13: What are you hiding?

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The Dream House Part Thirteen

TW: Mentions of self harm

Third POV

"Tommy wake up, we're here." Phil called softly.

Tommy hopped out the car and stretched, smelling the fresh air. He dusted his shirt as the cold wind blew through his dirty blonde hair. There was a beautiful view of the sunrise, the ambience was quiet. That was until the others arrived, obviously.

"Oh my god, look at the sunrise!" George demanded.

"I know, it's so pretty." Dream replied, putting his arm on George's shoulder.

"IT'S PINK!" George stated, really admiring the sunrise.

Dream carried George and brought him closer to the shoreline.

"DREAM, PUT ME DOWN!" George ordered, followed by Dream's chuckle.

Once the rest arrived, they set up some tents.

Karl usually likes to decorate but he wasn't in the mood for it today. He sat alone below the tent he was sharing with Sapnap and Quackity. Quackity had went straight to the water already. Sapnap placed a cooler and a picnic basket below their tent.

Sapnap's POV

"Karl! Look at what I did! Doesn't it look cute?" I questioned, trying to get Karl's attention.

"Yeah." Karl replied, scrolling something through his phone.

"You didn't even look at it." I mentioned.

Karl looked up at me and stared at me ominously.

"Karl... What's wrong?" I asked worriedly, sitting down next to him.

He quickly switched off his phone and put it beside him.

"Wha- Why did you do that?" I interrogated, getting a little suspicious of him.

"No reason."

"What were you looking at?"

"It's not important."

"I'm sure it is. What are you hiding?"

"IT'S NOTHING." Karl shouted, getting frustrated.

I was a bit sad that he was hiding something from me but I didn't want to anger him. I know one thing that can cheer us both up. Quackity.

"Okay." I said as I messed his shiny brown hair softly.

I pointed at Quackity and told Karl to look at him. Quackity turned back, noticing us as he walked to shore.

"He looks so hot." Karl whispered, smiling.

"Come on, let's go for a swim." I suggested.

The smile on his face widened. I couldn't tell if it was fake or genuine.

"Vamos!" Quackity spoke in Spanish, telling us to go with him.

Tubbo's POV

Things have been a little awkward between Tommy and I since he started cutting himself again. He did it like almost every week back at the orphanage. I hated him for doing so and he always managed to convince me not to tell the adults. Ever since Phil took us in, Tommy stopped. And when I got to know that he did it again, I was a little disappointed in myself for letting him do so. I noticed Tommy hiding something earlier and I wanted to make sure it wasn't a knife or scissors so I walked over to him.

"You're coming back to school on Monday, right?" I asked Tommy awkwardly.

"Yeah. How are things at school?" Tommy questioned back, holding something in his pocket.

Oh God I really hope it's not a blade.

"Some teachers aren't back yet and there's a creepy guy staring at me everyday when school ends." I blabbered.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Tommy interrogated, probably confused.

"There was this one guy who just stands outside the school when we go home." I explained.

"That's weird." Tommy stated, almost sounding like he was in disbelief.

"Yeah but he doesn't do anything so I guess it's fine." I clarified.

Before he could answer, a small red pocket knife fell from his pocket. He instantly grabbed it and walked away.

Dream's POV

It's been almost six hours since we got here. George and I set up our tent far away from the others. We had the most peaceful time at our side of the beach. George isn't really a good swimmer and it'd be fun if I taught him how to swim later.

I bought lunch and placed it under a tree far from George's tent, closer to the others. I texted the group chat and asked them to get here. There were two logs across the tables mocking a bench and I found that unique and cute. A few moments later, Tubbo and Tommy arrive and I see them bashed up. Tubbo looked very weak, Tommy had to help him walk.

"Tubbo, Tommy, what happened!?" I questioned them, seeing blood on Tommy's hand.

"Is that blood!?" I added worriedly, a bit confused.

"It's a long story... I think he has a concussion." Tommy replied, sitting Tubbo down on the bench.

"Phil. PHIL!" I called, looking back at him.

"Holy shit! What happened?" Phil inquired, pacing quickly.

"That's what I-" I cut off, watching Quackity run to us breathlessly with Sapnap following behind.

"GUYS IT'S KARL. HE'S GONE." Quackity stated, fear in his eyes.


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