~High and low~

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Nothings left and Nothings gone
Just thoughts
Going round and round
When all you've ever done amounts to nothing
And you plead for release
Your life
Is in your own hands
When all you've tried
Backfires and you cry
Invisible to the ones whose lives
Haven't broken apart a thousand times
What good is faith
In something
That tells you
Your own feelings
Aren't allowed
What good is living
Without truly
Besides numbness
What good is anything
If it never lasts
And happiness
Eludes you even now
Years and years
Quiet on the outside
But screaming inside
Tired and aching
Beyond belief
And yet
Time goes by and I try to reach
For a star
It flies by and I regret everything
And nothing
Symbols of what exactly?
Empty hearts
Empty eyes
No tears even
To show how much it hurts
Just a song
Floating round
Your head
Just apparently
Still alive
Apparently still here
Not that it does any good
It's okay
No it's not
It never was
I'll show you
Born into a cage
Not strong enough to break it
Just tell me I matter
You're making my struggles
Seem worthless
You're making me
Seem like an imposter
In my own life
Chaos and forgotten
A heart still besting
Not yet gone
Not yet
But I don't know how
I don't know how
I can go on
Inside a world
Made of nothing but pain
And low
That erase every trace
Of the high points

This one and the next few are going to be sad. Just so you know. I wrote them to help me deal with things. And honestly it's a better way then some. It's okay to hurt, but don't take it out on yourself. Try to find other ways of dealing.

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