29: You're a child, Tommy

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The Dream House Part Twenty Nine

TW: Mentions of self harm.

Tubbo's POV

It's a Wednesday now, Tommy's at home and I'm at school.

I walked in school alone, it felt normal.

Turns out, Tommy and I getting kidnapped was on the news. Our faces weren't exactly on the news but our names were mentioned, according to the principal... He brought me in as soon as I entered the school.

My friends weren't to be seen, I continued my day without them till lunch. I sat at the cafeteria, my friends still not even there.

I wonder if Tommy's okay. I'm gonna text Ranboo and ask him to check up on Tommy for me.

Tommy's POV

I couldn't help it. I just sat there, in the corner of my room. I felt like I deserved the pain and torture I went through. There was a pocket knife on the ground, almost under the bed but I could see it. I grabbed it and put it closer to me. The bathroom was right next to me, I wanted to go in there but I knew if I did I would use it. Being out here stopped me from cutting myself, mainly because the front door is open.

"Hey, Tommy?" Ranboo called from outside, knocking my door.

I instantly slide the knife in the bathroom, closing the door till you couldn't see inside from where I sat.

"Yeah?" I asked.

He slowly opened the door and saw me sitting on the floor. I noticed my rolled up sleeves which I instantly adjusted and rolled back down.

He ran to me and rolled my sleeves back up, checking my hand all over.

"I didn't." I said, looking at him.

"Tommy, listen to me. That will not solve anything. Talk to me, why do you keep thinking of that!?" Ranboo asked, sitting cross-legged beside me.

"BECAUSE I FEEL FUCKING USELESS." I bawled, on the verge of tears.

He sat there patiently, looking like he just wanted me to continue speaking.

"You don't get it, Ranboo. It's hard to stop thinking about that and I'm trying not to actually do it." I sighed, leaning back against the wall.

"I don't understand but I'm trying to, so I can help you. I'm proud of you for trying. Just... Try harder." He announced boldly.

"Try harder? Really? Why did you even come in here anyway?" I questioned.

"Because Tubbo texted and told me to check on you." Ranboo answered.

"Tubbo told you to- Oh well that explains it."

"Explains what?"

"You don't care, you just came in here because Tubbo asked you to."

"That's not true!"

"You never cared about me since day one. It was always you stealing my friends."

"Tommy, listen-"

"No, you listen to me, Ranboo! You don't get to come in here and tell me to fucking 'TRY HARDER' and act like you care when I know you don't. Just go ahead and steal my friends I don't give a shit anymore. Now leave me the fuck alone, can you?" I yelled.

"Wow, okay." He stated, standing up.

"Just so you know I was trying to comfort you because I do in fact care about you. I'm just not good at comforting people, I just wanted to help. Steal your friends- I considered you a friend and you know what? This is why they like me more than you anyway. You're a child, Tommy. And you'll always act like one." He added, walking out of the room before slamming the door really hard.

That hurt. I probably deserved that anyway. I walked in the bathroom and locked the door connecting to Tubbo's room, then locked the door connecting to my room. I sat on the cold but dry floor, eyeing that knife.

Oh god, I wish Tubbo was here.

[640 words]

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