Better together (a clace fan...

De little_squirrel_234

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Jace mysteriously is found dead at the entrance to the institute. Clary is so upset. What happens when he mys... Mais

This cant be happening
Feeling better
First day back to school
The institute
The day it happened
The greenhouse
The fashion show
A big suprise
The calls
A very busy day
The trip
Telling everyone
Girls night
A day with jace
Leaving for Italy
Prank wars
The next day
Dreams and Promises
Moving day
The note
Feeling sick
I hate the flu
Where am I?
I need you
The rescue
What do I do?
a new friend
Some huge news and of course
Dress shopping
The beach
A day at the beach
Clary's day
A wedding problem
The wedding
The honeymoon
Herondale manor
Back to New York
He wants me back?
The castle
Coronation day
The missing cup and sword
The faerie court
Telling some big news
The letters
Whats it gonna be?
Shadowhunter academy
Picking out the nursery
Please jem?
Who did this?
2 days
Running out of time
I'm coming Clary
A sleeping clary
Waking up
Going Back to New York
A disney marathon!
She's coming
The bet
A surprise
New and old aquaintances
The truth comes out
A werewolf problem
Poor Wolves
A wolf prison
The auction
A plan
A visitor
The interview and photo shoot
The Jace Journal
Going back to the castle
In the begining
Go home!
Logans birthday
Ascension Day
Looking for clary
Lightwood family dinner
Sneak peak
Protect her
Graces announcement party
Grace leaves
It hurts
The dinner
The horse show
News from mom
The questioning
Queen for a day
The beach
Donuts and birthday presents
Sorry guys
Alices birthday
Going home
Isabelle and Simons wedding
Sorry guys
King for a day
Jace gets sick
Jaces Birthday
A declaration
I need an answer
Telling the family
a few days before the wedding
Jonathan and alices wedding
Good news and bad news
Coming home
Bad news
Grace meets family
Bad news
Graces return party
Neice or nephew?
Los angeles
Seeing family again
Meeting with Aubrey
Meeting with the king and queen
Dont hate me please
What to do?
Shoping with ash
Gender reveal
Christmas eve
Jaces turn
Meeting with a verlac
Doctors visits and shopping trips
The day before
Home again
A break in
Hawaii pt. 1
Hawaii part 2
Alice leaves


105 4 4
De little_squirrel_234

Alice POV

I hear my phone ringing. I groan. "Turn it off" I hear Jonathan groan. I pick my phone up and see it's 6:00 in the morning and the call is coming from clary. I slide it to answer. "Hello" I groan half awake. "Aunt Alice! You have to get up we are going to Disney today" I hear Graces voice say excitedly. "I know Grace but It is 6:00 in the morning. We won't meet at Disneyland until 9:45. Go back to bed" I tell her. "But-" she starts. "Go to bed now Grace. I will see you in the morning" I tell her. "Fine," she says. "Is Clary there?" I ask. "No, momma is sleeping," she says. "See, you should too. Go back to bed and get a few more hours of sleep. You will need it" I say. "But I can't sleep," she says. "Grace go to sleep now or we won't go with you to Disneyland. When we get back to Idris I will make sure your playtime is reduced and charlotte makes sure you do more chores" I tell her. "Okay, I will try to sleep. Please don't take my toys and things away" she says. "Goodbye Grace," I say and hang up the phone. I put my phone down and close my eyes. I am able to fall back asleep.

I wake up to my alarm going off at 8:30. I want to strangle that kid, niece or not, I am very tired and she woke me up and now I want to strangle her. I get out of bed and splash some water on my face to wake myself up.

I go on downstairs. "Good morning Mrs. Alice," Jeffrey says. "Good morning Jeffrey. Can you get me some coffee please" I ask? "Right away ma'am," he says. "Rough night," he asks. "Not at all. My niece just woke me up before the crack of dawn" I tell him. I sit down at the table. "The joys of kids," he says. "Most of the time she is fine. She just happened to wake up at 6:00 and decided to call me" I explain. "Ah, I see," he says. He brings me my coffee. "would you like something to eat" he asks. "Eggs and bacon please," I ask. "Sure. How would you like your eggs" he asks. "Fried, over easy please," I say. "Sure Mrs. Alice," he says and goes back into the kitchen.

