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When life gives you nothing 

In return for everything you've ever done 

When you can't breathe, 

And for every step you take, 

You're just choking on the realization 


Things are never 


They should be 

You wish you could hold back your feelings, 

So unwanted, 

Making you feel so small inside 

Of yourself 

Making your insecurities float to the surface 

Making you feel so vulnerable 

So helpless

When you look 

For things 

You used to love 

But find empty dust, 

You curl up on the inside,

Just a little 


For someone, 



To make you feel 

Whole again

Waiting for them to sprinkle 


Love and happiness and trust 

To replace these worn-out gears 

Of fear and envy 

You wait 

And you hope 

And you try to hold onto that tiny spark within 

That tells you, 

You aren't alone 

That makes you feel wanted 

You try to hold on 

Because you can't 

Give up 

Not now 

Not now 

When things are growing dire 

Keep your head high 


The storm will end 


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