🌟She's Special🌟

By DayyyFanyyy

34.9K 770 1.1K

Bella is now in middle school and sassier than ever! She's determined to become a different and more mature p... More

Weekend Vibes Pt.2
Middle School Life
Problem Solving
Talking Again
Don't Sweat It
The Duet
Baths & Birthday Wonders
Winter Break
To The....Bahamas!
Leia's First Christmas
Bahamian Waters
Mini Break~
Lies & Guilt
The Big 13
Hey...We're Worried!
Court Dates & Scary Feelings
Happy Birthday, Mom
IHOP! Please...?
Leia's Adoption
Last Day Adventures
Let's Talk
M&M World
Let's Celebrate
Surprises To Come
Our Blessing
To (Be)
Who (Am) I?
Would You....
(Womanly) Shopping
Our First Day
Coming Home
Deep Thoughts
Pay Attention
Simon Says
A Lunch Gone Wrong
Familial Problems
Scrapes & Cuts
Let's Not Disappoint
Nice To Meet You
Secrets Kept
Don't Let It Out
Thinking Big
Merry Christmas
Boys And Birthdays
Quality Time
Uncomfortable Situations
Pressing Talks
The Countdown Begins
Its Almost Time
Wedding Day
Sweet Surprises
Different Acts
Cause And Effect
Kat And I
Leia's Story
Shaving 101
Truth Or Dare
Therapy & Denial
Mental Health
Real News
A Brief Visit
Good Intentions, Bad Intentions
Summer Fun
Ireland Vibes
Back Home
Found Out
Meeting Anna
Eighth Grade
Favorite Gift
Respect What's Hidden
Well Spent
Hanging Out
Let's Prep
Halloween Terror
Halloween Festivities
November Things
Weight Lifted
My Turn
A Different Thanksgiving
Soup & Cookies
Let's Plan
Out Of Control
Mom Cares
Offically Thirteen
Offically Thirteen Pt. 2
School Parties & Near Encounters
The Day After Talks
Unfair Circumstances & Motherly Battles
Happy New Years
Late, Surprise, Gift!
Winter Trip
Hitting The Slopes
Taking A Breather
Skating & Contemplating
Flippin' Awesome
Wrapping Things Up
Honesty Is The Best Policy
Budding Friendships
Therapy & Near Disasters
Parties & Pop Quizzes
The Most Special Birthday
My Sweet Valentine
Picture Perfect
Let's Go To Cancun
Tropical Fun
Teen Loungin'
A Wish Come True
A Special Q & A
Happy Anniversary
Back To Reality
The Root
New Revelations
Results Are Out!
Humor & Hijinks
Not Funny
Broken Sun
Good Prospects
Good Company
The Real Reason
I Wanna Know Everything
There's Only So Much Time
Unexpected Interactions
Trip Meetings
Buscar (To Look For)
L.A. Bound
Museums & Memories
The Pier
Back Home
A Couple Of Days
Last Day
Good Times

