62: Open Investigation

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The Dream House Part Sixty Two

TW: Mentions of murder, mentions of suicide, death.

Third POV

"I'm glad I don't have to fucking see you again." Lily said from her room, which was right next to Wilbur's.

"What the fuck- What the hell did I do!?" Wilbur asked, pacing towards the younger as she brushed her silky ginger hair.


"What!? That's bullshit." He scoffed.

"Yeah? What about the time my dog died?"

"He was my dog too!"

"The time I broke up with my boyfriend."

"HE WAS LITERALLY MY BEST FRIEND! I HURT MORE THAN YOU DID." Wilbur stated out of anger, rage flowing through his veins.

"Oh my god, you're such a dick. And you wonder why I'm glad my mum broke up with your dad." She rolled her eyes, pushing her luggage out as she left the room.

Wilbur's POV

Four people left the house to be with Karl, who was in the hospital. At times like these, most of us would be sad, angry, worried, but everything happens for a reason and you can't avoid what already happened. All you can really do is be there for someone who's hurting and not "ignore them or how they feel". If you're hurting, you should take time for yourself. That's true, but I don't want to make the same mistakes anymore.

Phil put me in charge of the three youngest, Ranboo, who knew already, then Tommy and Tubbo. As far as I'm aware they didn't know anything happened yet. I walked to Tommy's room, knocking on the door before opening.

"Hi, Wilbur!" Tubbo greeted cheerily, sitting on Tommy's bed while shuffling a deck of Uno cards.

"Hey, where's Tommy?" I questioned gently, closing the door behind me after I entered.

"He's changing-" Tubbo cut off, hearing the bathroom door unlock and open.

"He's right there." Tubbo added, passing a glance to Tommy as he walked out the bathroom wearing a dark grey 'Schlatt & Co.' hoodie.

"Oh, hey, Will." Tommy spoke.

"I need to talk to you guys." I stated, sitting on the edge of Tommy's bed as my back leaned against the bed frame.

"What's up?" Tommy asked, hanging his turquoise coloured towel on a rack.

"Do you guys know what happened to Karl?" I queried, fiddling with my fingers.

"No, what happened? Did he have something to do with the ambulance that was just here!?" Tubbo panicked.

"No, is he okay?" Tommy asked softly.

"He's been taken to the hospital but long story short he was injured and we think Jimmy had something to do with it."

"Jimmy?" Tommy confused, I shrugged.

We all haven't heard of Jimmy since Karl ran away and got abused by him.

Third POV

Everyone in the house were waiting on any updates about Karl's condition.

The Dream House

He didn't make it

Wilbur Soot
What did the doctors say?

They said that the stab wounds were too close to his heart

Oh :(

Police are coming to the house
It's now an open investigation as we don't know 100% who killed him, if he killed himself, or what happened in general

Captain Puffy
Alex said he saw someone who wasn't Karl walk into Karl's room and they might've escaped through the window since it was open. So we can rule out the possibility of him killing himself.

Aight thanks for the info
George and I are on the way to the police station in an Uber
I'll call Karl's parents and let them know what happened

Wilbur Soot
Okay keep us updated and let us know if there's anything we could do to help

Ranboo's POV

So, it's over. Just like that, he's dead. We reach our house that now had cop cars in the front. I ignored the voices around me and entered the front door.

I'll probably miss you the most

I reread the last texts he sent to me.

My phone will be under the bed

I walked towards Karl's room. I'm guessing the cops just arrived, because none of them were in the house or Karl's room yet. I reached my arm under Karl's bed, pulling out his phone from under the bed. I look at the screen to find its been recording for almost two hours.

"What the-" I confused, and clicked the 'stop recording' button, now curious of what was recorded when he put the phone there.

[760 words]

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