~Wild thoughts~

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Blunt egdes
That surround each decision
Not sharp enough
To pierce the heart completely
But enough
To wear the soul down
The realization
That only I get
To make these choices for
Each and every one
Which means
If I slip I fall
If I never get up
That choice is on me and me alone
Searching the empty skies
For rain that will never fall
Relief that will never come
In a place
That's safe enough
Not to wonder about the world beyond
Those seas I crossed
Long ago
Teeth chattering
But not from the cold
Eyes squinting
Not from the light
There isn't any
At least it doesn't seem like it
Everything I thought I had
Linking the two of us together
Leaving me
Twisted up
I don't know where to begin
Don't ask me about the future
Why would you do that
It leaves me afraid
Hands trembling
Hair tangled from the wind
All paths
Are coming back here now
To a place I wish would disappear
I wish
Someone else
Can just make these choices for me
I wish
I didn't have to wonder if I could go on
To a network
In a sense
Yet so isolated
What is wrong with me??
Every noise
Shaking me to my bones
Ears ringing with my own criticism
All the praise
All the attention
In the world
Wouldn't erase this feeling
I might make it to the end
But then what?
I'm starting to wonder
I'm starting to drift
Give me...
Once you seemed
Like you were
There for me
Now you aren't
And I don't
I don't know What to do now
Everything I could
Just tangles around me further
What's the point
My heart begs the question
What is anchoring me to this world?
All the different versions of me
That everyone has seen
Somehow none of them were right
None of them were me
But so what
I'll close my eyes
Pull my jacket around me
Try to feel safe
Even though
Love is gone
Life is empty
Even though
Is around every corner
What now
More hours to try to fill
That will never leave me satisfied
Slump back in the chair now
Wait for them to leave
Wait for the shadows to return
Just give them a second
Filling the cracks...
"Busy" and "searching"
All the lives of all the ones
I never could know
Look up above
Into the stars
Sketch them out now
Capture them
Trying to get comfortable
Snippets of conversation
Silence weaving in between
Crashing down
The whisper
Of dawn on your lips
Scratch your name here
On the concrete
I remember the words you said to me before
Stretching out
Across the empty world
Change your clothes now
Change your heart
Change your mind
Unless it's too late
A thousand battles
Waging at once
Don't look at me
Don't see
The salty tears
That you can taste
The faded melodies
That might just be the only thing
Keeping her alive
That sad
Lonely girl
Too old too soon
Unwilling to accept what was
As anything real
Nicknames and slang
Language and talking
Hands shaking
So bad
To sit still at the table now
Keep your leg still
Stop being restless
Just sit down
Be happy
What you didn't say
Keeps seeming
To be So much more than what you do say
Hate and love
Passion and poison
Gold and rust
Faith and fear
Waiting for the end
Be free
Sitting down
In a perfect circle
In a neat little circle
All thoughts of entertainment
Already gone
Tossed on their heads
Empty and heavy
Soulless and scarred
Bright flashing lights
Poured out
Somehow so easy
Writing writing writing
Smudge the ink across the skin now
Who cares about what they once said
Keep them on a pedestal now
Until their not
Yet flawed
Can we truly
Change our nature?
Or hard
And quiet
Below the surface
You'll never know
How deep it gets
You'll never know
And I won't tell you
I won't share your passion
In between the heartache and the sadness
There was only room for so much
Full to the bursting
I can't imagine
What might be
A distant star...
Heart's still beating for now
How long
How long
Will the breaths
Stretch on
Or will they be cut short
By something unseen
Does anyone know
I don't
Think too deeply though
Think too deeply
And the uncertainty
Will drive you wild

This one.
I'm not sure what exactly I was trying to say, just thst I had a desperate need to write something down to prove my thoughts were real. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in what I'm thinking and writing I don't pay attention-or I do, to what's around me. But when I think of something to say I get really fixated on that sometimes. In a way that's good, easier sometimes. I don't have to actively live. It's like I find a place that is mine to do What I like with. And partially it helps me cope.
..but it might be more than that. I always have ideas. Always. In fact...there a lot of poems I've written recently on paper or somewhere else I never even posted on here. And other things, too...
Writing for me is one way of finding connections of things in life, of figuring out how to say what I'm feeling. It works for me.
And even if that's not the same for you. That's okay.
Accept your flaws and accept yourself as you are, and you might just be on the way to happiness.
-me, just now.
It sounds really deep I think...yay me :).
Be proud of who you are. Everyone else is already taken...I feel like thst might be a quote. Idk.
Oh I know this quote though:
"Be yourself. Fearlessly."
-dan reynolds
(Lead singer of imagine dragons :)))))
Stay cool 😎
Be kind
And remember
You made it here.
You are strong enough to continue.
See what I did??
You see??

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