
12 2 4

Young is young, 

The complete opposite of old

Full of life, 

Never going to die, 

At least, 

That's what you think 

When you are young 

Even when you're old 

You know it's coming 

Everyone does, 

They know, 

It's sad,

But it's a part of life, 

Death is, 

Always has been 

These lives are sometimes cut too short

Sometimes they stretch out 

But they're lived

By the young 


Everyone in between, 

They're lived,

They end, 

Young people grow old, 

They die

Wish they were young but are still old,

The young wish they were old 

No one's happy as they are

And no one's immune to the challenges

Of life

Young people die

Too soon 


Even when we know it's coming death 

Is scary 

It steals people away, 

To a place we can't follow

But it's coming for all of us, 



It doesn't matter


In the end, 

When you think of it like that, 

It doesn't matter how you spend your time or what you do 

Because it's all going to end, 

One way or another

And your tiny cares will be swallowed in the shadow 

Of something bigger

Something unseen, 

But always there,

Looming behind

Causing pain and heartbreak and loss-

But there

And uncaring 

Who you are 

Or what you did 

Or where you stand 

In life

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