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If you could capture
Just one little bit of me
Which bit would you save?
The trauma?
The healing?
The good bits
Or the bad?
Which defined me more?
And what about what I said, what I did?
But the thing is, you could keep it in a jar and put it away
And in time,
It would change
Grow maybe
Fall apart
As I tried to adapt
The thing is
There is no perfect golden time
When everything made sense
But that's not a bad thing
There is bad, and there is good
Not always obvious,
But there,
Sometimes more than others
But it's like a melody
You can play it, you can sing
It might be more happy than sad,
Or more sad then happy,
And it's true, in life, there will be both
But maybe if you open your ears
And listen,
You can notice the good parts

Just an idea, we are all made of so many things, some you wish you could get rid of, maybe. But maybe they help shape who you are.

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