Curiosity // styles [ editing...


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"Curiosity killed the cat" "Maybe the cat is supposed to be killed" Note: this is an fictional story. No... More

Curiosity // styles
prologue; not so easy
one; idiotic detectives
forty-nine (part one)

forty-nine (part two)

70 6 0

Chapter 49 (Part 2)

The next day


I see Harry playing cards with the man covered in tattoos and walk over there. The prison has provided us with jackets considering the weather outside isn't actually at its best today.

"Call," Harry says.

The tattooed man laughs holding up his deck of cars, "Three aces." The tattooed man picks up the pile of cigarettes in the middle of the table, while Harry looks taken back.

"And you said you win every time," The tattoo man chuckles again. I look over at Harry deck over cards and feel my eyebrows knit together.

"But see, I'm full," Harry says holding up his cards to the man, "Three's over aces."

The tattooed man drops the cigarettes, slams his fist down on the table and stands up angrily. Which makes Harry chuckle, "Sorry, man but it's a cruel game." The man throws his cards on the table and storms off.

I sit across from Harry and Harry gathers all the cigarettes up in a big pile. "It's like picking fruit from the lowest tree," Harry says with a grin on his face.

I smile shaking my head, "Harry you don't even smoke."

"Cat you're joking right? These are the currency of the realm."

I roll my eyes jokingly, "Anyways, I think I got a lead from talking to Lela."

"Me too, the killer paid a visit last night."

"What happened?"

"She killed Lucas - slit his throat."

"But it's not Lela Harry. I think she's innocent. I don't know how to-"

"She is innocent. I knew it from the start."

"Then why the hell did you tell me to get information with her and become friends with her?"

"So you could see that there are innocent people in this place. She told you why she was locked in here didn't she?"

"Yeah," I say, "But what else did you see?"

"I didn't see any of what happened. Whoever killed Lucas, Anna, and Nick works here though. She's a guard and has keys to the cells which explains how she got into their cells."

"Well there are about fifty female guards Harry."

"True but there has to be a reason why whoever this killer is, killed Lucas, Anna, and Nick."

"Well you told me yesterday that Nick and Anna both robbed a store or bank and ended up killing someone. Lucas could've done that too."

How are we going to find out?"

"The man with all the tattoos. He was one of Lucas' friends."

"He never told anyone why he was put in here. Trust me Cat I've been asking all morning."

I sat there thinking of a plan to find out why he was put in here and Harry does the same. But I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to the person who tapped my shoulder and it was a guard.

"You have a visitor, Cat. And he's requested to speak with you too Harry" Officer Warden speaks.

Harry and I both get up and follow Warden into the visiting room. He takes us to a table where my brother sits. "Ms. Miller, you get one hug hello and one hug goodbye nothing else but talking okay? And Mr. Styles I'm only allowing you to talk."

The both of us nod and head over to the table where Sammy sits. He stands up and engulfs me into a hug. "I missed you."

"I've been gone for one day Sammy." I say sitting down.

"Alright we came up with a better plan that will happen tonight."

"No scratch the plan then or put it on hold." Harry says.

"What do you mean?" Sammy asks.

"Someone is killing people here and we are trying to figure out who is killing prisoners." I say.

"Cat this is no time to go all detective," Sammy says.

"It was my idea actually." Harry says.

"Just give us three or four more days and then come and visit and tell us the plan." I say.

"Way to piss Louis off more."

"What do you mean?" Harry asks.

"Well, Cat didn't really stick to the plan of not ruining anything in the store she was robbing. So now we owe Thomas another five hundred dollars because of the things she broke. Louis and Zayn had to go rob a bank to get a thousand dollars." Sammy explains.

"Tell Louis, shit happens." I say, "Now we have to go figure out a way to find out why Lucas was in here. So I'll see you soon Sammy."

"Just hurry up and solve this. I don't like you in here."

"Oh is my big brother scared?"

"He's your big brother by seconds." Harry says confused.

