~Same silence~

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I wish you wouldn't make a sound

I wish you wouldn't 


To fix anything 

I wish you would let go 

Let me slip away 

I don't want to be seen 

I don't want to be found 

So I'll try to be lost 

Without a sound

In this same silence 

That's been plauging me 

Since I crossed a line 

I knew I shouldn't have 

The same silence 

That's been plauging me for even longer 

Than I'll ever care to admit 

This same silence 

I hope will never be broken 

Without a purpose I'll drift along aimlessly here

Small moments of panic magnified time a thousand 

Too afraid 

To try to break it 

What are words now? 

They just bounce off of me 


Those words won't save me 

What is music now? 

Once it took so much space in my life 

And I've simply let it fall to the floor 

But I can't

Pick it back up 


Then I'd have to actually try 

To slip back into a piece of mind 

From a long time ago 

A place that barely still exists 

Can you hear this plea tonight? 

Hidden behind these smokescreens 

An unheard plea 

I don't want you to hear 

I don't want you to worry 

I'll stand here, silent 

In the same way and the same place 

That I've always been 

The same silence 

That's been tearing me apart

Eating me alive 

This same silence 

That's more than just 

"Being shy" 

Switching from idea to idea 

Running without really wanting 

To stop 

Because there you can be in control 

There you can be safe 

But here

I can't be 

So I'll stay quiet 

Same as before 

Too afraid to move 

Too afraid to make a sound 

But you won't know 

Unless I tell you 

And I probably won't 

You won't know the chaos that goes on 

Behind this same silence 

I'm quiet now 

As far as you know 

I'm just not speaking

Not letting you know 

How I'm thinking 

Just sitting 

And thinking 

And trying not to think the wrong things 

Trying not to give away 

The emotions hidden 

That are betrayed by whatever you see 

Just quiet 

Lots of things 

I dont understand 

Some things I do 

Some things that still get me


Some that confuse me 

But I'm trying 

I'm hearing 

What you're saying 

I'm trying to at least 

I'm trying to open up 

Let you hear and listen 

I'm still scared but maybe 


With enough time 

This same 


That's stretched on

Of silence 

Of hiding 


It will be broken 



It will

But then again 

With the way things are looking 

Maybe it won't

In the end I always seem to surrender 

To uncertainty 

More than anything

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