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It's amazing what suddenly becomes important
When you're in the middle of another crisis
So much fear and uncertainty
Will I ever be welcome here
And how can I be
When I don't even feel myself
Inside my own body
Apparently this is who I am
And apparently there's nothing I can do
But that's nice
It's great it's fine
That everything
My purpose here
All of it
Has become so blurry
I can't even stand
Without my legs trying to refuse my weight
Shaking and
Reminding me
How futile it all is
No matter what I do it seems to be So useless
Is so blurred together
Right and wrong and right and wrong and-
Can you blame me for being confused?
If I had a moment to just step back and wonder
Maybe I would get what reality has come to
All smudged together
Not making any sense
Who you told me I must be
And who I am
Are two different things
And without you here I don't understand
I feel so scared for no reason apparently
Sweating in this
Scorching desert
No sweet rain in sight
All appearances tossed aside to the wind
Clocks are ticking
Will you rush along with them
So familiar
So unassuming
How is it that my mind decided to
Contradict itself here and now
Scroll past the irrelevance
See between the lines
The truth that will hurt or won't
Speeding up and slowing down
Just to feel
Something different
Tugging at those strings behind the scenes
Trying to manipulate it just so
At least now the tools I have are clear
The blemishes, though,
The mistakes and scars
Those jump out
I know
What is the mirror except
A place
Where all those impossibilities come to life
Why not just shatter it?
But then the one
The 1
You want to change
Is yourself
So simple really
Until it isn't
Too tired to make any sense of originality show through
Or was that just blurry all along?
Sleep now
Forget the past
Forget it all
Somehow just glimpses of what have been
What are what will be
Somehow those are enough
Make anyone
Succumb to anger
Anger anger anger
Doesn't that blur,
Cloud ☁️
Your judgment
Make reason seem strange
B l  u.   R  r  e D
Won't you stand in line with the rest
Crazy 🤪
Happy 😊
But what if
Everything you see
Happens in layers?
Different states of being
Some good
Some worse
Then is reality so blurred, so splintered
Or does the problem lie
In something else
And someone else?
Choose an identity
Choose a story
Obscure it, just so
Find out
I dare you
Reach inside and see how much you really know
Twisted up
Broken maybe
Scattered ideas 💡
In the wind
Blown away
Nothing but specks
Of dust
No longer relevant
Or maybe just
Not what you might think
Dirty sneakers 👟
Empty cups 🥤
Empty words
Words of healing
Look around
Take some notes 📝
What do you see around you here
Something worse saving
Something worse trying
To find
Change it
Change it all
Fast forward
Won't you
I don't
Like this song 🎵
What it represents
I don't it
This message...📨
The way it flows
Something is off
Something small
A drawing
A poem
Should you be worried?
Stop 🛑
Focusing on the small pieces of it all
This odd existence
Relief at last now 
Question me
And I might not please you
But surely you could see
How confused I was?
A safe place maybe
Arrived at last
Take a seat
Wait now
Just wait
You'll see
The truth
Laid out nice and neat
No tricks
Nothing out together so hastily unless you look close
Examine the mark this left on you
Without an anchor
Is your life just blurred
Into the ♾?
The infinities
Numbered by
Nothing and Somehow
Remind me again
Just how do we measure worth
Nothing to see here I assure you
Just casually questioning the world
I've somehow found myself in
What am I thinking
Defying this system
What am I doing
What am I saying
It doesn't matter
Somehow writing this
Was just a blur
A lot of things were
Life seems fake
When you're constantly
Questioning it all
Hours pass
No idea what the plans
All laid out
Tied with a bow 👒
Nice and pretty
Unless it's not
Just trying to tell a story
If not mine
Then someone's
I guess
Full of stitched together threads that some how make sense when you look at them
Until you take a step back
And they start to blur
Clouds of something
Another storm maybe
Trying to drown us with rain 🌧
Keep your head above water now
Little one
Don't lose yourself now
Don't let all your colors bleed out
Blur together into Nothing
Weirdly enough
This poem
Was inspired by me not being able to see
Out of an old pair of glasses 👓
As well was I did once
Among other things
It has multiple messages
And that I like
Even if all of them aren't the most clear.
And the emojis...yeah. that's another thing I'm trying out.

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