~I'll wait~

6 3 4

I'll wait on you 

Hours on end 

Just to maybe 

Get a reply 

I'll wait because I think 

Maybe you could help me 

Because I'm lonely and sad 

And I want someone to reassure me 

I'll wait because I have nothing better to do 

Nothing that will change anything 

I'll wait because 

I want to talk to you 

Just a few little message bubbles

Might be what I get 

But then at least 

I'll be closer to the idea of normalcy 

Always connected

Always distracted by a thousand things on that magic little device 

Called a phone 

Because of so much that makes you feel okay on there 

I'll wait 

And I won't really expect to hear back from you 

Because I've already accepted 

That maybe

I have no one to talk to 

And no one wants to 

Say a word 

To me 

You're offline now? 

Sure, it's fine 

Not really 

I couldn't-

Our lives don't overlap anymore like they used to 

I couldn't try to talk to you the way I did before 

Something's changed 

Maybe now you're online 

For a second 

Then you're gone 

And I wish 

I could see you again 

The way it used to be 

But that's-

That's gone 


I just 

Say things 

And you either see or care or

You don't 

But you know I'll wait 

I'll stay hopeful

Because it's all I could ever do 

I'll wait 

Just in case

You want to extend an offer

Of friendship again 

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