Bandage the damage // Harry S...

By chickenialls

797K 19.5K 3.1K

They were different yet alike in so many ways. Unintentionally, he burned down her walls like a lit cigarette... More

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4.4K 142 14
By chickenialls

Updated= 13/03/2015

*Yasmin's POV*

I can barely move, my legs feel like jelly and my forehead is dripping with sweat.

"Come on Yas, one more round!" Harry yells, his eyes narrowing at my lack of energy.

"I'm tired!" 

"That's not how you stay fit, you don't stop when you get tired! You push your limits. Believe you can and you will, now punch!" He instructs with a commanding tone.

I roll my eyes and take a deep breath as I start punching the punching bag again.

"Left, right, left, right!" Harry instructs as he watches me intensely. I am dripping in sweat and my knuckles are hurting.

"A few more minutes." Harry says as he crosses his arms and his muscles immediately flex. His arms are so big and he has so much muscle, that for a few seconds I feel mesmerized by his big beautiful arms.

"Don't twist your torso so much!" Harry abruptly says, stopping me from hitting the punching bag as his hands go to my waist and he turns me to face the punching bag.

I repeat this for a few more times until he finally tells me that the exercise is done.

"Hit me up." Harry smirks as he puts on a pair of weird gloves that look like a flat cushion on his hands.

"Harry I want to-" I start to say but he cuts me off. "Five minutes." 

"But Harry I can barely feels my arms." I sigh.

Harry rolls his eyes at my exhaustion and wraps his arm around me. "It's worth it. I promise!" He gives my sweaty cheeks a quick kiss before he pushes me away.

"Go!" Harry says with a louder voice as he lifts his hands up like a protective shield.

I sigh knowing he won't let me stop and start hitting the gloves. I hit and punch until my thumb and fingers go numb. After a few more minutes Harry, gratefully lets me stop. I take off the gloves and sigh in relief as I grab the glass of water he brought and gulp it down.

Harry puts on the gloves and I watch as he kicks the punching bag with a lot of force,swaying it around. He put his hair up in a bun today so it wouldn't get in his face and he honestly seems quite relieved not having to push his hair away every five seconds.

After a few more minutes he finally takes off his gloves and picks his glass and takes a small sip.

"We've been working out for half an hour, we're so fucking good." He high fives me happily.

I nod enthusiastically. "Working out with you is fun." Even though he's really strict and uptight with me when we're working out, I enjoy his company.

He smiles and explains our next plan. "Let's have a quick shower under five minutes and then go in the bath." 

I check the time on his ipad, it's only eleven.

"Where do I shower?" I ask him.

"In my shower." He chuckles.

"And where are you going to shower?" I ask baffled a little. If I shower in his shower, where will he shower?

"In my shower?" It comes out as a question as he looks at me confused.

"Wait we're showering together?" I ask uneasily.

"Yeah of course, why wouldn't we? We're going in the same bath." He says convulsed. 

"Oh, right...right..." I respond feeling embarrassed.

"What's wrong Hastings? Don't wanna get in a shower with me? I won't touch you." He winks.

"And I'm supposed to believe you?" We leave his room of work out equipment and walk down the hallway to his room.

"I swear I won't." He says, grabbing my arm and dragging me with him to his bathroom.

He pulls his wet and stinky grey t-shirt that's covered in his sweat up his head and throws it to the floor. I take off my tank top and pull down Harry's boxers that he gave me to work out in. It makes me look very sexy! Note the sarcasm.

I unclasp my bra and pull down my underwear. I don't feel as uncomfortable as I did last night, however being completely naked in the daylight makes me a little nervous. Harry's eyes aren't on me, he's too busy taking out two cloths and two towels to notice that I'm naked. He sets the towels on the rail and turns around when I'm putting my hair in a high bun.

"Whoa, didn't think you'd undress that fast." Harry smirks as he takes off the rest of his clothes and dumps them on the floor. My eyes go down to his dick and he notices and gently pulls me in the shower with him.

"Look at it again and I'll make you suck me." He teases as he switches on the water and it starts pouring down on us. I close my eyes like a six year old until Harry grabs the hand held shower head and covers himself in warm water. I stare at him as he runs his hands through his hair with the shower head directly on top of him. Watching his body get wet with water, and seeing him close his eyes and roll his head back for the water to hit his neck makes me wet.

The beautiful moment comes and goes as Harry splashes me with water, being careful not to wet my hair. He grabs his shower gel and squirts it on his cloth and starts scrubbing himself. I do the same and Harry hums a song while we quietly shower.

"I've only showered with one girl in my life." Harry randomly throws a fact in the air.

"Really?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah." Harry responds.

"Who was it?" I ask curiously. I'm betting that he'll say Linds but I hope he doesn't.

"It's not who you think it is." He laughs.

"Then who?" I ask annoyed.

Harry shrugs teasingly and says,"Can't say." 

I roll my eyes and say,"Fine be a bitch."