Bear and echo come down. Jeffrey brings them their bowls with their dog food. Mom comes in next. "Good morning sweetheart," she says and sits down with me. "Good morning mom," I say. "Did you sleep well?" she asks. "I did. At least until Grace woke me up at 6:00 this morning" I say. "Clarys daughter Grace" mom asks. "Yes. She was so excited about our trip to Disneyland today that she woke up at 6:00 and went into clary and Jaces room and called me from Clary's phone. I guess it's a good thing Clary is a heavy sleeper" I explain. "Ah, so how did you get her to hang up the phone," she asks. "Well, I told her the four of us wouldn't go to Disneyland with them today and when we got back home she would have to do more chores and I would reduce her playtime," I say. "You can do that," she asks. "Yeah, she knows it too," I say. "Cool," she says. Jeffrey comes out and brings me my eggs and bacon and sets it in front of me and pours mom some coffee. "Thank you, Jeffrey," I say. "What would you like Mrs. Williams," he asks. "I will have some eggs and bacon too please," she says. "How would you like those eggs," he asks. "Scrambled please," she says. "Right away madam," he says and goes back into the kitchen.

I start eating my breakfast and Lucy and Ash join us next. "Mom, Are you sure Denali is going to be okay while we are gone," he asks. "Yes, she will be fine. I even reserved for Charlie to take care of her. Charlie isn't afraid of anything or anyone but he won't hurt her. He will make sure Denali gets taken care of as she should. Why are you worried about her" I ask. "I don't know. I had a dream last night, that when we got back she was back to being wild like when I first met her and she was starving. She looked really bad mom" he says. "Relax, Ash. Denali will be fine. When we get back she will be the same as when we left her, just as fed and behaving the same as when we left her. She will be somewhat tamed like she is now" I say. "I'm sorry. Am I missing something? Who is Denali" mom asks? "Denali is my horse. She is a black Arabian and Uncle Jace and Aunt Clary gave her to me" Ash explains. "That was nice of them," mom says. "Yeah well, Ash is the only one who could get Denali to let him near her and get her to eat and behave and pretty much do anything. Ash is the one who named her too. Before she got a name everyone called her that, wild horse or crazy. Jace said she was taking up space that was needed and eating too much food that there was not enough for their other horses" I explain. "How many do they have," mom asks. "There's a total of 36," I say. "Wow," Lucy says.

Jeffrey comes over and pours me and mom some more coffee. "What can I get you two for breakfast," he asks Ash and Lucy. "Can I get oatmeal and some orange juice" Ash asks? "Sure and you Miss Lucy," he asks. "Just cereal please," she says. "Honey nut cheerios as usual," he asks. "Yes Please," she says and he leaves.

After a while, he comes back with their food and we all continue eating. Jonathan comes In and sits with us beside me with Zillah in his lap. "Good morning," I say. "Hey," he says and sits down. "What can I get for you for Breakfast this morning," Jeffrey asks. "Oatmeal like Ash and coffee please," he asks. "Any cream or sugar," Jeffrey asks. "Cream please," Jonathan says. "Right away," Jeffrey says and leaves the breakfast nook to go to the kitchen.

Dad walks in on the phone. "No I told you once and what I said is final. The rent is 11 grand a day for 3,000 square feet if you want to put your store in my building" he says. He is quiet listening to the other person on the phone. "Fine, you want to go down, the farthest I am willing to go is 9 grand," he says. He is quiet once again. "Good. Send me the list and the papers signed. I have to go. Talk to you soon" he says hanging up before the person could say another thing. "Wow, dad," I say. He just shrugs and sits down with us. "Good morning sir. Coffee?" Jeffrey asks dad while bringing out Jonathan's breakfast and coffee. "Please," dad says and Jeffrey pours dad some coffee. "Do you want your usual for breakfast sir?" he asks dad. "Please," dad says. Jeffrey then leaves the room to go back to the kitchen once again.