"Harry it's a joke, I have always acted like the older sibling." I explain.

"And yes I am scared, have you not seen these people?" Sammy says looking around at the people who are also visiting family and friends.

"They're not that bad Sammy don't worry." I say.

"And I'm watching her too."

"Yeah for what the little two hours I saw you before you were sent off to solitary for fighting?" I say looking over my shoulder at Harry and then look back at Sam, "It's really him you need to worry about."

"I can hear you." Harry says.

"Good, Lucas didn't mess with your hearing when he was beating the shit out of you." I say.

"Alright Styles and Miller, times up." Warden yells. I get up and hug Sammy before following Harry out of the visiting room.

"Wait, Officer Warden, why did you let Harry come with me? I know my brother didn't request to speak with Harry."

"He doesn't like to go anywhere without you which I understand. Sure you may have done some bad things but any disgusting man would want to lay his hands on you and I can tell you Harry isn't going to let that happen from what I saw yesterday. And a clean slate remember?" He explains.

"Thank you." I say and Harry and I walk back outside.

"He's in a good mood today." I say heading towards an empty table.

"I know it's odd." Harry says.

"So do you have a plan yet?" I ask when we sit down.


"I do." I say.

"That's the Cat I know. You're like Clint Eastwood from Escape from Alcatraz." Harry says with a grin on his face.

"It's very vague though." I say, "But does this prison have a place where they keep all of the prisoners' files?"

"They do but you're seriously risking the idea of ever escaping." Lela says sitting down next to me.

"Then how are we going to find how Lucas got put in here?"

"He kept a journal. When I was killing his cell one day he was in there writing in it. I asked him why he kept a journal and he said it's his book filled with all of his secrets. And the reason for him being locked up in here is a secret right? So it has to be in that journal."

"Do you think it's still in his cell?" I ask.

"I can go look for it but that won't be for two days. I cleaned yesterday. I have to wait two days before I can clean again." Lela says.

"Cat what was your plan to get into the place where they keep the files? Maybe we can comprise and come up with a new plan."

I begin telling them I what I thought about doing and we ended up changing something's and Lela said she would help us get the journal.

The same man as yesterday who called everyone in for lunch blew his whistle again and we all lined up to enter the Cafeteria.

"Are you sure about this Cat?" Harry asks as we move down the lunch line.

"Pretty sure." I say.

"Yeah, well, considering our circumstances, I'd like a little better than pretty sure." Harry says.

"Fine then, really, pretty sure." I mock Harry from yesterday. The prisoner on kitchen duty puts a glob of spaghetti on my place and then some tomato sauce and I wait for Harry and Lela to finish in the line.

"I'd like mine al dente." Harry says. The prisoner serving the spaghetti rolls his eyes and glares at Harry as he plops spaghetti on his tray and follows with the red sauce. Lela and I can't help but laugh, as Harry looks down at the unappetizing food on his tray. "Wow, thank you. It looks amazing." Harry says sarcastically before standing next to me and we wait for Lela. When Lela gets out of the line we split. Harry goes an opposite way and Lela and I head towards the trash throwing our food away and then heading over to the kitchen door way and waiting for Harry to do his part. Harry isn't far so I can hear his conversation with Tiny. Who isn't tiny at all, he's probably the biggest person in this prison.

"Jesus why did Harry choose him?" Lela says to me.

"Cause he's stupid; especially when he's in here for some reason. He's not thinking like he normally does when he's in here." I say.

"Save room for dessert Tiny." Harry laughs but Tiny ignores Harry and continues to eat his food.

"So I wanted to ask you, because I couldn't help but notice that you are two tons of fun. Just curious - is it like a thyroid problem, or is it some deep seated self-esteem issue?" Harry says, "Because you know, they're, uh they're just doughnuts. They're not love."

