
15 5 3

Time to go to sleep now, time for bed,

You're tired now, 

You need to rest those sleepy eyes, 

I'll sing you a lullaby, child, 

I'll be here when you wake. 

So you close your eyes and go to sleep...

Go drift off now. 

Sweet dreams, sweet dreams indeed...

Tales of happiness, 

Impossible tasks that suddenly are possible, 

In the world of dreams...

It's time to wake, now, child...

Did you get enough rest? 

Yes, of course I did. 

Yes, I slept just fine...

Yes, yes, yes-

Until all those affirmatives turn to solid "no's." 

Until those sweet dreams turn into nightmares, and those dark circles show up under your eyes...

No, I didn't sleep well, 

 I slept in far too long, 

Stayed up far too late...

Even then I couldn't sleep peacefully on my own...

I didn't have any nightmares, you exclaim. 

None at all, yet here I am, 

The real nightmare: living. 

These sweet dreams turned sour and you don't know why 

But you wish you could find such innocence in the world of sleep again, 

Without all this fear and worry. 

[Yeah...I told myself this one wasn't going to be dark. Sorry about that...]

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