Found A Way || D.E. & C.B.

By ashhxwrites

750K 29.2K 11.7K

I found a way It was so hard to get what I wanted, I found a way I had to sacrifice for this life, I found a... More

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final post

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5K 257 173
By ashhxwrites

- 2 weeks later | May 4th -

Kairi Chanel Brewster

Tomorrow is uncle Cassy's birthday, I overheard my mama sayin how we'd go to some dinner to celebrate his real day as him, daddy and my other uncles go to one of their clubs on Saturday.

I was just happy that mama decided on stayin home with us, because that's the only person I really wanted to be around.

She was always nice and had this certain happiness that I wanted to be around. Mama says it has something to do with calmness, or energy? I loved it, especially when we talked, she always listened and made me feel not as mad. Daddy says it's the way she talked to someone, just being able to relax.

Speaking of my daddy, he listened too, but he got angry fast so mama always had to calm him down. Even if it's a kiss, he's back to nice.

I don't know how mama does it, but daddy says she has magic. I want that kind of magic.

"Kairi, sweetie." I looked up at my teacher Mrs. Barnes as she walked over, a smile on her face. She was my favorite, better than Ms. Punk butt Dexter. That lady never listened, and I'm happy that I switched schools. "Everything okay? You've been quiet today."

Looking around the classroom, I was the only student left. Recess had taken place, I didn't mind it because some of these kids got on my nerves, I was tired of hearing about Jake and Kayla and their relationship.

Are nine year olds even supposed to have that?

"I'm okay." I smiled small. Daddy always told me don't tell people too much, no matter how concerned they may be, it could hurt you. "It's silly stuff, but my mama and daddy got me."

The only thing that really bugged me was that Nicole called my nana and said that goofy stuff. I don't wanna see or talk to her, I wouldn't even know what to say. I don't know her!

I didn't need her in my life as I had my mama, someone who really cared and loved me as a mother should. So why couldn't she be there before, instead?

"If you ever wanna talk, I'm here for you Kairi." Mrs. Barnes smiled, planting a hand on my shoulder. "Let's go outside so you can get some fresh air."


"RoRo, what's your real mom like?" I asked as we sat outside waiting for our rides. My mama and auntie NyNy were on their way, it had only been maybe ten minutes since we have been let out. "I only ask cause Nicole talked to my nana."

"Mmm, my mommy is nice. Even if her and my daddy have their little fights, they still get along." She shrugged a shoulder, her brows furrowing gently. "My mommy told me she couldn't be bitter towards my daddy and NyNy, cause she didn't want anything to do with him anymore." She giggled, causing me to giggle.

"What's bitter?" I questioned.

"I guess really mean, and people do things to hurt others." She looked over to me and then over my shoulder at our siblings as they played around. I could hear them. "Is that what Nicole's doing?"

"Yeah, she said she's gonna take me away..." I sniffed, looking down at my shoes. "My parents said that's not happening though."

"Trust them KaiKai, cause I know uncle Cai and auntie Nini won't let anything like that happen." Royalty nudged my arm with her elbow so I could look at her. "Like mama Ny would say, Don't mind outsiders. They got nothing better to do, but to dim ones light."

I nodded, biting the corner of my lip. That's exactly what Nicole was, an outsider. She wasn't my mama the day she left.

"I'll see you tomorrow for dinner." RoRo hugged me as our rides pulled up, us both calling our siblings so we can go. "Keep smiling cousin." She gripped my hand as we walked towards the cars.

"I will, thanks RoRo." I smiled softly, us parting ways as we got into the separate trucks. "Hi mama." I smiled at her, buckling my seatbelt as KJ and Lala got situated in their seats.

"Hi my babies, how was y'all day?" She questioned, looking back at us as she sat behind the wheel. We all muttered good, her nod following as she put her focus ahead.

Looking out the window, my eyes looked at the many trees as they peaked out the concrete and the lots they were planted in. They were pretty and colorful, just like the birds that landed onto the branches.

"Stop bringing that bitch around my daughter, Cairo! I done told your ass a thousand times!" I heard my mommy yell at my daddy.

I liked Nini, she always had me laughing and played with me. My mommy didn't, she read stories to me, but she always left me behind when one of her friends would come over.

"I don't give a fuck with what you say, Nicole! We not together, and ion wanna hear that bullshit when you got a different nigga in here every other day!" My daddy's voice boomed, causing me to get under my covers. I wasn't scared, but he sounded really mad. "Anahi ain't gon be someone who comes and goes, she's staying whether you like that shit or not! Kairi and her are good, so fuck what you sayin."

"I'll rag that bitch, try me if you want!" My mommy yelled back. She couldn't fight, that's what she told me, she said fighting isn't what we do. "Keep playin like I won't."

"Kill the fuckin noise, cause ain't shit goin down." My daddy's voice was calmer than before, is that good? "Have my daughter ready tomorrow. Thanks."