This time Tiny looks up quite offended. I couldn't help but feel bad for the guy, but then Tiny smiles. He suddenly pushes his tray towards Harry and then punches Harry in the nose causing Harry to fly to the ground. To the side of me Warden walks around the corner with two guards behind him. I turn back to the fight and watch as Harry gets up and punches Tiny twice in the face and then once in his stomach but they seem to not make much of an impact. Tiny grabs the front of Harry's prison jumpsuit and Harry headbutts Tiny. Harry steps back with a hand to his head. One of the guards Tiny has his back to notices what is going on and puts his baton around Tiny's neck from behind. Tiny picks up the guard and throws him down on the table.

Warden now seems to take notice of the fight, "Guys give me a hand." Warden and the two other guards run over as Tiny begins to punch Harry again and again. While Harry, Tiny and the guards keep fighting Lela and I enter the kitchen while the all the guards are distracted with the fight. We turn the corner in the kitchen where the vent is and climb through it.


The gaurds had finally pulled Tiny and I apart from almost ripping each other throats out. One guard holds me up since I can't really stand on my feet and another guard holds Tiny afraid he will come at me again. Warden who doesn't seem like he's in a good mood anymore grabs my face forcing me to look at him. "If I waited any longer, you'd be dead." Warden says.

"You waited long enough." I say.

Warden shoves his baton into my stomach. I bend over and Warden grabs the back of his head. "Do yourself a favor; don't. Talk," Warden says then turns to the other guards, "Take them both up to the infirmary."


I carefully lower myself down to the floor from the vent with Lela's help. We were now in a closet filled with cleaning supplies, "Here grab something in case we get caught. We can say we were cleaning."

I nod and grab a rag and a bottle filled with blue liquid and she grabs the same thing. We walk out of the closet and into the hallway filled with cells. Walking down the halls reminds me of the asylum that I was put in for a month.

"Here." Lela says stoping at a door. She opens the cell door and walks in. She heads to the bottom bunk and searches the bed. She checks under the pillow but there wasn't anything.

"It's not here." She says.

"It has to be." I say and start to help her look. She checks the top bunk while I continue to search the bottom bunk. I lift up the mattress and see a brown leather small book stashed in between the springs of the bed.

"Found it." I say pulling it out of the bed and setting the mattress back down.

"Okay let's get out of here before the guards do the checks in each room." She says but when we hear whistling we stop in our tracks towards the door.

"It's only Andrea, she's probably drunk. She does a poor job at her job of checking each cell." Lela says quietly, "But let's get under the bunk in case she does check this one."

I nod and we crawl under the bunk and wait until the whistling stops, but it gets close and closer. We hear the door open which causes me to bite down on my knuckle to keep me from breathing loudly. From under the bunk we see boots walk into the room and then turn right back around and out the door. We wait two minutes more before exiting Lucas' cell room and making out way back up to the cafeteria.


Tiny and I sit in the infirmary with adjacent cells with wire fence walls and a curtain between them and all over the fence walls.

"Hey Tiny," I say.

"Yeah?" Tiny answers.

"Sorry about the things I was saying earlier. I can't really tell you why, but I had to get you angry. So, anyway, sorry." I apologize.

"It's okay. Truth is; I have low self-esteem issues. My old man treated me and my brother like crap, right up till the day he died." Tiny says.

"How did he die?" I ask.

"Well I'm still confused on what happened to this day. We robbed a bank - the three of us. And one of the hostages he had a gun. He fired it and I fired back only I hit my father." He explains.

When he says this I get uneasy but then I hear footsteps coming into the room.

"Shit," I say remembering the sound of the shoes from last night.

"What?" Tiny asks.

"Oh shut up Tiny." A female voice says - the same voice from last night. I hear a door being unlocked and the door being opened. And then I hear choking and then shortly after a thud. I was unable to see who the women was because of the curtains over the fences and they have me locked down to the infirmary bed so I can remove the curtains or get out.

"Guards!" I scream but I know no one will come.

