
14 2 0

Trying to escape my thoughts 

And maybe I did 

For a second 


Without any sense of purpose, direction 

Just trying to do something, anything...

But what I didn't count on was the rain 

Pouring down on everything 


There goes that plan 

Run, run, run 

Towards home 

Look around 

Where is everyone, hmm? 

Why am I still alone? 

Turning my phone on every two seconds 

Not even completely sure why 

The minutes are slipping 


Down the drain 

In a way that's a relief 

Wasted time? 

Not if it helps you feel safe 

And secure 

But all the same-

How have I become so isolated from the ones around me? 

Will our paths never cross again for me to see you, 

The ones I considered my friends? 

Will what I fear come true? 

I'm scared of a lot if I'm being completely honest 

But lately 

I'm scared 

Of being desperate 


To do something

I try so hard not to think of 

To do something 

I never wanted to...

Everything life's supposed to be 

Seems to pass me by all the time 

If it wasn't hard it wouldn't be life 

So I guess I'm just asking 

Why this hard?

Everyone else has their problems, I'm sure 

I know 

But when you see their lives from a distance 

They actually look happy-

And you know what-

That's what's got me so twisted up 

Was I ever happy? 

I just-

Seems like all these years I've been drifting 

I didn't exactly ask to be here, 

No one does 

But I am and I feel 

Too much 

Too little 

I don't know 

It just seems like

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