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I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine 

Did I say that? 


Did anyone ask? 

Or did they just walk by? 


I don't mean to sound angry, 

But there is a place deep down, 

Where happiness disappears and darkess takes over, 

And that dark place breeds jealously and rage, 

Always has, in fact...

So yes, ask me how I am, I dare you-

I dare you to look between those "I'm all rights" 

And say, no, you're not

I said that, once, twice, too much, 

To pass as interested in human conversation, 

Did I mean it? 


But beneath that sense that things are going all right, 

There's a terrifying void with no end that quietly destroys all plans and every last belief that things will be okay 

It always seems to win, 

So yes, in the moment I'm not facing an earth-shattering crisis 

Or a panic attack that leaves me unable to breathe-

But wait a minute. 

Two, three, four, 

An hour, a day, 

Maybe two, 

Maybe a week, 

If you're lucky-

And there. 

There you see.

Everything falls back to earth, doesn't it?

So, I'm not lying to say I'm all right, not yet, 

Soon I will be 

Just watch-


No, please don't 

Don't watch me fail, I can't stand it, 

Leave me alone before you see this mess 

The same mistakes, repeated over and over 

Surely by now I should have learned 

I don't think I did, though, 

But no matter, 

The world around us is so fragile...so breakable, 

Can't you see it? 

Something's about to go wrong, 

The lies that we're okay-

Those fill our lives-

But they still remain, 

Woven around the earth like some sort of shield,

But not...

I wonder 

I wonder, here and now, 

If you told me these words meant something if I could believe you 

But I wouldn't 

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