"You are still in your pajamas," dad says looking at me. "Yes, I am," I say matter of factly. "Don't you leave soon?" he asks. "Yes, I was gonna wait and change after breakfast. Ash is still in his too" I say and point out.

Jeffrey brings out dad's food and we all eat and talk. Once I finish my food I go upstairs and look through my suitcase for something to wear. I decide on a plain white shirt and dark green shorts.

I grab my black leather crossbody purse and leave the bedroom.

I meet Jonathan, ash, and Lucy at the bottom of the stairs. "Alright, let's go," I say. Lucy and I lead the way to the garage and I get in my white Nissan rogue. Ash chooses to ride with Lucy ahead to Disneyland. Jonathan rides with me and I text clary telling her we are leaving the house now and will meet them soon. I start the car and we head on to Disneyland.

When we arrive at the parks, everyone is waiting for us at the front gates. We park and meet up with them. "Cards," Clary says and hands us each a ticket card. "Um, what are these for," Ash asks. "The cards are to get into the park and you can buy a few things with them. I'd suggest not using them for that though only to get into the park" I explain. "I see. And why does mine have a mouse on it" Ash asks? "Because that's mickey mouse. I've got goofy" I say. "I got sully," Grace says showing her card. "I got lightning McQueen," Lucy says. I can't help but smile. Even Lucy seems excited to be here. "Alright, well let's go," Clary says. We wait in line and scan our tickets on the scanner and put our finger on the finger scanner and we go into the first park.

The first park happens to be the Disneyland park. "Ooh, can we go on splash mountain first," Grace asks seeing the big water ride? "Sounds good to me, as long as I don't have to be on the front row," I say. "That's the best part" Jonathan whines. "Why," Jace asks. "You will see if we get our own log. Now, let's go" I say. "Log," he asks. "Yes now come on," I say and we all go to splash mountain.

The line is long of course and Jace grows bored easily. When we make it to the front of the line the log fits 6 people. My family and Braxton get in one log while grace, clary, and Jace get another one. In my log, Jonathan is in the front and Lucy behind him. Ash is behind Lucy and Braxton is behind me. We go throughout the ride and all the little dips before the big one comes. The front and second rows get the wettest and the rest of the rows get wet too but not as soaked as the first two.

When we finally get off I can't stop laughing. "Now I see why you didn't want to do the first row," Jace says. "Let's do it again. That was so much fun" Clary says. "You go ahead. I will wait right here in the sun trying to dry myself off without my powers" Jace says. "I forgot you had those," I say. "Okay bye," Clary says and goes on in the line of the ride. The only one that does not follow her is Jace.

We go on the ride again and once again it is as fun as the first time. Next, we walk around the park looking for our next ride. "Big thunder mountain railroad. We have to go on that one" I say. "Okay" Clary agrees. I remember I liked the one in Disney world so I will probably like the one here too.

We wait in the long line that is in every ride at Disney World and Disney Land. The ride is just as fun as the one in Florida. Next, we walk around some more. "What about its a small world," Clary asks. "No" Jonathan and I yell. the others look at us weird. "If you want to go, go right ahead. I am staying right here and will wait on you" Jonathan says. "Me too," I say. "Aright, well I am going with or without you," Lucy says turning around.

They all go wait in line for the world's longest and most boring ride ever. I will never ride that ride again even in California. We both go find a little food shop across from the ride. I get myself a mickey pretzel with cheese and we go sit at a table. "I am so glad we did not go on that terrible annoying ride. I don't want that stupid song stuck in me head for three days again" Jonathan says. "Me too" I agree. "I have never seen her so excited" he agrees.

"So, Grace seemed excited to be here earlier," I say. "Yeah, I am glad she is excited and happy. She deserves it" he says. "She does. Braxton too" I agree. "Yeah, he seems happy to be here but not quite as excited as Grace," Jonathan says. "Yeah, I agree. I think it's because Grace grew up with Disney and Braxton didn't" I say. "What do you mean," he asks. "Grace grew up as a mundane. Meaning with Disney Princesses, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, and Disney movies" I say. "Oh yeah," he says.