Why that memory popped up in my head was weird, because the following day that's when my mama beat Nicole up through the window of my daddy's truck. I remember that day like no other and I didn't like it, but mama comforted me in the backseat telling me everything was going to be okay.

Just like with this stuff going on, everything is going to be okay.

Anahi Brewster

The ride home was silent, minus KJ and Lala's little bickering. But it wasn't too much, they eventually calmed down and laughed it off. My biggest concern was Kairi, she was quiet and to herself, not that I minded, but I knew things were bothering her.

Cairo and I both didn't want this affecting her, but it's a pretty big deal. Nicole would always be that bitter bitch, and I was tired of it because she didn't know what she was doing to Kairi.

Being that there's a court hearing coming up in thirty days, I've been praying for a smooth trial. I already have my lawyers and they're just as over it as I am, so hopefully this is the last and final case because on everything that I love this shit has to be the most chaotic shit I have ever went through.

Pulling up to the house, Cairo's car was already parked out front. Good, because I needed to handle business at work. It was always something.

"You not coming in mama?" Kairi asked, her head poking through the middle console as the other two ran towards the front door. "You trust daddy to watch us?" She laughed mildly, causing me to laugh.

"No baby, I have to go in and see what's up with my girls at the shop. And y'all better stop playin, your dad is good with y'all, but y'all be testing him." I shook my head gently, which had her nod in agreement. Turning in my seat as the car was in park, I moved a piece of hair behind her ear. "How you doing today, Kai?"

"I'm fine, I keep thinking about Nicole and the last thing I really remember with involved you." She sighed, her brows slightly furrowed. I already knew what she was talking about, and it's crazy because she was only two years old when that happened. "Daddy was mad too, cause she wouldn't stop."

"Hey, I know it wasn't cool to have you witness child should've especially at the age you were at the time, it wasn't healthy." I paused, looking towards the front door as Cairo stood at the threshold waiting for Kairi. "You wanna come with me to the shop?"

"I know mama, but it wasn't your fault..." she trailed off, which is true. It wasn't, Nicole did that bullshit and never owned up to her actions. "Mmm, yes please. Can I drop off my book bag with daddy? I'll bring my homework folder."

"Com'on, we'll go together." I smiled at her, rubbing her cheek with my thumb. I loved our bonding moments, just like I loved bonding with my other kids. Cairo and I both had to be attentive with all five. "Hi hubby." I smiled up at Cairo, he rolled his eyes mugging me.

"You really gotta go in?" He poked out his bottom lip, causing me to wave him off. I felt my mood shift. "What's good little butt, what you doin?"

"I'm going with mama, so I'll be back." She cheesed, giving him a hug as she walked into the house to put her other stuff away.

"You ain't answer my question, baby." He licked the corner of his lip, pulling me in front of him as his hands planted onto my waist. "You leavin?"

"I stay in all the time while you take care of your work, and I never question you. So why is it a problem when I have to go in?" I raised a brow, folding my arms over my chest.

"It ain't even like that, Lola." He furrowed his brows, flicking my nose. "Fix ya tone, 'fore I fix sumn for you." He gripped my chin as I looked away from him.

"You ain't fixing shit." I grumbled, his face grew into amusement as he nodded slowly.

I knew I was testing him, but oh well I'd take his little punishment. I missed the feel of my husband, and he's been reluctant lately due to everything that's going on. I just missed us, and my attitude was coming out due to neglect.

"I'll see you when you come home." He bent his head down, placing a kiss on my lips. I didn't kiss back causing him to chuckle lowly against my set. "You being real childish, Anahi. But whatever, yo." He stood straight, scratching the side of his cheek. "Have fun wit ya moms little butt."

"I will daddy, have fun with the rugrats." She laughed, which had us both chuckle. Kairi gave him a hug before taking hold of my hand pulling me away. "We love you!"

"I love y'all too!" He called out, "Anahi, say that shit back!"

"I love you too, patchy!" I looked over my shoulder at him, a smile on his face only for a mug to replace it. Kairi giggled on the side of me, causing me to look in her direction. "Your daddy is silly." I whispered, us both falling out as we reached the car.


"Y'all got it on lock?" I asked, cleaning up my station as Kairi sat in my chair, twisting around in it. She had finished her homework in my office, I even managed to do her hair to get her through the next two weeks. "I gotta get this one home." I poked Kairi's nose, causing her to giggle and swat my hand away.

"Mama." She poked out her lip, "I'm up with you." She cheesed. I playfully rolled my eyes, humming a Mhmm.

It was going on 7. We picked up lunch earlier, but I knew she had to get some real food in her system, then after eating dinner she'd take her shower and get ready for bed.

"Yeah, we got it Nini." Yvette smiled, nodding pointing her comb towards me. "Get babygirl home, we'll see you later this week?"

"I'll try to stop by, but if not I'll be here next Tuesday." I informed, grabbing my purse and handing Kairi her folder. "Come on mamas, let's get home. Bye y'all."

