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The future is ready,
Waiting for me
It's mine for the taking
If only I can survive the present
I've got my whole life waiting,
If I can find enough willpower to stay strong
Countless possibilities are in front of me,
It's terrifying,
But it's amazing
So much could go right
In the future.
But I've got a lot of problems
I just don't see will go away,
Even as I get excited about these new options,
Excited but weary...for could they really be so good?
What if something is better?
But for now I'll just take a breath,
A deep breath,
And hope and pray
I'll make it all work
Because, let's be real...
What in the world could possibly go wrong,
Except for...
I can't go into the details, no,
But how can I
Always doubting everything,
Constantly scared,
Just trying to survive,
How can I
Somehow be free of all this in such a short time?
It's taken me so long to get this far,
So can you blame me for being scared,
Not caring,
Not trusting appearances?
I know it sounds selfish
But I really
Have had a rough time these past few years
And now
So much is happening so soon
I'm still processing those long ago events,
And time won't stand still
And I know it
And I hope I can heal

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