I pinch off some of my pretzel and eat it. "Can you go get me some cheese?" I ask. "Only if I get some pretzel," he asks. "Sure," I say. He gets up and goes over to the cart. My phone dings letting me know someone texted me. I pull it out of my pocket and look at it. It's from ash and it says 'I hate this ride :('. It's attached to a video of the ride where they are. I laugh and reply 'wish you were with us huh?' I do not watch the video because if I do the stupid song will be in my head and that is not wanted. My phone goes off again with a reply. It says 'Very much'.

I laugh again. Jonathan comes and sits down. "What are you laughing at," he asks. "Ash hates the ride and wishes he was out here with us" I inform him. "Figures, you have to either be really young or a very special person to like that ride," he says. "I agree. Where's my cheese" I ask. He puts it between us. I pinch off a piece of the pretzel and dip it in the cheese and eat it. I hold out the pretzel and he pinches off pretty much half of mickeys face. "That's not fair" I whine. I eat the rest of my pretzel in normal sizes. "Want your own? I am going to get another one" I ask. "Yes please," he says. I go up to the stand and get two more pretzels. I go sit back down and give Jonathan his pretzel. I take a picture of my pretzel and send it to Ash. I get a reply back saying 'That's not fair'.

We enjoy 10 more minutes and then they finally get off the ride and come find us. "Give me that," Ash says taking my third mickey pretzel. "That's mine" I whine. "Not anymore. I had to go on that stupid annoying ride, I deserve a reward and that happens to be the pretzel that you flaunted in my face earlier" he says. I roll my eyes.

"We still have three more fast passes for this morning," Clary says. "What are they," Jace asks. What are past passes or what are the rides" Clary asks? "Both" he answers. "Fast passes are something you pick in advance so you can get through the lines quicker" Jonathan explains. "Oh, I see," Jace says. "The rides are Finding Nemo submarine, Star wars, and Indiana Jones," Clary tells us all. "Let's do Star wars first," Lucy says. "Okay" Clary agrees and looks at her phone for a few minutes and then leads the way.

We do the last 3 rides then end up going to a café in the park for lunch called the Hungry Bear Restaurant. I get a classic cheeseburger with fries and a frozen lemonade. Once everyone orders we put two tables together and sit down and wait for our food. Eventually, a waiter brings us our food.

"I feel like Disney World is bigger," Jonathan says. "I think it is," Lucy says. "It is. Disney World has the four theme parks and the two water parks that we did not go to when we were there" I state. "Why didn't you? You two spent a whole week there" Jace asks, "Well, we spent a whole day in each park plus an extra in the magic kingdom because, in my opinion, that's where all of the good rides are" I explain. "I see," he says. "We need to go to Disney World," Grace says excitedly. "Yeah," Braxton says in agreement. "Not today. Florida is just too far to be there today" Clary says. They both pout.

We all finish our lunch and then Ash asks, "so where to now?" "I already set up the fast passes for this afternoon at the second park. We are going to spend the afternoon at California adventure park" Clary says. "Sounds good to me," he says. I finish my frozen lemonade and we head back to the entrance of the park. Grace suddenly stops and stares at something. "Daddy look," she says and points to something. I look over to where she is pointing and I see Aladdin and Princess Jasmine doing autographs and Donald Duck and Goofy are not too far away. "Do we have to Grace?" Clary asks. "Please mommy, please," she begs. "I can take her. I don't care" Ash says. "Are you sure, ash? Are you sure you don't mind waiting in that line so Grace can have Princess Jasmine sign her book that some of the other princesses have signed already" Clary asks? "Yeah, I don't mind," ash says. Grace grabs his hand and they wait in the line for a picture with Jasmine and Aladdin. "What are you going to do about the picture," Lucy asks. "I will order it tonight and give it to her for Christmas. It will probably take a while to get to mom and Lukes house anyway and then they can just send it to Idris and I will figure out what to do with it until then" Clary says. "Braxton, did you want to go too," Jonathan asks. "No thank you. I will stay here" he says politely.