Then, Harry decides to be an actual bitch and he squirts loads of shower gel and takes me by complete surprise when he suddenly shoves the cold liquid against my chest.

"Harry!" I yell startled by his action.

"You told me to be a bitch. You'll love it." He smirks. His hand gropes my right boob and he starts caressing it, taking small steps until he backs me against the wall. I suppress a moan when his other hand starts working on my other boob. He slides his hands up and down my torso very smoothly before his hands subtly run around my lower back and slide down. He grabs my ass and squeezes it.

"Someday I'll do you against this wall." He whispers, giving me a huge smirk as his eyes fall down to my lips. 

I decide to tease him back by licking my lips as I know that his attention is on them. Harry pushes me deeper in the cold tiles and his hand falls down to my hips. "It's getting pretty steamy in here." 

I smirk and say,"You're very steamy yourself aren't you?" 

"How can I not be?" He smirks before he slowly pulls away and grabs the shower head and hands it to me.

In a matter of minutes we step out of the shower and Harry quickly dries himself and wraps the towel around his hips.

"Should we really take a bath? I feel like we'll waste too much water." I say unsure.

He rolls his eyes,"You didn't say anything when I was wasting soap on your body." 

"That's different and you know it. How about we do something else?" I laugh.

"Like what?" Harry asks tying the towel around his waist before taking out a smaller towel and drying his hair.

"We haven't gone outside yet. Why don't we go get something to eat?" I propose an idea.

"Right now?" He asks me.

I nod excitedly and he sighs,"My parents will be back at around two so I guess we can go out but then I need to come back to hang out with my dad." 

I happily thank him and he takes out white boxers and slides them on. Harry looks through his clothes and asks me what he should wear. 

"Wear something that at least makes you look like you put an effort." I chuckle.

"What's that supposed to mean? As if I don't put any effort in my outfits?" Harry says furrowing his eyebrows.

"It was a joke.." I reply, surprised that he didn't understand it.

"What are you wearing?" He asks me ignoring the comment. 

"I got some denim shorts and a crop top." I tell him exiting his closet. I put on a set of clean underwear and put on my shorts and red crop top. I slide on my comfortable sandals and grab my make up kit. I cleanse my face with my coconut scented cleanser and then I moisturize before putting on some foundation. I dab some concealer under my eyes and take out my eyeliner brush and the eyeliner gel.

I prefer this than liquid eyeliner because that is very hard to control and do and it takes a very long time to try and make both eyes look the same. I line my eyes with the eyeliner but struggle to get the wing right. After three tries I finally succeed on doing my eyeliner. My left doesn't look as a replica of the right but it looks very similar. The struggle of eyeliner. It takes me ages to get my mascara right because my eyelashes are all crumbled together and I don't have an eyelash curler. I draw in my eyebrows, removing any gaps of no hair by the pencil. Since we're going out to eat, I decide against lipstick. I grab my hair spray and spray it all around my hair to keep it from becoming frizzy during the day.

"Zayn knows this great restaurant that has a great outdoor location. Do you want to go there?" Harry suddenly appears from his closet.

I nod, closing the make up bag and turning around. "Seems nice. Is it expensive?"

"I don't think so." Harry shrugs.

Harry is wearing a red t-shirt sleeved shirt with very small white dots on it. He paired it with dark blue skinny jeans. He hasn't put on his shoes yet but I'm guessing he's gonna wear his converse.

"We're matching." Harry smiles.

"We make a hot couple." I joke as he walks up to me. I turn around and we both face the mirror. I have to agree with myself, we do indeed look great together. I really like how we look together.

I move over so that Harry can get ready. I watch him as he runs his hands through his hair and starts styling it. It's probably weird to stare so I turn around and go back to his room. I put on my my black sandals and slide on my white watch. I fold the tank top I wore last night to bed and put it back in my bag along with the sexy underwear.

"Are you done?" Harry emerges from the bathroom.

"Yeah I am." I zip my bag and throw it over my shoulder.

"I can't find my wallet." Harry says as he looks around the room in annoyance.

"It's on the desk." I notice.

Harry's eyes travel to the desk and he nods,"Thanks."

He grabs it and stuffs it in his pocket. He opens his bedroom door and we step out.

"So, am I the only one who feels like this weekend was one of the best ones?" Harry chuckles, opening the door and stepping outside into the fresh air. The sun is shining very hard today and it's a hot day and needless to say, having no sunglasses on a day like this is very annoying.

"Nope, it was very good." I smile going in his car.

The ride from Harry's house to the restaurant that Zayn suggested took about twenty minutes. Unfortunately the weather is suddenly becoming a bit too windy for my liking so my hair is turning into one huge mess.

"I'm up for some pasta." Harry says eyeing the menu.

"I'm gonna have a salad." I decide as I flip through the pages wishing I could eat a pizza or a burger instead but because of the strict rules I'm under at work, I can't.

"A salad? I thought you said you were hungry? What the hell..." Harry says confused.