"Harry be quiet no one can hear you." The voice says, "You know I'm not going to kill you. I was thinking about it but I decided not to."

"Why?" I ask.

"Well I'm having fun watching you and your little girlfriend try and figure out who I am," She says, "And also you don't fit my category on people I'm killing but I know someone who does and you're quite close to her aren't you?"

"Don't you dare touch Cat." I say.

"That just sounds like an invitation." She says.

"But also you know more than one person who has shot someone during a robbery," She says, "I mean there's Louis and Zayn. If they were here they'd be dead."

"Well they're not." I say.

"Which leaves me with your little Cat toy."

"Well it's not like you can kill her right now, it would be too obvious and might blow your cover. You'll have to wait for tomorrow." I say.

"We'll see." She says before I hear footsteps walking off.


"I didn't mean too. I didn't mean to hit him that hard. Anger just came over me because the cops were outside the bank and he wouldn't shut up. I killed him." I read from Lucas' journal.

"Bingo." Lela says.

As I keep reading I can't help but worry about Harry, wondering if he's alright. "He's fine Cat. He's fine. Sure he may have a black eye and a bunch of bruises but he'll be fine." Lela says as if she read my mind.

"And speaking of the devil." Lela says looking past my shoulder. I turn my shoulder and look in the direction she was looking and saw Harry walking towards us.

"Lucas killed someone when robbing a bank." I say when he sits down but I can tell that something's wrong, "Harry what's wrong, what happened?"

"She killed Tiny." He says looking at me, "And I couldn't do anything to stop it." When I looked into his eyes, they were filling up with water which was something that I have only seen a couple times.

"Hey, listen to me; it's not your fault." I say and Harry looks down at his hands, "Harry look at me." Harry looks up and into my eyes again.

"He was a good man. He didn't deserve to die. Either did Lucas, either did Anna or Nick." Harry says.

"Cat, go get him some water." Lela says which confuses me.

"What why?" I ask.

"Just go get him some water, please." Lela says again only this time more demanding.

"Okay, I'll be back." I say getting up from the table.


Cat gets up from the table to get me water from Lela's demand.

"I don't need water Lela." I say.

"I know, but I know there's something more too why you're upset. What is it?"

"She's going to kill Cat."

"But Cat didn't kill anyone when she robbed the store to get in here."

"The two of us we robbed a gas station. When the owner shot me she shot the owner in the heart and killed him." I explain.

"So what are we going to do?" Lela asks.

"Keep her alive." I say.

"Okay, I can watch her, I won't leave her side."

"Is there any way you could possibly become roommates with her?"

"Well I think so yes. I mean she doesn't have a roommate. And I don't either."

"Just talk to Warden." I say.

"Why do you call The Warden just Warden like it's his real name?"

"Because if it was an actual name that would be his real name. He suits it." I explain, "But anyway thank you Lela. I know it's a big favor I'm asking you-"

"No, Harry, it's fine. I don't mind," She says, "In fact I wouldn't want her to die either. I like her - in a non-weird way - she reminds me of my best friend. And I see how much you care about her which is different from the last time I saw you."

When Lela sees Cat walking back we stop our conversation. "Here's that water you wanted but didn't want to get it yourself." Cat says setting it down.

"Hey, Cat he just got beat up by the largest man here." Lela says, "Give him a break."

"So while I was over there getting water, I was thinking there has to be a reason why she goes after people who killed someone in a robbery. What if the girl who is killing people lost someone important in a robbery and she wants revenge on the people who have robbed stores or banks and killed someone." She explains.

"That could be a possibility but how would we find out which guards here have a history with robberies?" Lela asks.

"When Sammy comes, I can ask him to have Louis do some research of the people who work here." Cat says.

"Also tell Louis to do some research on the people who are in here. See who killed someone during a robbery." I say.

"Well what do we do until tomorrow?" Cat asks.

"We ask around see if we can get any information." I say then turn to Lela, "Who has been here the longest?"