After Grace gets her picture and autograph she is smiling ear to ear, we go to our cars. Jonathan and Ash ride with Lucy and Clary, Jace, and the kids ride with me and we drive the short way to the California Adventure Park. We use the tickets Clary gave us when we arrived at Disneyland to get into the second park. We go on the Cars ride. Its fun, I didn't think it looked as fun as it is.  The only reason we did it first was because Braxton begged us to ride it first. I've never been a big fan of the cars movies but the ride was really fun.

Jace, Clary, Grace, and Ash were the winning car and the rest of us got put in a separate car. "I want to go again. I want to win this time" Braxton whines. "We have to go to other rides if we want to spend the afternoon here and not just in radiator springs Brax," Jonathan says. "But I wanna win," he says. "Braxton, if we go on other rides and you are good this whole afternoon, then before we leave I will get you any toy or souvenir you want," I say. "Okay" Braxton finally concedes.

We walk around and then go to the guardians of the galaxy ride next. It reminds me of the tower of terror ride in Disney World. The tower of terror is my favorite.

"That one. We have to go on that one next" Lucy says looking at a water ride. I look at the sign above the entrance to the line for the ride and it says Grizzly River run. "I've already been wet once I would prefer not to again," Jace says. "Fine, you just wait here and the rest of us will go have fun," Clary says. We go wait in the line for what feels like forever then we end up getting our own circle boat thing. There is one seat missing since Jace is not here. We all get wet at least a little bit at one time or another during the ride. We all come off the ride smiling and laughing. "That was fun," Ash says. "It was awesome, Jace you missed out" I agree and say.

We go on some more rides in the park then we start to head back to the entrance. "Can I have a prize now, Aunt Alice? I was good this afternoon" Braxton asks. "Of course Braxton. We will be back guys" I tell the others and take Braxton into a souvenir store. While he Is looking around for something he wants and the others come in too to look around. I find myself a t-shirt with mickey mouse with glasses on it. Braxton finally comes up to me. "I found what I want," he says. "What's that buddy," I ask. "That," he says pointing to a big goofy stuffed animal. "Are you sure Braxton? That's a very big goofy" I ask. "I am sure," he says. I go over to the shelf and pick up the goofy that is about half a foot tall. I hand it to him and go find Jonathan and Ash. They both find something they want and we go and check out and I pay for everything. The four of us wait outside while the other 5 are still in the store looking around.

Clary comes out holding a bag and Jace is holding a big box with a picture of the sleeping beauty castle on it. "That is a big box" I point out. "Grace, do you really need another dollhouse? You have a bunch already" Ash asks. "Yes, plus it's not just a doll, its sleeping beauty's castle too," Grace says insisting.

"Alright, let's go," I say and we all head over to the cars. Ash and Jonathan ride with Lucy again and Clary, Jace, and the kids ride with me again. "Do you guys want to go home with us or do you want me to take you back to the institute?" I ask. "Can you just take us back to the institute? It's been a long day" Jace asks. "Sure," I say.

We make it to the Institute at about 6:00. "Thanks, Alice. See you tomorrow" Clary says. "Bye," the other three say together. I pull out once they all get inside and get back to my old house. "I'm home" I call out. I go on upstairs and flop down on my bed and lie on my back exhausted. I close my eyes. "Momma" I hear a little voice say. I open my eyes and sit up. I see Zillah standing up in her crib. "Hi baby," I say and pick her up. "Did you get to spend a day with your Grandma and Grandpa?" I ask. She smiles up at me. "I got something for you," I say and set her on the bed and I reach into our bag and look through it. I pull out the Ariel doll I had gotten for her. I know she can't do a whole lot with it yet since she is only one and a half but she will be able to play with it when she gets a little older. For right now she can figure out what to do with it. She is a smart little girl. I give her the Ariel doll and she smiles at me. "This is for you baby," I say. "Ah ou," she says. I think she is trying to say thank you. "You are welcome, darling. Let's go find Ash and your daddy huh" I ask. "Dada" she squeals. "That's right, let's go find them," I say and pick her back up and stand up. She is still holding her doll.