The last few saying their byes as Kairi and I walked out. I had my arm over Kairi's shoulders as we reached my car just a few spots down from my shop. I wasn't about to let anything happen to my daughter, people were crazy out here.

"Get in the car, Kai." I muttered popping the locks so she can get in. My demeanor had changed. She didn't question me as she got in the back taking my stuff with her, locking herself in. "Nicole, now isn't the time." I looked her up and down, she looked sickly.

She was off some type of drug, bigger than cocaine that's for sure. I knew that look, my father was a living junkie but his soul is at complete rest.

"I just want to see my daughter, Anahi! Damn, you've kept her away from me for too long, give me my rights back!" She spat, her eyes red and wide.

"Girl bye, the court date is in thirty days. You popping up like this isn't a good look." I shook my head, rolling my eyes. "My daughter doesn't know you, so please do us a favor and wait until the date or drop the case." I spoke lowly, feeling Kairi's eyes on me through the tinted windows.

"Bitch!" She shouted, reaching her hand to pull the handle on the back door. "Kairi, open this damn door!" I pushed her back with my arm, trying to be as calm as I could but this woman is psychotic!

Cairo "East" Brewster

I blocked out what these kids were saying as I sped to Anahi's shop. Kairi managed to FaceTime me from Anahi's phone, and I was glad she did. My baby was crying, tears streaming down her face due to the shit that was happening by flipping the camera and showing the fight that had broke out between my wife and Nicole.

Parking sloppily behind Anahi's car, I let the kids know to sit tight as I hopped out the drivers seat and jogged over to the chaos. Anahi not missing a hit as Nicole's arms were wailing all over the place. I noticed two guards running from the other side, but these muhfuckas were slow as always.

"Yo!" My voice boomed, pulling back Anahi by the waist. Her breathing harsh as she tried to fight her way out of my hold, but I wasn't gon let that happen. My wife wasn't about to go to jail for a misdemeanor. "Fuck is going on?"

"I just wanna see my child." Nicole cried, walking towards Anahi's car, but I blocked her. "Move Cairo."

"Hell nah." I spat, my jaw clenching. "You may have birthed Kairi, but you ain't her mother. Anahi is, whether you like that shit or not." Shaking my head as I looked at her, she was really lost. "On god, you makin yourself more crazy than what you is."

"Whatever nigga." She waved her hand, a smirk surfacing. "I'll see you both in court."

I shrugged, she wasn't gon win. Especially after this shit, she's unfit. I can tell she was on that dope, her pupils were dilated and all. She wasn't gon win regardless because the papers she signed away were for a lifetime.

Dumbass really thought though.

"Gladly." Anahi's tone sarcastic as I loosened my hold around her. "I'll see you at home." She turned to look up at me, just as the guards came over all out of breath.

"Wh-whats going on?" One wheezed, holding his hands at his knees. Their partner rolling their eyes and huffing.

"Mrs. Brewster, one of your staff members called. Is everything all right?" Being that Anahi worked on a little strip, the officers here were more like Craig and Day-Day goofy asses. "Does an arrest need to happen."

I held back a chuckle, they wasn't no real police.

"I'm fine, but y'all can escort this woman off the premises. Thank you."

Nicole tried to fight them off, but that ain't work out. One really cuffed her, my eyes had widened at how serious these muhfuckas were.

"Are the kids with you?" She asked, biting the corner of her lip. I nodded slowly, holding back a smirk. I know she didn't want our kids to see her in that light, but shit happens. They'll be aight. "Did you at least drive safe?"

"Yes and no. When Kai showed me y'all was fighting, it was wraps. I had to get to y'all, but I made sure they was all buckled securely." I licked the corner of my lip. "Check on little butt, she was crying."

"I heard her banging on the window, so I know." She blew out a low breath, scratching the itch off her forehead. "This case shall be real interesting."

"I need you to relax, aight? What happened to my calm, cool and collective wife?" I nudged her chin with my knuckle, causing her to chuckle lowly. "We gotta keep our cool, for our children's sake."

"I hear you baby." She wrapped her arms around my torso, inhaling a deep breath. "I love you."

"I love you more." I kissed the top of her head, before releasing her. "Unlock the doors, little butt." I knocked on the window, hearing the locks click.

"Mama, are you okay?" Kairi jumped out the car once the back door opened, hugging Anahi tightly. "Was that her?"

"Kai, breathe baby." Anahi rubbed little butt's back, kissing the top of her head. "I'm fine, nothing too major happened to me. But yeah that was her, and I'm so, so, soooo sorry that you had to see that mess."

"At least you won." Kairi giggled, trying to lighten the mood. Anahi and I looked at each other, trying to hold back a laugh. "I had to call daddy though."

"You did the right thing little butt." I smiled down at her, bending down so we were eye to eye. "I just want you to know after tonight, that woman won't be coming around anymore."


I did something a little different this chapter, how did y'all like Kairi's POV?

Would y'all like to see more of the kids' POV's or nah?

Nicole doing the most....yet again 🤦🏽‍♀️





I love y'all 💕

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