Found A Way || D.E. & C.B.

By ashhxwrites

763K 29.4K 11.7K

I found a way It was so hard to get what I wanted, I found a way I had to sacrifice for this life, I found a... More

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final post

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5.5K 239 122
By ashhxwrites

Cairo "East" Brewster

- Flashback - 2 years ago -

"What are you afraid of?" Dr. Meyer spoke, looking down at their journal, writing occasionally as he looked between me and Anahi. "Cairo, would you like to start?"

These sessions helped when they did, but in my honest opinion I felt that me and Anahi was good. We didn't need these sessions no more, but I wasn't gon argue cause there were moments when we wasn't at our best.

"Losing." I shrugged, leaning into the couch. He nodded, writing again. Fuck he always writing for? "I've always felt if I ain't had shit my way, I took it as a loss. Minor shit I'd get over, but if it was sumn big like losing family I'd be in a spiral." I paused, licking the corner of my lip and taking in a deep breath. I thought back to the miscarriage we had a year ago, shit was tough for us both. The feeling of Anahi look to me then back at her lap, I knew she felt what I felt. "I almost lost my wife due to a huge mistake a couple years back, then we lost a kid together about a year after. I thought she wasn't gon come back around due to my indiscretion, but we have kids together..and worked through it. I know Anahi still has some hurt inside of her from that to the loss of our baby, but I've been workin my ass off as we've progressed through our friendship, relationship and marriage."

"What are some of the things you have been working on, Cairo?"

"My temper. I know I can be an asshole, but ion really try to give that side of me to Anahi because she don't deserve that. There were times when I used to let my anger out on her, I would say some hurtful shit cause I didn't want to hear shit she was sayin to me." I inhaled a deep breath, shaking my head. "It was wrong of me to treat her that way, especially since I knew Nini was lookin out for my best interest. I always apologized, and she knows I've been workin on it, but there were times I knew she was over me because of that. I love her whole being, so I had to fix that. And she's taught me patience, and I've applied that into our relationship with us and our kids. Ion wanna be the man to mess up my family because of dumb shit that has none to do with them. So practicin patience been my biggest thing."

He nodded casually, tapping his pen gently before putting it down and looking between us.

"Anahi, what are you afraid of?" Dr. Meyer asked, moving his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Not being enough." She spoke lowly but loud enough for us both to hear. She brought one of her hands up, rubbing under her eye. "Not enough for my husband or kids...because I know that they're not always gon come to me or need me. And when Cairo cheated, I felt I wasn't enough because he found someone else to please him when I couldn't find the strength to be enough for myself. I was pregnant and going through postpartum." I felt my jaw clench, my arms folded over my chest. That shit hurt to hear, because she's always been more than enough. She's my rock and whole heart. "I was ready to throw the towel in at the time, but I grew attached to his daughter that isn't biologically mine, we had a son and the baby on the way. I had to think of the bigger picture, being that I didn't want to repeat the cycle in my family of brokenness."

"Would you say you're still hurt, Anahi?"

"Not as much as I was. We've been communicating better, and my trust in him feels stronger than what it used to be. After the miscarriage we had, I feel like that's brought us closer was tough, but he was supportive because we both lost something that we created out of love." She placed her hand on top of my leg, rubbing it gently. "He's all I ever wanted in a man, so I would've been hurting myself if I did let him go. Cairo gets me in ways no other man has, he's patient...when he wants to be." She joked, causing me to playfully smack my teeth. "But forreal, he's shown me how it is to be treated as a woman. I knew my worth before he came along, but he added onto my life. He's my soulmate."

"How do you feel Cairo, after hearing all of that?" He looked to me, a slight smile on his face. "I noticed your change in posture, what made you uncomfortable?"

"Hearing her say it out loud I guess. I knew I hurt her, but her going more in depth did sumn to me. I made a mistake, I've owned up to it, and I just wanna keep that bright smile on my baby's face." I sat up, unfolding my arms as I placed my hand on top of her tiny hand, interlacing our fingers shortly after. "I never wanted you to feel like you wasn't enough, because you are baby. You my whole heart, and I'm sorry with my whole being for hurtin you."

She smiled sweetly, leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss against my lips. I love her, man.

"I want you both to go home, write down what you've felt has been an accomplishment and what could be worked on. Talk about it with each other, be as vulnerable as you both need to be." He closed his notebook, removing the glasses from his face. "I'll see you both next week."

- present day -

Yeah, just like that

Ooh, hoo, hoo
Yeah, yeah

When I'm with you, I hear a song
That makes me laugh and smile and sing to you
When I'm with you, I feel so free
I feel that love is going to take control of me

I kissed around Anahi's face, us dancing in the living room as I sang off key. Her dimples deep as she giggled, her hands planted behind my neck as her fingers raked against my skin.