I walk around until I find Ash and Jonathan in the indoor hot tub, Lucy is with them too. "Ah," Zillah says and waves her doll around. "I see you found her," Jonathan says. "Yes, I gave her her doll too," I say. I sit down in one of the lounge chairs and set her down on the chair too in between my legs. "Did you take Clary and Jace back to the institute then?" Lucy asks. "Yeah, they wanted to go back," I say. Zillah starts talking to her doll in baby talk that I cant understand. Mom comes in with some towels for the three of them. "Oh, you're home. I was wondering where you were. I just put her down not too long ago for her nap" mom says. "How long ago," I ask. "Maybe 15 minutes," she says. "Zillah," I say and Zillah looks up at me. "You need your nap. I don't want a cranky you" I scold. "No," she says. "Yes," I counter back at her. Yes, I know she is one and a half but she still needs to know who is the boss. "Dada" Zillah calls. "Yes baby," he asks still sitting in the hot tub. "No na na," she says. "Yes, Zillah," he says. "No" she screams. I pick her up and take the doll from her and set it down on the chair. She starts crying. I just walk upstairs and set her in the crib in my room. "Now go take a nap. Momma will be back in an hour. If you sleep I will let you have your Ariel doll back" I tell her. She looks up at me and stops crying. "I love you, sweet baby. Now get some rest and you can have Ariel back" I tell her.

I turn out the bedroom lights and get a change of clothes for Jonathan and I close the bedroom door. I return down to the indoor pool and set the change of clothes on the chair I was in before and sit down. I pick up my phone and sit down. I hear a ding meaning I either got a text or an email. The text didn't pop up on the top of my phone so I got an email. I pull my emails up and it's a confirmation for our Hawaii trip reservation. I confirm it back when I notice one small detail. We have an extra room. "Hey, Lucy," I ask. "Yes," she asks stopping her conversation with Ash. "I just realized we have an extra room while we are in Hawaii. Clary and Jace will too. I was wondering if you want to come to stay with us" I ask. "I wish I could. I would love to see Hawaii but I am going back to Athens on Tuesday. I figured I would go ahead and get my dorm room set up and get started on finding a job for the year and everything" she says. "Alright. Well, if you change your mind just let us know" I tell her. "Thanks," she says.

I text clary letting her know I confirmed the Morganstern reservation for Hawaii. "Why don't you come in here with us," Jonathan asks. "My swimsuit is in our room and it's off-limit for another 30 minutes. So that will be an unfortunate no. I wish I could" I say. "Well then if our room is off-limits how am I to get dressed," Jonathan asks. "I brought your clothes down," I say. "You know, you three have been in there a while. Your bodies will start to do more than just prune up" I say. "Yeah, whatever," Lucy says and gets out. The boys follow shortly after. "You know you three put us normal people to shame with your perfect looks and perfect in shape bodies," Lucy says. I laugh and say "well, we have to do a lot to get this way Lu. It's not as easy as you think." "I am sure it is you just don't want to tell me," Lucy says. "Whatever you want to tell yourself, Aunt Lucy," Ash says.

"Alright, well, I am going to go get dressed," Jonathan says picking up the clean clothes I brought down for him. "I will too," Ash says and lucy go upstairs to their rooms. Jonathan goes into the bathroom down here and changes. When he comes out it is dinner dime. I go get Zillah and we go to the dining room for dinner.

After dinner, We all go down to the theatre room and watch tv. After an hour we hear some people arguing and quick footsteps walking this way. The door opens and I look behind me as does everyone else except Zillah. Zillah is too busy playing with her doll. Clary is standing there is gear. "What's going on," Jonathan asks. "Julian and Emma were out on patrol and there was an attack. They got caught in a nest. They are outnumbered. We need two of you to help. Please" she informs us. "We didn't bring any gear," I say. "I brought a seraph blade but that's it," Jonathan says. "I brought some clothes and a bow and arrows for you Alice," clary says. "Okay," I say, and stand up. "Do you want me to go help too?" ash asks. "No. I think you should stay here just in case" Jonathan says and we take the clothes from clary and run up to our bedroom.

