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I wrote this down on 6/24/2020: 

"Tell the truth, but disguise it as fiction."

It's what inspired me to write this poem now, more than a year later: 



What difference does it make? 

Whether it truly happened or if it plays out in my head, 

Then on paper, 

I assure you, 

These struggles I write about, 

They aren't always about me, 

But they are affected how I see the world 

What I've done and how I wish I could change things 

Maybe I can't change the past 

I know I can't actually 

But I can write about it 

I can write down what hurts 

In a way that helps me, 

Hopefully helps someone else, 

Maybe in multiple ways, 

Truly if you know anything about me you know 

I'm always writing down more ideas, 

One after the other, 

Trying to figure things out, 

Understand them in a way I couldn't before 

Or maybe just to tell myself 

I'm real, 

Even by writing down fiction 

Even by creating and sometimes even hiding

In a way 

But you know what 

I've learned and I've tried 

And I know, 

Sometimes heros don't always know how their story will play out 

Till the end 

And they've defeated the villian 

Well maybe life is like that 

We don't understand how things will go 

Until they do 

And then we can look back 

And say, "I did something good. I took a risk, but it was worth it." 

Maybe pain and struggle don't have to go hand in hand with anguish and fear 

Maybe they can be countered with something positive 

Anything's possible in a world you have total control over, 

In a story, really, 

You might not in life, 

But you are who you are...

And that life 

Is yours for the taking 


live your best life, whatever that may be. dont let failing get you down, you're stronger than you realize. 


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