My 11th Birthday

250 8 2
By DayyyFanyyy

December 15th (Bella's Perspective)
"I'm so tired." I yawned and stretched. I grabbed my phone and smiled at all of the texts I received.
Axel: Happy Birthday!
Hannah⭐️: Omg Happy birthday!
Paisley: Happy birthday, can't wait to see you later!
There was so many more but I couldn't open them right away. I made my bed and went to go brush my teeth. My hair was straightened and trimmed so I just left it down. I didn't change into my outfit yet, I went downstairs to see what was for breakfast first.
"Happy birthday Bella!" Leia ran and hugged my leg.
"Mommy is in the kitchen! Making food." I hand her hand and we went into the kitchen together.
"Bella, come here. Happy birthday!" She hugged me tightly and gave me a kiss on top of my head.
"You're getting so tall my love."
"I am?"
"Yes, remember at the doctors they predicted that you'd probably be taller than I am."
"Oh yeah!"
"Birthday girl, what do you want for breakfast?"
"No, can I have turkey bacon, sausages, and an omelet?"
"Already on that." My presents were in the living room near the Christmas tree. I usually open them after family breakfast. Today felt interesting. 11. I am 11. But it seems boring. I want to turn 13, be able to stay up late, go to cool parties and all of that cool teenager stuff.
"So you're having lunch with your friends today?"
"Yes, and then hopefully we can spend some time together."
"Hopefully. I'll see if I can get Lucy to watch Lei for a couple of hours."
"I wanna come to Bella's party?" She said while holding her kitty.
"Bella isn't having one."
"Yes, She is she's going to go to the food place with Kylie and everyone else!"
"Leia, she's going to go with her friends and you going to stay home with Lucy."
"No! I don't want to stay at home! I wanna go to
Bella's lunch! I want to go!"
"I'm sorry Bella, can you turn off the stove for me baby?"
"Sure." Elliot came downstairs and gave me a hug.
"Happy birthday. It's been a pleasure to have known you for the past 2 years, you're are the kindest, loving girl I've met. Thank you for being supportive of your Mother's and I relationship. I value that."
"Thanks, and you're welcome."
"I have a gift but it's coming later today."
"Thank you."
"I want to go to Bella party!"
"Leia, go to your room."
"Don't want to!"
"Go now." Mom said firmly. She went downstairs and Elliot gave Mom a kiss.
"She's been testing me so much lately."
"It's normal."
"I know. Let's just have breakfast, we'll talk to Leia afterward about her behavior."
"I think I'm going to get the chicken parm."
"Yeah totally!"
"You guys know what's exciting?"
"The fact that Bella is finally 11 it took literally FOREVER." I laughed and looked over at the table where the adults were all talking. Because of course, we couldn't just go to the restaurant alone. We all were only 11 after all.
"Bella, you're not having a party this year?"
"Nah. I'll have another one in two years."
"Your parties are always super cool though." Kylie sighed and munched on her chicken wing.
"You know, we're having a sleep over."
"Yeah, next week Friday."
"I'm guessing it was supposed to be a secret."
"Pretty much."
"Guys, we can talk about that later. Let's talk about the Winter Dinner at school. Are you guys going?"
"When is it again?"
"The 20th."
"Not sure if I wanna go," I said.
"Why? It'll be fun."
"I dunno. But hey, where are we having the sleep over Kylie?"
"Maybe at my house. I dunno."
"When it gets warmer we should hang out somewhere."
"Central Park."
"That's actually a great idea." Brayden said.
"Yeah, and we could have a little picnic or something. Wouldn't that be awesome?"
"You know what. I think we're all geniuses."
Bella's Room (Noah's Perspective)
"Hey, Bella."
"Hi! What do you want?" She said with some attitude.
"Jeez. I just came to give you your present."
"Oh! Thank you!" I gave it to her and she opened it up.
"This is the best present I've gotten today! I've always wanted one of these cameras but I've never asked Mom for one! Thank you, Noah!" She gave me a hug and squealed. She was getting ready to go shopping with Mom for her birthday.
"Mom! Noah got the camera that I've wanted since I was like 8 years old!"
"Oh really? It looks Amazing sweetheart. Noah, That was so kind of you."
"She'd do the same for me. It was worth it."
"What will your first picture be Bella?"
"Hm. Ryan! Come here, boy!"
"Sit. Good Boy!" She took a picture of him and it came out of the camera.
"Sweet! Now my first pictures with this camera will be of my sweet boy! Yes, you're a good boy Ryan boo! I love you, sweet boy!" She per him and he loved to have his ear scratched.
"We should totally get another dog!" Mom raised her eyebrows and chuckled.
"I'm not sure about that kiddo. Everyone here knows that dogs aren't all that easy to care for. So let's not act like we can easily do something like that right now. Leia is already a handful as it is."