We get changed and put different runes on each other to help during the battle. I strap the bow and arrows to my back. I strap 6 daggers clary brought to my waist. Three on each side. Jonathan does the same to the sword he brought. He puts the spare seraph blade clary brought him at his side and a dagger in his boots and two daggers at his sides.

(Alices gear Above)

We go down to the front door where everyone else in the house is now standing. "Whoa," my dad says. I can see why he would be surprised. We look a lot different than we normally do. Our runes are darker and we don't wear gear all the time. "You can lock the house up behind us. We can get in. Don't wait up on us. I can't say when we will be back" I say. I don't want to say if we will be back because then my mom would panic. "Just, please be safe. Promise you will come back" mom says. "We will do our best," Jonathan says.

We follow Clary out of the house and to where the nest is.


We all go back to the theatre room to watch tv. Grandma pauses the show and looks at me. I guess I should call her Grandma. I don't know what else to call her. "So what is going to happen now," she asks. "What do you mean," I ask. "Well, what happens now that they are gone," she asks. "Nothing. They should be back later tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest. Demons cant be in the sunlight" I tell them. "Are you sure? There's nothing we need to do special while they are gone" she asks. "There's not much you can do. Just go about your night as usual" I say honestly. I don't know what she wants me to tell her. "But-" she starts.

"Katie, just relax," Grandpa says. "Yeah grandma, this isn't their first hunt. Besides mom knew what she was getting into when she became a shadowhunter" I say. "Grandma," she asks. "I don't know what to call you. You didn't tell me anything" I say. She laughs. "Kyle and I were actually just talking out that last night. I was thinking Noni" she says. "I was thinking Gamps," he says. Lucy laughs and asks "Where did that come from, dad? It makes you sound old." "I like it, it will be easier for little Zillah and Oliver to say than Noni," he says. "That's true" I point out.

"What time does Zillah usually go to bed," Noni asks. "What time is it," I ask. "It is 8:30," she says. "She needs to go up now. She typically goes to bed at 8:30. I will go ahead and take her up and I will come back down" I say and get up and I pick my baby sister up from the floor. She clutches onto her doll tightly and I carry her up to mom and dad's bedroom. I get her changed into some pajamas and change her diaper and put her into her crib. "Goodnight Zillah, I will see you in the morning," I say and smile at her. She just watches me and I cover her up with a blanket like I do when I put her to bed back home.

I turn the bedroom light off and get changed into some sweatpants and brush my teeth so I won't have to do it later and I go back down to the theatre room. I sit back down in my seat and we watch some more of the movie. When it goes back to commercial I look at aunt Lucy and say, "You should come with us to Hawaii. There is an extra room and everything for you." "You know I wish I could Ash. But I was going to get settled into my dorm early before my roommate does, whoever that is, and get settled in. I was going to look for a job for the school year" she says. "You should go with them, Lucy. You never know if you will go to Hawaii again. You can always get settled into your dorm room next week. School doesn't start for two weeks. Plus that gives you plenty of time to try and find a job too while there settling in" Gamps says. "Yeah Lucy, you should go. Hawaii is really pretty, I think you will like it" Noni says. "What island are you staying on? Do you know, Ash?" Gamps asks. "I think Aunt Clary said Maui," I say. "Oh, I think Maui is the most beautiful of the islands," Noni says. "Fine, I guess I will go. It could be fun having one final vacation before I go to school" Lucy says. "That is mostly what this trip is for mom. One final vacation and family trip before she leaves for school" I say. "I guess I better go upstairs and get packing for a week, I will see you all later," Lucy says and leaves the room.

The three of us finish the movie and at 10:30 we all head back to our rooms for bed. Only I don't go to bed since I am not tired. I lay in bed and read some and I watch some more TV. I close my book around midnight and fall asleep.

How did you like the chapter?

What was your favorite part of the chapter?

What do you think if the names Alice's parents picks kit for their grandparent names?

What's your favorite ride(s) at Disney World or Disney Land? Mine is splash mountain and expedition Everest.

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