~ c o R n ER~

8 2 2

Is innocence 

Like a switch 

Flickering on and off

In and out? 



Did I always feel like this? 

Would I 

Always feel like this

If I lived in a different time a Different place 

would I still 

feel like this 


I dont even know 

Not all the time

I dont

have all the answers

To every question

But maybe that's okay

I hope it is

Slipping away, under the water

Will you emerge 

Or will you lose your strength 

too tired 


 try to fight  for anything 

but maybe 

these thoughts 

are out of place in a sunny afternoon 

ar e they? 

is it a mere observation 

or am i always like this?

maybe its the latter

as scary as that might seem

good then bad then bad then good 

up and down 

and inside out 

in the space 

o f  a  week 

i can t say its very pleasant 

 ne ver knowing 

how your emotions will leave you 

But -

coping mechanisms aside 

obsessions aside 

there are

I think 

i hope

good reasons 

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