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there's no such thing as ghosts 

not in real life 

but maybe there are 

all the things i didn't do 

all the things i wish i did 

all the things that went wrong 


is slowly haunting me 

the person i once was 

the struggles i once dealt with 

the ones i deal with now 


if there's such thing as ghosts surely those are it 

and real life 

can bring you down on your knees sometimes 

crying out loud from the horror of it all 

life is no fairy tale 

it's full of its one ghosts 

maybe they're all around us 

wanting to be seen 

but maybe 

we can make things right 


there are ghosts 

but maybe 

they can disappear 

over time 

maybe we will learn 

not to listen to them 

because they just want to drag us down 

them and their friends from the shadows 

the demons that never sleep 

keeping you awake 

wrapping their cold cold hands 

around all of those dreams that dare to exist 

around all these specks of light 

trying to shine in the empty dark 

the darkness doesn't sleep 

but we do 

and all the thoughts that creep in 

disrupt it 

until we're awake 

awake and afraid 

haunted again 

by ghosts

that never go away 

destroying so many lives 

tossing them aside like they were nothing 




are the ghosts 

and now there's just an empty space where you disappeared 

without a trace 


this one got kind of dark

and honestly my inspiration for it was probably these four songs: 

"Tired" by Alan Walker 

"If your ghost pulls you apart and it feels like you've lost who you are, my love, there's no need to hide....just let me love you when your heart is tired"

"These walls can't talk but if they could they'd say you can't hide the secrets just forget about this mess I'm waiting from the sidelines from the sidelines...I see there's tears in your eyes and I feel so helpless inside" 

Probably the lyrics that influenced it the most. 

Also, "Fake a Smile" by Alan Walker. 

"You and I up all night nothing's wrong nothing's right I swear these walls are upside down swear the roof is underground demons don't sleep at night"

"I try to turn off my mind say I'm doing just fine but I'm screaming inside like...say these words on repeat while I'm trying to breathe now you're counting on me so I fake a smile but I know you know me to well but it's alright, you're like heaven when I'm in hell" 

"I'm waiting for them all to see I don't deserve your company...To love myself is way too hard"

Those lyrics probably influenced it, too. 

Also, "Fall Away" by twenty one pilots 

"I don't wanna fall fall away...I'll keep the lights on in this place, cause I don't wanna-I disguise and I will lie and I will take my precious time as the days melt away as I stand in line and I die as I wait as I wait on my crime and I try to delay what you make of my life but I don't want your way I want mine and I'm dying and I'm trying but believe me I'm fine but I'm lying I'm so very far from fine and I...I can feel the pull begin feel my conscience wearing thin and my skin it will start to break up and fall apart..." 

And "Redecorate" by twenty one pilots, probably these lyrics specifically: 

"She's not of her reflection but what she might see behind it...she had plans to change her name, just not the traditional way" 

"Haunted by a couple big mistakes, she covers all the dents with the way she decorates then one night she got cold with no blankets on her bed so she ripped em off the mirror stepped back and she said 'I don't wanna go like this...at least let me clean my room...I don't wanna leave like this cause the last thing I would to do is make my people make decisions wondering what to do, should they keep it on display, or redecorate?" 

I recommend all those songs, by the way. 

they all are kinda sad tho.

the last two especially. 

It's just I happened to be listening to them while I was cleaning, and then wrote this down. 

it's okay to have things you regret, things you wish you could have done better. 

we all make mistakes. 



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