting the phone on speaker.

"Tommy, is everything alright?" I asked, hearing him pant.

"Eret. I'm away but I'm not hidden. There's someone in the house and they've got Quackity."

"What? How'd they get in?"

"I don't know, but I'm scared. Please hur-"



"Big Q?!"


"QUACKITY!" Tommy shouted right before the phone call ended.

"Oh, no. We need to get home quick." I announced.

Third POV

Once Eret, Schlatt and Bad reached their home, they sprinted in and saw Tommy laying unconscious on the ground by the stairs.

"TOMMY!" Eret called out, running to Tommy.

"Oh my god, is he okay?!" Bad asked worriedly.

"There's blood on the floor from his mouth and he has a black eye." Eret explained.

"Good to see he's not that hurt." Schlatt stated calmly.

"What!? He-" Eret stuttered.

"I'll go find for Quackity." Schlatt announced, walking past Tommy and Eret.

"I'll get some water for Tommy." Bad said.

"He's up here!" Schlatt shouted from upstairs.

Tommy flinched and gained consciousness, gasping for air.

Tommy's POV

I shouted and groaned in agony, a fierce cry bursting from my throat.

"Tommy, Tommy!" Eret called, getting worried as to why I was screaming.

I moved and winced at the burning sensation wrapping around my waist.

"Big Q?? Where's Quackity!?" I shouted weakly, my voice hoarse from screaming.

I tried to hold back the pain as I continued covering my stomach with my hand, leaning against the wall.

"Tommy!" Quackity shouted back, running down the stairs with bruises covered around him.

"Quackity, I'm sorry I didn't follow you up there-" I apologized.

"No, I'm sorry I didn't believe you, Tommy..." Quackity replied, bending down to me.

"Now you're hurt..." He added, dusting my shirt.

Painful sobs slipped through my lips when I felt Quackity touch my stomach.

"Why do you keep doing that?" Bad asked quietly, walking over to me and pushing Quackity away.

Bad lifted my shirt up and noticed my body had a few bruises.

"Oh my god, Tommy." Bad reacted.

"Hold on, I'll get an ice pack." Eret answered, walking to the kitchen.

"Quackity, are you okay?" Bad questioned, wanting to make sure.

"He was tied to a chair, but he doesn't look like he was hurt badly." Schlatt announced, marching down the stairs.

"I'm asking him, not you Schlatt." Bad said politely.

"I'm fine, Bad." Quackity responded, hearing the front door open.

Sapnap came in from outside, dirt covered on his wrinkled shirt.

"Sapnap? What're you doing here?" Quackity interrogated, getting up and walking towards him.

"I was by the park when you texted in Discord and got worried if something like this would happen so I came back." Sapnap spoke.

He put down a duffel bag by the door gently and looked at his fiancé.

"I attacked the guy and got our stuff back. He ran away." Sapnap claimed.

"Gracias, mi amor." Quackity thanked, giving him a hug.

Sapnap pulled away and looked at the bruise and blood on Quackity's face.

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, you wouldn't have got beat up." Sapnap whispered.

"There's no way you would've known. Bruises heal anyway." Quackity stated with a slight smile on his face.


660 words]

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