That shit had me ready to take her down.

When I'm with you
It's for real [It's for real]
What I feel [What I feel]
When I'm with you [You], uh-huh

When I'm with you, I wonder why
People do stop and stare and smile at us
When I'm with you, the sun shines my way
Baby, our love reflects its rays of light on everyone in the world

When I'm with you
It's for real [It's for real]
What I feel [What I feel]
When I'm with you [You], Hey, hey, hey

"I love you poppa." She smiled up at me, standing on her tiptoes to give me a kiss. "I know we've been struggling these last couple of weeks, but just know we always bounce back."

"Cause we don't let little shit get in the way like we used to." I licked the corner of my lip, my hands resting at her waist. "Our little fights was just that, little and ain't mean shit. But forreal, watch how you be talkin to me with the lil reckless mouth you got."

"You the reckless one." She playfully rolled her eyes, poking my chest. "I'm only matching your energy, so bloop." She stuck her tongue out childishly. The slick nigga that I was, I bit her tongue before picking her up and sucked on her tongue as we kissed, she moaned into my mouth before pulling away, her bottom lip popping back into place as I released it. "The kids not here, what you tryna do?"

"What happened to ion wanna have sex?" I chuckled lowly, mocking her. She rolled her eyes, huffing. "You miss me?" I spoke lowly, my eyes scanning her face, drinking in her natural beauty, my hands holding her ass as her legs were wrapped around my torso.

"You haven't touched me in some weeks cause of everything going of course I miss you." She looked down between us, biting her bottom lip. I released a breath, shaking my head. This shit was gon piss me off. "I'm not saying you haven't been affectionate, because we've both been busy with work and this court hearing coming up..I just don't want you to drown yourself in this street shit." I nodded, lifting a shoulder.

"Yeah?" I licked the corner of my lip, my brows raised. "Every time I tired to make my advances, you wasn't wit it. So what's good wit you?" I questioned, laying her down on the couch as I hovered over her.

"It's more than just sex, Cairo." She rolled her eyes, poking my cheek. I chuckled lowly, flipping us so she was straddling me. "Sometimes I just wanna talk, cuddle, be laid up. The little soft touches following after." She lifted a shoulder, laying on top of me comfortably, her head rested on my shoulder. "I do have sumn planned for your birthday though." She chuckled mildly.

"I know baby, I was messin wit you." I brought my hand up, smoothing some of her hair behind her shoulder so it would fall down her back. "Word? What you doin?" I quizzed, taming my excitement. My birthday was in a couple weeks, then after that we'd attend the court hearing and me and Cassius' clothing store would be close to opening. "Or you finna surprise a nigga?"

"You don't like surprises." She stated, which is true. I chuckled, nodding as her fingers combed through my beard. "We're going on a trip though, just us and the kids. I don't know why you're frowning Cai, they actually helped plan with me." She sat up, flicking my lip.

"Are we gon at least have some privacy? Because when we goin at it, ion want the kids running in on us." I huffed, which had her laugh out loud. I ain't found shit funny. "You think it's funny? Aight, bet."

"First of all, you need to relax." She rolled her eyes, my grip around her waist tightened. "I rented out a villa, so they'd be on one side of the house while we have our own space. So we'll be able to have as much love making as we want, but I ain't tryna be bed ridden the whole that's that."

I smirked, biting the corner of my lip. Anahi twisted her lip to the side, a low chuckle followed as she lifted herself up.

"Why you leavin?" I laughed, sitting up. "I wouldn't do that to you."

"Lies!" She shook her head, waving her hand. "When are the kids coming back?" She looked to me before disappearing into the kitchen.

She was teasing. The little seductive look she gave, I was gon have her bent over a counter.

"Two hours." I entered the kitchen, watching her moves carefully as she pulled out sandwich makings. "I ain't hungry for that." I grumbled walking up behind her, my arms trapping her in.

"Nasty." She chortled, looking to me. "B-baby." She whimpered as my finger curved into her wetness. I smirked as she continued making her sandwich, focusing on her breaths as I continued. Just as she was about to cum, I removed my finger from her box pulling my sweats down and inserted my dick into her from the back. The loud moan that parted her duo was all I needed to hear. "Mmm, Caiiii!" She sang, matching my rhythm.

I chuckled loosely, fisting up her hair and pulling her head back. "You so damn beautiful." I watched her beautiful face as the many love faces formed, her dimples deep as my strokes grew rougher, eventually I had her bent over as I wanted. "Stop. Runnin."


"Hey mama." I grinned, hugging my mother as she entered the house holding Talia in her arms as the other kids hurried in, Elijah walking as fast as he could. Lil nigga was boutta trip over his feet, causing me to chuckle. "How was y'all day?"