"I can't eat what I want remember? If I do I'll get bloated or fat." 

"You can have one cheat meal Yasmin." 

"Not when I have work tomorrow." I sigh.

Harry shrugs,"Well do what you want." 

The restaurant has around six tables filled and the atmosphere is nice and positive. They're playing soft music in the background at a low volume and I can hear the chattering of people. Looking around me, I only notice people our age. I don't see anyone I recognize.

"What do you want for your birthday?" Harry suddenly asks me just after the waiter takes our orders.

"How do you know my birthday is soon?" I ask him.

"I checked your school file!" Harry chuckles.

"How are you allowed?" I ask him surprised.

"I asked my was simple." He laughs.

"Well, damn. Now you know everything about me and I can't hide anything!" I joke.

"Sorry!" He winks.

I laugh and he asks me what I want for my birthday again while I just rest my chin in the palm of my hand wondering.

"You don't have to get me anything you know? It's not a big deal." I smile.

"Of course I have to! I'm you boyfriend remember? Zayn did that to Perrie and I asked my dad and he also said I should get you a gift. Now I don't know how girls' brains work but..." 

I laugh loudly at Harry's rambling. He is actually very cute when he's unsure about stuff.

"I don't know what I want..." I answer truthfully.

"There must be some new things you want. Clothes? Shoes?" Harry asks playing with his watch.

"I have no idea." I reply.

Harry rolls his eyes,"How about you make a list of things you like or things that maybe you'd like to own, and I'll see what I can find and buy you something." 

"Okay fine, I feel bad though,you know how much I dislike it when people spend money on me." 

Harry laughs and his hand falls down to my exposed knee. I look down at his hand, enjoying the sudden warmth that it's providing. Harry's thumb starts stroking my skin, from left to right under the table and I enjoy the gesture.

"I love spending money on you." Harry cutely says.

"And I will give you the best present ever to prove it!" Harry chuckles.

"Just...nothing fancy okay? I like simple stuff, like going on a date to a carnival or to a festival, I hate it when you take me to fancy places full of snobby people." I explain truthfully.

"Will a bed with roses and a condom do?" Harry jokes under his breath.

I laugh and mutter,"Just sex? Hmmm,maybe we can drink wine and dance." 

"Dance? Me? I don't dance." 

"Why not?" I ask curiously.

"Have you seen me dance? I am terrible. I'm a disgrace." Harry laughs shaking his head in disgust.

"Well, I'm not that great either but dancing is fun." I respond.

"I can sit and watch you dance. That works for me." Harry smirks.

I roll my eyes,"I'm definitely going to force you to dance." 

"This is a democratic country, I do what I please." He jokes.

The waiter returns with our plates and I mentally sigh at the plate of salad mixed with sea food. I would of loved to eat a big plate of pasta like Harry. His dish definitely seems more delicious than mine. I try to ignore my thoughts as I start eating. I have to admit though, it's really good as well.

"I wanna go abroad this summer." Harry says after he chews a mouthful of spaghetti. I chuckle at the way he sucks the spaghetti up his mouth and take out his tongue to lick his mouth.

"Where?" I ask him curiously.

"I want to go to Europe. I've been to a few places but they were family trips I want to explore by myself." He explains.

I cut my chicken as I ask,"Which countries have you visited?"

"Excluding England because that's where I'm from, I visited Italy, Sweden, Switzerland and Denmark." 

"I've never visited Europe." I reply surprised that he has been to four European countries.

"They're nice places, they have loads of historic places and amazing food." Harry responds wiping his mouth.

"So where do you wanna go this Summer?" I ask him.

"France...Zayn went there last year and he said it's amazing." 

"Paris oh my god, the Eiffel tower and Disneyland and all those beautiful designer shops! That city is so beautiful. I want to go there someday." I reply as images of Paris that I've seen on my computer and in movies flash through my mind.

"Yeah it is, it's also the City of love." Harry chuckles.

I nod as I chew. 

"We should go on a vacation Yas, what do you think? We can start saving up and go just for a few days or a week." 

After I swallow I reply. "A holiday? I don't know Harry I haven't really planned anything for the summer..." 

"What do you need to plan? It's summer..." Harry replies confused.

"I'm probably moving back to Dallas with my aunt and uncle." I reply.

"What?" Harry stops twirling his fork in his bowl and looks up to stare at me.

"What?" I ask suddenly uncomfortable.

"You're not staying in California?" He asks me very surprised.

"I don't know yet, I don't have any relatives that live here." 

"Oh...I thought....I thought you'd stay. I never thought about this." Harry replies.

"Maybe I'll get my own place I don't know, I haven't thought about it." 

"You should start thinking then because university ends in less than two months." Harry points out.

I sigh. "I know but it's stressful so I just try and push it aside." 

"Wise." He says sarcastically with a laugh.

I chuckle and take a sip of my water, as I start to think of Paris again while Harry starts talking about Europe again.

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