~Leave me be~

11 3 4

Stand in line again
As if nothing is wrong
As if this seemingly blissful existence is true
The world is spinning
And here I am
Trying not to fall
Trying not to give into the mistrust I feel deep inside
I already forgot
How to navigate this existence
Without them telling me
Just what to do
What they see in me
I almost want to laugh out loud
At the absurdity of it all
Don't you see the truth?
But no
I can't really blame you
I don't want you to see
I don't want to see...
Waking up,
Finding myself
If it's darkness you're looking for
Then don't take another step
There's enough within,
Just below
If it's happiness you want
Then I can't give you any
Just go on
Out of my life
I don't have the energy to deal with you, here
Because I feel so scared
I don't feel like you're really here
Or maybe that's me
A thousand miles away
I don't know anymore
But I don't know who I am
I'm coming apart at the seams
I don't know why
I'm here
Why any of this matters
My fears are just stronger than ever
My discomfort slowly rising
Is this truly perfect?
I don't want to speak up
It's not my place
But this feels so wrong
I just want
To tell me
Someplace is right
But everything keeps telling me
This life is wrong
That there's no room
For me
But maybe there is
All I know is rhat right now
With my eyes blinded
And every other eye on me
I'm so much
Not at ease
For what?
The taste of something sweet?
It won't last
Your foolish complaints won't either
So I'll just bide my time
This strange existence
Doesn't swallow me whole again
When everything feels wrong
And nothing is right anymore
What now?
What now indeed
If I knew
I would tell you
When simple facts
Have turned on their heads
To fictions,
Unreachable fantasies
Then that's when you'll know
Something inside
Feels awfully like a prison
And I've been searching
For something
I can't find
Will you help me find it?
I can't stay in this place
A second longer
And I just want to feel comfortable
Will I ever find it?
Or is this all I'll receive...
False promises
And empty hope
Trailing behind
Everyone else
Unable to even care
Miles and miles away
Out of reach
From your help
So just leave me be
I might slowly crumbling from the inside out
But at least I won't drag you into this

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