🌟She's Special🌟

By DayyyFanyyy

34.9K 770 1.1K

Bella is now in middle school and sassier than ever! She's determined to become a different and more mature p... More

Weekend Vibes Pt.2
Middle School Life
Problem Solving
Talking Again
Don't Sweat It
The Duet
Baths & Birthday Wonders
My 11th Birthday
Winter Break
To The....Bahamas!
Leia's First Christmas
Bahamian Waters
Mini Break~
Lies & Guilt
The Big 13
Hey...We're Worried!
Court Dates & Scary Feelings
Happy Birthday, Mom
IHOP! Please...?
Leia's Adoption
Last Day Adventures
Let's Talk
M&M World
Let's Celebrate
Surprises To Come
Our Blessing
To (Be)
Who (Am) I?
Would You....
(Womanly) Shopping
Our First Day
Coming Home
Deep Thoughts
Pay Attention
Simon Says
A Lunch Gone Wrong
Familial Problems
Scrapes & Cuts
Let's Not Disappoint
Nice To Meet You
Secrets Kept
Don't Let It Out
Thinking Big
Merry Christmas
Boys And Birthdays
Quality Time
Uncomfortable Situations
Pressing Talks
The Countdown Begins
Its Almost Time
Wedding Day
Sweet Surprises
Different Acts
Cause And Effect
Kat And I
Leia's Story
Shaving 101
Truth Or Dare
Therapy & Denial
Mental Health
Real News
A Brief Visit
Good Intentions, Bad Intentions
Summer Fun
Ireland Vibes
Back Home
Found Out
Meeting Anna
Eighth Grade
Respect What's Hidden
Well Spent
Hanging Out
Let's Prep
Halloween Terror
Halloween Festivities
November Things
Weight Lifted
My Turn
A Different Thanksgiving
Soup & Cookies
Let's Plan
Out Of Control
Mom Cares
Offically Thirteen
Offically Thirteen Pt. 2
School Parties & Near Encounters
The Day After Talks
Unfair Circumstances & Motherly Battles
Happy New Years
Late, Surprise, Gift!
Winter Trip
Hitting The Slopes
Taking A Breather
Skating & Contemplating
Flippin' Awesome
Wrapping Things Up
Honesty Is The Best Policy
Budding Friendships
Therapy & Near Disasters
Parties & Pop Quizzes
The Most Special Birthday
My Sweet Valentine
Picture Perfect
Let's Go To Cancun
Tropical Fun
Teen Loungin'
A Wish Come True
A Special Q & A
Happy Anniversary
Back To Reality
The Root
New Revelations
Results Are Out!
Humor & Hijinks
Not Funny
Broken Sun
Good Prospects
Good Company
The Real Reason
I Wanna Know Everything
There's Only So Much Time
Unexpected Interactions
Trip Meetings
Buscar (To Look For)
L.A. Bound
Museums & Memories
The Pier
Back Home
A Couple Of Days
Last Day
Good Times

Favorite Gift

174 7 14
By DayyyFanyyy

September 13th, 2022 (East Hampton, New York)
"The kids are going to love this! Bella especially. She's been begging forever!"
"I know, she's going to be so happy."
"I don't know which to choose. Look at them."
"Take your time. Just find one that's attracted to you, and that you personally like."
"I think this one. Look at it, Elliot."
"Alright, we want this one!"
"Okay. We can schedule a drop off for next week Saturday. Does that work?"
"Yes, that's just perfect. Saturday at 1 pm please and thank you." After we filled paperwork and processed the payment we went back into the car to buy some supplies and groceries.
"Who's calling?"
"Bella," I answered.
"Mom, I'm hungry."
"There's sandwich meat and cheese in the fridge."
"No there isn't, Noah and Leia at ate it all, remember?!"
"Well, were going to the grocery store so we'll have it there in about half an hour."
"You're no help."
"I'm am so very sorry Ms. Benson."
"Can we have McDonald's, tonight?"
"No, no fast food."
"Fine. Mom, can I go to Kiki's house around the corner?"
"No." She frowned.
"I'm not loving this new you."
"New me?"
"Yeah, you're acting weird. But, that's okay. I'm going to go lock myself in the basement until you get back, love you!"
"Bella, don't-" she hung up.
"She's so spontaneous these days, it's hilarious."
"I know. She's been acting kinda strange ever since school started." Elliot bit his lip.
"Well, you said it yourself. She's been different since school started." And she has. She's been locked tight in her room these days even though we agreed to more outside time. Always on her phone calling someone. Hm.
Bailey's House (Leia's Perspective)
I was at my best friend Bailey's house for a sleepover and we were having so much fun!
"Mama, can we make slime?!"
"You guys can, but make it in the kitchen. I'll help you guys."
"Can we use Daddy's shaving cream and make the slime puffy?"
"Just a tiny bit. So he doesn't know. Okay girls what color are we doing?"
"Pink!" We mixed the colors in the glue and added the shaving foam.
"We need borax Mama!"
"Mrs. Hansen, this is going to be the best slime ever!"
"It definitely will be!"
"Mama, look I mixed it."
"Good job, Bailey Paige!" I gave my best friend a high five.
"We made the best slimes ever. Mrs. Hansen, can we show my Mommy the slime too?"
"Of course we can. We can take a picture."
"Mama, what about a video instead, so we can show Ms.Benson how you can play with it."
"What a great idea!" We sent a video to Mommy and we cleaned up the slime. I was already bathed for bed so we decided to build a fort in Bailey's bedroom!

