Episode {52}

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Read my note at the end of the chapter because it awaits some clues to the next chapter! xX 

*Harry's POV*

Dinner here is much more different than dinner at home. Ashley, Jason and Yasmin get together and they talk to each other about how their day went, but since they haven't seen Yas in ages they talk about her through the entire dinner. This is the opposite of what my family does. We rarely eat together, except for the weekend, and when we do, I only mutter a few words, sometimes I do talk a lot but it's usually mum and dad discussing work so I just sit there on my phone and eating.

I stay quiet trying to prevent myself from any more rude conversations that I might start. So while I listen to Yasmin describing her new life at Uni, I stay still and simply eat what's on my plate. The food here isn't that bad, not as amazing as Blair's but it'll do. I'm eating lamb, mashed potatoes, and vegetables on the side.

"Oh yes dear, the weather here is much more sunnier isn't it?" Ashley cheerfully asks.

"Yes, I honestly wasn't prepared for it to be that cold. It's always freezing." Yasmin replies.

"But you adapted to the climate I assume?" Ashley goes on.

Yasmin eagerly nods,"Yeah I did."

"Well it's good to have ya with us darl," Jason tells her with a grin.

"It's good to be back here. It feels like home." Yasmin smiles.

A small smile creeps on my face because seeing Yasmin this happy makes me feel really good. I want her to be as happy as possible.

"Harry, pass me the salt please." Ashley suddenly says making me look up from my dinner. I hand it to her politely yet she still looks like she wants to kill me.

"You're oddly quiet Harry, you were so talkative earlier today, did you swallow your own tongue?" She smiles sweetly at me.

I ball my fist under the table and force a smile on my face.

"I just want you to catch up with her since it's been a long time since you last saw her." I reply politely.

"Are you coming back for Christmas?" She asks me, making it clear that she's expecting a no.

However I say the opposite,"Oh yes ma'am. I really want to meet the rest of the family."

She exchanged a glance with Jason and I do the same with Yasmin. She looks a little confused as if she doesn't know with who to side with.

"But I mean," I add, realizing that I can win them over if I say this. "Yasmin really wants me to meet the rest of her family, so really, I'm doing this for her. I want to be there when she tells everyone about me." I say putting my hand on Yasmin's. Yasmin looks at me with a questioning look.

"Oh well we'll be delighted to have you again. We'll fix the room a little better next time." Ashley says faking a smile, yet again for Yasmin because I know she secretly wants to destroy me.

Yasmin is the first one to finish dinner, followed by Jason. She stands up and excuses herself,"I'm going to go and take a shower and change out of these clothes." I send her a smile and she half returns it, as it's not a full smile, it's a small one.

Great now she's leaving me alone with these pricks. What the hell do I do now? Yasmin disappears from the kitchen and when we hear her close the door of the bathroom, I turn to look at her aunt and uncle with narrowed eyes. I am expecting some sort of scolding or one of those protective lectures.

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