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What if "safe" is an illusion? 

Everywhere you turn, sharp corners hiding behind those seemingly perfect choices? 

What if everyone's really out to see you fall, see you fail?

If you give a voice to these doubts then you'll see, 

That's what I'm really afraid of,

Not being able to trust anything I see,

Let alone feel safe anywhere, 

For what is safety when you turn against yourself?

What is safety when you've already fallen so far?

I'll tell you this,

It's simple, really: 

It doesn't exist 

I know that sounds terrible, 

Oh, yes, 

I know 

But does that make it any less true?

I wish  I had the answers, 

But understand this:

When you're constantly afraid, 

Nowhere feels safe, 

Not even inside your own head, 

Especially not there, 

Sometimes things help, 

But the truth is,

Behind every "safety net" 

Lies another trap in wait, 

Just trying to see you caught,

Behind every well-meaning person,

I bet there's another lying one,

Who wants to see you in a worse place 

Behind every innocent train of thought, 

There's a darker one,

Just waiting for things to go a certain way, 

Beyond all the sparkle and shimmer, 

Beyond all the appearances,

And everything that seems good,

There's a lot of bad,

Try not to think about it or you won't be able to stop, 

But it's still there, 

And not everyone has your best interests at heart 

When that's true, 

How can you seperate truth from lies?

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