"We can use my chair and blankets!"
"We have to cover it with the blanket Bailey, then it will hold up!"
"Yeah, and then we can watch Netflix on my iPad." We giggled.
"Yeah, and we can play dolls all night too!"
The Jansen's (Bella's Perspective)
"What's the date again?"
"The 15th," Hannah said with a smile. Hannah and I had a project together that was due in two weeks' time, so we decided to get a head start. It was 5 pm and we were fresh out of dance class. We also decided to make it a sleepover since we had the rest of the week off.
"Good Evening, Mr. Jansen."
"Bella!" Ayda and Amira ran and gave me a hug.
"Bella, we haven't seen you in so long! Since like in June!" They said in sync. The twins were 7, a year older than Lei.
"I know. Glad to see you guys, are you guys nice to Hannah?"
"I'm nice to Hannah, she's my favorite sibling." We all laughed.
"You like Hannah more than me?!"
"Only a little bit!" Ayda said to her twin.
"I like Hannah, you, and then Conner because he's in college."
"I want to be your favorite though!" They're so cute!
"Dad, Bella, and I need to buy supplies for our project. I don't think I have enough money though."
"Here, I have a 20."
"Thanks Dad! Love you!" She snickered as we went outside.
"Hannah, you're such a liar, I saw you with the money today. I even put in my half!"
"Okay, but what about money for treats?!"
"Hannah, you're just amazing aren't you?"
"Always, since we were like 7." We went to our local arts and crafts store and picked up a poster board, letter stickers, glitter, fancy paper, and some other things.
"20.89." Hannah gave the lady the money we pooled in earlier today and I held our stuff.
"Great, now we can buy snacks and still have change to give back Dad so it looks like we actually spent something."
"Throw the receipt!" I said while giggling.
"Of course, you mustn't keep evidence!" We went to the grocery store next and picked up some really yummy snacks. On the walk back to Hannah's house we saw Elle.
"Heyy, you guys starting the project early?"
"Yeah, it's a pain in the ass so much as well," I said.
"Omg, Bella cursing. This is really cute, she's growing up!"
"I thought I was the Mom of the group?!"
"But, you're also the youngest, so it's a toss-up." I rolled my eyes.
"But, I have swim. FaceTime?"
"Definitely. Bye, stay safe."
"You too! Bye guys." We turned the corner and went inside of the brownstone.
"You guys are back. What took so long?"
"The fact that there were a plethora of options at the arts and crafts store."
"I wonder how long this is going to take."
"Well, with your amazing organization skills, maybe an hour tops. We just need to type everything up, print, and stick everything on. We practically finished planning in class."
"You guys have fun."
"We'll try, Dad." We went to Hannah's room quietly.

We then started typing up what was going to go on the poster.
"So, how did it go with you and Jake?" I had told her that I was gonna confess. After that conversation I really didn't tell any of my friends.
"It went pretty good."
"You guys actually told each other about your feelings?"
"We did. And it was fine."
"So what's the next step?" Hannah asked with a smile.
"I don't know, Hannah." I rolled my eyes.
"You guys would be a really cute couple."
"I don't know about that."
"Aww, come on now Bella! You guys would be so freaking cute. Maybe, he could be your first kiss!"
"Oh, so Kylie kisses Carson and I'm next?"
"You guys would just be super cute, that's all. But Kylie and Carson...I did not see coming."
"Neither did I. When I she told me about I was like OMG then, girl you liked him?!!"
"Same!" Hannah printed out the text and we got straight to cutting!
"Bella, I'm scared."
"Remember, next week Mrs.Walsh is going to start the health unit with Ms.Kelly, our school psychiatrist."
"Oh yeah, we're gonna talk about some weird stuff."
"We are. And it's gonna be so weird because the guys and the girls have to like see what's going on in each other bodies. Ugh."
"But we talked all about puberty in 6th and 7th."
"Well yeah, still doesn't mean I'm not scarred for life."
"Well, I guess you have a point." Even though I was putting on this front, I was kind of nervous. Because I have that class with Jake...
September 30th, 2022 (Olivia's Perspective)
"We have a surprise, everyone meet us in the basement please!" Elliot said.
"A surprise?! Am I getting a dollhouse?!"
"It's a family surprise Leia! Which means it's for everyone."
"That's not fair, I wanted another dollhouse."
"Alright, alright. Come on, let's go downstairs." The kids all sat on the couch.
"Okay, close your eyes! Close them real tight." I got the box from the back of the basement and put it on the floor.
"Come and look guys."
"I wonder what it is!" Bella opened the box and begun to cry.
"A cockapoo."
"Yes, a new doggie!"
"Let me get Ryan!"
"Is that the best present ever, Bella?"
"Yes, best present ever! Thank you Mom and El!"
"Thanks, Mommy and Daddy!" Noah came with Ryan and Ryan was so sweet with our unnamed puppy.
"What are we naming him?" Bella was still crying and didn't answer.
"What about Ace?"
"Yeah, that's cool. Good name choice."
"Ace it is!" I said.

We all snuggled the dogs and talked to each other.
"I didn't even sense a surprise like that," Noah said.
"That's what parents do best. Surprise people. This is the best thing ever. Thanks guys!"
"You are very welcome. I need a get a collar for little ace."
"Woof!" Ryan snuggled him.
"You're so nice to your little brother!"
"I love Ace! Look at his little eyes! So cute!" We all laughed at Leia's comment and just chilled for the remainder of the evening.

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