"That would be Derek who is over there." Lela says and points to an older man at a table eating alone.

"Good let's go have a little chat." I say getting up and Cat and Lela follow.

"May I help you?" Derek speaks when we sit across from him.

"Well, Lela told me that you have been in here the longest," I say.

"How does that concern you?" He asks.

"What he's trying to say is; do you know any female guard here that has had a history with robberies and has lost someone important to them?" Cat says.

"Yeah I remember two." He says.

"Do you remember their names?" Cat asks.

"Maybe, it's still kind of fuzzy," He says.

"Do you remember their names?" I ask again and hand him a pack of unopened cigarettes.

"Officer McBryen and Officer Ranson." He says.

"Do they both still work here?" I ask.

"I don't know." He says. Which seconds later causes Cat to laugh.

"Harry give him the second pack."

"No, I worked hard for these," I complain.

"Harry now." Lela demands and I set down the second and last packet of cigarettes.

"Both of them quit." Derek says, "Ranson quit about five months ago and McBryen quit a year ago."

"And there's no one else?" Lela asked.

"Nope, those are the only two I know of."

"You're lying." I say.

"I am not," Derek says, "I'm telling the truth."

"The hell you are." I say.

"Harry he's telling the truth." Cat says.

"How do you know?" I ask her.

"Because I just do, now let's go." She says.

When I don't move she grabs my arms and does her best to pull me away from the table. I finally get up and walk over to an empty table.

"What the hell was that Harry?" Cat asks when we sit down.

"I was trying to get answers." I reply.

"No you were trying to pick another fight." Lela says.

"Harry does it scare you how much you fit in here?" Cat asks.

"No, no it doesn't." I reply, "But who could it possibly be if those two officers don't work here anymore?"

"I don't know. Maybe this prison didn't go deep enough into someone's background information but we will find whoever it is." I say.

"And if we don't? Harry we need to get out of here. If we don't go soon we might never get out of here." Cat says.

"Cat I can't let Nick down. If you want to go and get out of here go right ahead but I am not leaving until I find out who is killing these people."

Cat shut's up after that but then speaks a moment later, "Well I'm going to bed, I'll see you tomorrow." I can tell Cat is upset but I let her go to cool off, I tell Lela to go after her and make sure she is okay, living me alone at a table.


"Miller!" The Warden calls stopping Lela and I from walking.

"Yes?" I ask turning around.

"Your brother he's back. He needs to see you and Harry again." The Warden says, "Come with me please?"

"Oh okay. Lela I'll be back."

"Wait Officer?" Lela says.

"Yes Lela?" The Warden asks.

"Do you think possibly I could switch cells and be roommates with Cat?" Lela asks.

"Ms. Miller do you have a roommate already?"

"No, Sir." I reply.

"Sure go ahead." The Warden says before walking the other way and motioning me to follow him.

When we turn the corner The Warden stops walking. "It's happening tomorrow night."

"No fucking way," I say shocked, "You're the one breaking us out?"

"Well I had to play my part with Harry didn't I? I have to say I made it look pretty believable." The Warden says.

"And that you did,"

"Cat, have you found out anything about who is killing these prisoners?"

"We're stuck," I say, "We know that whoever it is, has lost someone due to a robbery and works here as a guard. We talked to Derek, but he said the only two guards with history of that quit."

"Have Louis look into it, I'll look into it too." Warden says and we begin to walk to the visiting center.

"Does Harry know?" I ask.

"Trust me he knows. I'm the one that broke them out last time." He says.

We approach the visiting center, "Same rules as last time Cat." I nod and see Harry and Sam at a table and I walk over to it.

Sammy gets up and we hug. "Sam we need you to tell Louis to do some information on the workers here." I say sitting next to Harry.

"Preferably information about the guards who have past experice with loosing someone to a robbery." Harry adds.

"Okay I'll tell Louis and get it to you as soon as I can but you guys are aware we are getting you guys out of here tomorrow night."

