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Why did you leave me here
In the dark?
Why couldn't you just let me stay with you
Where I felt safe?
Why is this where I am now?
It's not
Where I need to be
But it's where
I am
Why would you let me feel this way,
Like there's no hope left
And everyone who ever cared
Has left me here
Why do I feel so scared
All the time
So much
How could you do this to me,
You said that you cared
So where are you now?
Will I just drift here forever?
Stuck in this place
With no sunlight
No way out
Of this strange misery that's descended over me
Come back
Please come back
I need you here
I've been feeling alone
Like no one cares

Dry your eyes, child
For I have not left you
Not forever
I'm still here
Just call upon me
And you'll never be alone
You haven't been abandoned here
That I promise
You've been so brave here,
I know
You can brave these dark nights
You are strong
And soon you will see
It was for you
That I seemingly disappeared for a moment
You had to learn
And you did
Now come home to me
I'll keep you safe
You'll never be afraid
Not anymore

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