"Don't laugh at my Oodie, help him." Mama rolled her eyes, he was fine as he made his way to the other room. I huffed as she removed herself from me as Lia reached for me. I grabbed her, kissing her chubby cheeks. "It was good, the backyard was their playground and we made mini pizzas."

"You ate pizza, Lia?" I looked to her, as she rested her head on my shoulder. Babygirl was sleepy as she frowned, but nodded slowly. "Word? I'm surprised they didn't have you runnin all over mama." I chuckled, walking towards the living room and seeing all the kids sprawled out on the couch. KJ laying on the side of Anahi as Oodie laid on her chest. "You little niggas need to get off my wife." I mugged them, which had them return it.

"Leave my boys alone." Anahi rolled her eyes at me, which had me snicker as she put her attention on my mother. "Hi mama, they didn't give you any trouble did they?"

"Mama, we was good." KJ smiled. Hm, his little ass must've gotten into something if he's answering. "Right, nana?" He grinned her way, I shook my head taking a seat next to Kairi.

"Kion, ion know why you answering for me." Mama chuckled, sitting on the couch which Lala ended up sitting beside her, playing in her short hair. "But they were good baby. Kion helped his papa with the garage so they had their own bonding time."

"What y'all did in there, KJ?" I asked, rubbing Lia's back. Kairi chuckled beside me, I looked to her with a raised brow. "What happened little butt?"

"KJ's goofy, that's all." She laughed, changing the channel on the tv, grasping Alani's attention. "He almost broke papa's tv stand."

"No I didn't, the thing was already wobbly so it ain't my fault." He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "I helped fix it."

It's crazy how I look at all of our kids and they have both me and Anahi's traits. There's really little humans out here who watch their parents and form their own identity, shit was beautiful to see but also scary cause some parents ain't good examples. I know Anahi and I are doing our best when it comes to parenting, our kids ain't out here doing dumb shit and I pray it stays that way. I would hate to have to act out, but fuck it.

After my mama had left, the kids took their showers and baths before calling it a night. It wasn't even that late, but they've been running around early this morning, I knew they were tired. Anahi and I both saying goodnight to them, before going into our room and settling down.

All the activity we had earlier was catching up, and baby was about to pass out on me. Throwing her over my shoulder, I made our way outside to the balcony, flipping her over so she'd be sitting on my lap as I sat down on the chair.

"Stop catching me off guard." Anahi smirked, getting comfortable against me. "When are you and Cass meeting up with the contractors for the store?" She leaned forward, grabbing a blunt out the box.

"After the court hearing, a week after or some shit." I sighed, watching as she lit the blunt and inhaled. "Things moving as planned, so we good."

"Y'all are bout to change the game more than ever." She smiled, passing the blunt to me. "I'm proud of y'all success and growth. It's inspiring to see."

"'Preciate it baby, we just tryna do better than before." I smiled loosely, blowing smoke out to the side. "We wouldn't have gotten here if it wasn't for y'all support. Y'all been rootin for us." I licked the corner of my lip, looking into her eyes.

"I've always told you there's more to you than just a drug dealer." She cupped my chin, tugging at my beard. "You had to believe in yourself more than anybody else. And now look, big shit poppin for you and your brothers."

I calmly nodded, "You right." I leaned forward, pecking her lips before passing the blunt her way. "You one of the realest on my team." I winked at her, causing her to smile wide.

"Always will be. As your wife I want to see your success, it's all baby steps but you're reaching that goal." She paused, flicking off the ash. "I love that about you, always reaching for more and never stopping."

"Cause I have to provide for my family, never wanting them to want for nothing." I released a breath, leaning my head back against the edge of the chair. "As long as y'all set, I'm good."

"I hear you baby." I heard the smile in her voice, her lips connecting with my jaw shortly after. "Lets call it a night, it's been a day." She giggled, causing me to smirk.

"I know you happy the kids ain't catch ya limp." I laughed loud as she pushed at my shoulder, mumbling shut up. "Aight, my bad. Com'on." I held her as I walked us back into our room and towards the bathroom.

"You gonna check your phone?" She inquired, a brow perked. I tucked my lips into my mouth shaking my head. "I think you should, it might be important."

"Not as important as you." I stated honestly, her cheeks rising as she looked down. "Lil shy baby." I set her down on the bed as I sat at the edge, grabbing my phone out my sweats pocket and unlocked my phone going to the messages. "This bitch crazy." I spat, my brows furrowed in as I read over the texts.


Catch y'all on the flip 😘

It's been a stressful little week I guess you could say due to everything that has happened. But I'm back in motion.


What do y'all think is gonna happen next?

I love y'all 💕

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