"We know. That's why you need to get back to Louis as soon as possible and get him researching. Tell what ever information you got to The Warden and we'll take care of it when we get out of here." Harry says.

"Okay I'll see you guys soon. The Warden will explain everything to you tomorrow night." Sammy says.

"Okay now get out of here." I say hugging him.

Next day

I search outside for Harry and when I find him I walk towards him.

"Cat there was another heart attack." Harry says when I approach him.

"Let me guess he killed someone during a robbery?" I say.

"No actually, he murdered his family." Harry says.

"Well we can't wait around to find out why she killed him."

"We could give it another day?" Harry suggests.

"No, Harry we are leaving tonight. And that's it." I say.

"So, we're not going to finish the job? We're just going let these people die?"

"Harry don't give me that alright!" I yell, "This was your stupid idea to find out who is killing these people. And I went along with it. But now we are sticking to my plan Harry. My plan on getting out of here."

"Okay you leave, I'll stay." Harry says and starts to walk off.

"Hey! Don't you dare turn away from me Harry!" I yell following him.

"Screw you!" Harry yells back which pisses me off even more.

"What the hell did you just say to me?" I ask pulling his shoulder so he'll turn around. But he pushes me back.

A guard grabs me from behind and The Warden grabs Harry from behind holding him back and another guard follows behind The Warden. "All right, hard case. I see the usual methods aren't going to work with you." The Warden says to Harry. He let's go of Harry and the other guard grabs Harry.

"You too Sweetheart." The Warden says to me. The Warden grab's the shoulder of my jacket and tells the guard that holds Harry to follow. The Warden takes me to an empty large room in the prison and Harry and the other guard follow behind.

"Take off. I want to handle this alone." The Warden says to the guard and he leaves. The Warden steps menacingly close to Harry, then smiles and puts a hand on the side of Harry's neck.

"Deacon, you are beating the holy hell out of me, man." Harry laughs.

"Sorry, Harry. I thought I was going easy on you. Just, trying to make it look real." Deacon says.

"Well, mission accomplished." Harry says.

"So did you guys find out any more information?"

"No, did you?" I ask.

"Nope. What you heard from Derek was true. Only two and they both quit."

"This is why we should stick around a bit longer." Harry says turning to me.

"You want to have this fight for real, Harry? We have to go." I say.

"I'm just saying-" Harry begins but I interrupt him.

"We have to go!" I yell.

"Guys." Deacon says but we ignore him.

"We are leaving Harry and I'm not fighting over you with this. We are leaving and that is finale!" I say.

"Oh, come on Cat." Harry says.

"Guys!" Deacon yells which stops our argument.

"What?" Harry and I both say at the same time.

"Sammy left this for you." Deacon says holding up an envelope. I take it and open it up and bein to read it.

"You maybe want to share with the class Cat?" Harry says sarcastically which makes me send him a glare.

"Do you know an Officer Gallson?" I ask Deacon.

"Yeah she's one of the best officers here." Deacon says.

"Well she's the one killing everyone." I say.

"Why would she want to kill anyone here?"

"Because her brother was shot and killed in a robbery. She wanted revenge on the people who did rob places." I say.

"That's not true, she was an only child."

"Maybe you guys should dig a little deeper into who you guys are working with." I say handing him the paper.

"Holy shit," Deacon says.

"So what do you want us to do? Should we kill her or do you just want to fire her?" Harry asks.

"I say we do both." Deacon says, "I'll fire her and the two of you can kill her."

"I like where this is going." I say, "And guess what we have her address right on this paper."

"Alright then, let's get the two of you out of here." Deacon says.

"Wait Deacon," I say, "Lela,"

"What about her?"

"She's innocent you know that right?"

"I know, I'm working on getting her out of her."

"Okay good, she doesn't deserve to be in here." I say.

"And don't worry Deacon we'll take care of her." Harry says. Deacon removes a vent cover from the wall.

