~Believe me~

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Believe me,
The eternities
That are just
Beyond our ability to see,
The world
We're blinded to
Once was more obvious
Believe me,
Once I was younger,
More sure
Now I'm just afraid of what the future holds,
Afraid to look forward
Lest I see something
I'm unable to be
Believe me,
This has always been true,
This existence
Where they all sit and belong
With all their lives
And their priorities
And their existence
Just being together,
Like it isn't the most difficult
Thing in the world
And maybe it isn't,
Not for them
But for me?
It's too late to do
Anything about what's already done
This cloud of dark
Just hanging over of our heads
Some more than others
But it doesn't matter
I'll just hyperfocus
On something,
Another piece of reality
My reality
That's so separate from all of you
I'll just focus
And pretend
And forget
Believe me,
It's one way to deal
With all of it
And that's something
Not everyone understands
But I can't
Not in your huge,
Crazy circles
I can't even try
To make sense of them
So I'll observe
And watch
And wait
Believe me, I'm not patient
I just have a lot of experience
With letdowns
And lingering feelings
That refuse to go away

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