~me and the whisk~

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Me and the whisk 

Oh, it's just me and the whisk in the kitchen, stirring up some wonderful goodness

Which I will later eat way too much of

Oh, the things I have made with this amazing whisk, in all of its whisk-iness

Will forever inspire me

Will keep me sane in my darkest days

The memories I have with me and the whisk I will take to the grave, and never share

For they are too special for me to tell anyone else

And besides, no one understands me like the whisk

The wonderful inanimate object which stirs things

Oh, the whisk, I will forever love all of your useful metal parts

I will never forget

How loyal a friend to me you were

When I needed you the most

I knew I could count on you, whisk

The way I always have

And always will. 

-sometime in summer 2020, something really random i wrote 

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