"Good, because I want my prison to be safe again." Deacon says, "And before you go I want to say thank you. I mean the two of you could've left as soon as you got here but you stuck around to see what was going on so thank you." Deacon pulls Harry and I both in for a group hug and then tells us to get out of here.

"Hope to see you again? Just not in here, okay?"

"We'll do our best." Harry says.

Harry and I head towards the vent but Harry turns back around and heads towards Deacon. "Where do you want it" Harry asks holding up his fist. Deacon smiles and point to the bottom of his cheek next to his chin, "Make it look real, son."

Harry nods before pulling his arm back and then punches Deacon right where he wanted it. From where I watched it looked like it hurt a lot. Harry says goodbye to Deacon one last time before we both climb throw the vent that leads to outside. It leads us to a ladder which we climb down and there was a getaway car next to it. The sounds of sirens made us hurry and get the hell away from the prison and drive to Officer Gallson's house. We park a little ways from her house and wait for her to come home. When we see a car pull up into the driveway we get out and walk towards the house with the bag of weapons that were provided in the back of the car.

"Hello Tracy." Harry says walking into the open Garage where Tracy gets out of her car.

"How the hell did you get out?" She asks, her voice was shaky meaning she was frightened.

"I'm just very well liked in that prison." Harry says.

"Get out of my house before I call the police." She says and reaches in her purse and pulls out her phone. She holds it showing it to us. I take a knife and throw it at the phone. When the knife makes impact with the phone it flies out of her hand and stabs the wall behind her.

"With what phone?" I ask.

"I should've killed you when I had the chance." She says to me.

"But you didn't and that's your mistake because we want revenge on you just like how you want revenge on all of those prisoners who killed someone during a robbery." Harry says.

"Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is you take us inside to your home and we can kill you nice and fast. Or the hard way is if you don't take us into your home we will torture you until we decide to kill you." I say, "So which is it?"

"Option one." She says walking towards the door that leads into her home.

"Good choice." Harry says following behind her. She opens the door and walks in and we enter her kitchen. She quickly runs towards a draw and pulls out a knife and holds it up to us.

"Don't move or someone will get hurt." She threatens.

"Wrong choice." I say before taking another throwing knife and aiming it down at her foot making her scream in pain and she drops her knife.

"I guess she wants option two Harry." I say.

"Okay I say we do something our friend Annabelle would do don't you think Cat?"

"I think we shall. Here is the rope and here's some wire," I saw pulling it out of the bag. I toss the two things to Harry and he catches them.

"Oh Harry she even has a pole," I say walking out of the kitchen and see a spiral staircase with a pole that hold it up. Harry pushs her over to the pull and ties her to it.

"What are you going to do to me?" She asks.

"Well I need to ask you a couple questions and you just need to answer them." Harry says.

"How did you know about Cat's first robbery?" Harry asks.

"Why do you need to know?"

Harry holds his hand out towards me and I hand him a knife. He takes it and stabs it into her thigh. "Don't answer my question with another question. Now answer the question!"

"Because I was there shopping! And when I first heard Cat speak at the prison I recognized the voice." She answered.

"Okay now why did you kill a man who didn't even rob a place?"

"You mean Randy?" She asks and Harry nods, "I didn't kill him. He died of a heart attack. A real one."

"Okay that's all we needed." Harry stands up and walks behind the pole taking the wire he put it around her neck and pulls. She begins to struggle to catch her breath and her hand move up to her neck to try and pry the wire off but she can't. Finally her body gave up and she took her last breath.

"Alright let's go." Harry says and we walk out of the house and drive to Sammy's house.

Okay like I said before this was a really long chapter. And yes I know that there are no prisons where they do have men and women, they stopped that a long time ago - for certain reasons - but just go with it. And also this chapter was based off of an episode from Supernatural; a lot of it was. If you want to know what episode it was it was Season 2 Episode 19. But thank you for 3.2k reads! I really do appreciate it! -tori

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