~I'll stay~

13 5 4

When you've exhuasted all your other options 

When you're hurt and tired and broken and bleeding, 

I'll comfort you 

When the night has fallen 

But the stars are gone, 

I'll stay by your side 

When the demons come, 

Trying to take you as their own, 

I'll fight them off if your strength fades 

When the world leaves you crashing down on your knees

And you want to give up, 

I'll tell you 

That I need you 

And that it won't be the same, 

Not without you 

So please stay 

Because I can tell you this: 

I know how it feels 

To feel left out 

As if no one cares 

But I promise you this 

Someone does care 

More than you can possibly know

And if you need a reminder to go on, 

Remember this:

Though it's dark now,

It won't be forever 

Keep your happy memories close, 

Keep the light close. 

And if you need me to, 

I will be there, beside you, in the darkest nights 

And the most fearful days.

Know this: 

No matter what happens, 

You are not alone. 

That, I can promise. 



Keep going. 

You are strong enough and talented enough. 

And you have made it this far, 

Though it may have exhausted you,

You are here.

And that's all that matters.

So long as your heart still beats, there is still hope for you.

Don't surrender it.

No matter what happens. 

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