The Assassin's New Recruit

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The light of the morning sun began to call the citizens of Venice from their homes, alerting them of the new day. As citizens began to emerge from their homes, the gentle trotting of the guards' horses rang softly through the streets. The morning guard patrol always took their horses out for the first patrol. It was a chance for them to get some exercise, as well as a chance for the guards to scout the area quickly. The morning sun did them no favours though as sweat beaded on their foreheads, and became visible on the necks of their horses. The armour probably wasn't helping much either.
The stuff weighed more than the man wearing it, and the armour the horse wore was designed to stop sword and arrow attacks, so you can imagine how heavy that would be.

One group of 'citizens' had no reason to wake, for they had never slept. The Assassin Brotherhood rarely slept for they never had the time for it. They were constantly on watch, as the guards of Venice had been after the group for some time, and were always planning attacks. Within the Brotherhood, there were 6 members. The newest member, Ash, was the one causing a stir amongst Assassin's and guards alike. It wasn't hard to understand why. Ash was the daughter of a guard. And her father wasn't pleased with what she had chosen to do with her life. He wanted his children to follow in HIS path, and become guards. His path was the only one to follow, as Ash's mother had been killed several years earlier, leaving Kaiser, her father to raise her and her brothers, Niero and Falcor. Niero and Falcor had followed Kaiser's footsteps and become guards. But Ash had taken a very different path.

When Ash was just 8 years old, she got herself into a fight with several of the cities guards. The guards were under her fathers command, and had the order to arrest her. Without harming her if possible. But when someone you are not supposed to harm, is fighting back with the aim of harming you. Would you not harm them back? As Ash fought, a shadowed figure watched. An Assassin. She was doing fine on her own, despite being up against 5 armed men. The men, armed with swords, charged at the girl, but she dodged and disarmed one of them. Taking his sword into her own hands with a small smirk on her lips.

The Assassin noticed her smirk, and gave a small one of his own. This girl had skills in fighting, and she seemed to like the adrenaline it gave. Seeing enough of the fight, and after seeing the girl take a kick to the stomach, the Assassin stepped in. Eliminating the guards with swift stabs of his hidden blade, before he turned to the girl. Noting her fatigued appearance, and the small bloodied scratches that lined her arms and face.

"Come. We have much to talk about" were the Assassin's only words to the girl. He beckoned her to follow him as he started walking through the crowded streets, not glancing back to see if the girl had even followed. But she had. Her curiosity had gotten the better of her. As she walked after the Assassin, she noted the clothes he wore, and the way he walked. She knew that the Assassins were in Venice, and had been watching them for a while. She liked them. Maybe a little too much.

Before too long, the Assassin stopped and turned to the girl. "I will speak first, and you will speak when spoken to. Understand?" Silent, the girl gave a nod, before following the Assassin into a place she never thought she would be.

The Assassin's Den.

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