"Mommy, why do I have to go to bed? Bella gets to stay up." She asked.
"Because little girls need sleep. Go back to bed please."
"Hmph. I want tuck in."
"Go and ask Elliot politely for a tuck-in."
"Elliot! Elliot! Can I have a tuck-in please?"
"Yeah, come on sweetheart. It's bedtime." "Thanks," Mom whispered.
"Noah, you've just been standing here. Are you staring off into space?"
"No, just standing here I guess. I'll go now."
Shopping With My Bear (Olivia's Perspective)
"Mommy, isn't this cute?"
"It's really cute. Wanna go try it on?"
"Yeah, how about I pick up these jeans too and then we can have a little mini fashion show?"
"Sounds Amazing!" She got some ripped jeans and we went to the changing area to do our try on.
"Alright, go on." She took off her shirt and I noticed something.
"Bella, your friends... They're getting bigger."
"Yeah, I hope my boobs don't get too big." She whispered. I smiled as we put on the shirt and turned around.
"That's really cute. I love the pattern and it brings out your beautiful eyes."
"Alright, so that's in the buy list." She took off her shirt again and I spoke.
"We need to bra shopping in a couple of months sweetheart."
"Okay." She wasn't bothered or embarrassed in the least. That's exactly how I wanted it to be.
"These ripped jeans are great, but you can't wear them anytime soon."
"Yeah, I can."
"In this winter weather Bella?" She thought about it and sighed.
"I really like these ones though. I hope they still fit in a few months."
"They're very stretchy. So they might."
"I'll get them." Bella's fashion sense has really been evolving lately. I remember the days of wanted to wear all pink, purple, and blue. Wanting Selena Gomez all over her clothing. She was absolutely wild. Which lead to me choosing a vast majority of her outfits as a kid. Now, Bella was into tie-dyes, ripped jeans, short shorts, and anything with a cute phrase slapped on top of it. Though she is quick to say that some clothes have 'stupid' phases on them. I don't have a problem with Bella exploring clothes. Not at all. I have a problem with a certain population of men, women as well, that'll look at my daughter and see something other than an 11-year-old experimenting with her wardrobe.
"That's it honey?"
"Yes. Thanks, Mom!"
"You're welcome. Happy birthday, sweetheart!"
"Thanks. Why don't you buy yourself some clothes too?"
"Me? Nah, this is about you, babe."
"Get something Mom. I command you." She said with a smile.
"Alright, I'll buy myself something too." She's always been so sweet when she wants to be.
My Bedroom (Bella's Perspective)
My eleventh birthday wasn't the most awesome birthday I've ever had, but it was still great. I got to spend time with my Mom, spend time with my friends, and my siblings. I realized that I don't need a party for my birthday to be happy. I was just fine without one.
"Bella?" Leia walked over and hugged my leg.
"I tell you good night, and happy birthday!"
"Thanks." Mom was standing at the door and sent Lei to sleep in her bed.
"How do you feel?"
"Happy birthday again Bella. Here are the presents that you didn't get to open." We sat and opened them. I got clothes, candy, gift cards, and phone cases.
"This one is from me." I read the letter Mom wrote to me and it was really sweet.
The Letter
I bought this around last year. I held onto it wondering if I should give it to you or not. I realized that now would be the perfect time to give it to you. It'll have a special meaning. Bella, I adore your bravery, your kindness, and your humor every single day. You've helped me to become a better mother. Even when we have our little squabbles from time to time, I know that you still love me as a Mother. You're such a bright light in such a dark world, thank you for being authentically YOU! Happy birthday, Mommy loves you."
"Thanks, Mom." I gave her a hug and opened the gift. It was a necklace with the initials of our names.
"Do you love it?"
"Yes, it's really pretty. Thank you!"
"There's more." I looked deeper into the box and found another diary. This one was marble, so when my diary is filled up, I'll have this one. There were also bath bombs and perfumes. I love smelling good.
"You're welcome, sweetheart."
"This was one of my favorite birthdays."
"Really, why?"
"Because I got to spend it with you!"
"Bella, that's so sweet."
"Bella, Elliot said come downstairs."
"Okay." I went downstairs and into the kitchen where he was holding a cake.
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Bella....Happy birthday to you!" I blew out the candles and Leia clapped.
"Did you have a wish?"
"No, I got everything I wanted. No wishes for me." I cut the cake and gave the first piece to Leia.
"No, you eat the cake."
"Thanks, Leia."
"El, grab the ice cream for me please."
"Sure thing honey."
"You called Mommy honey!"
"Yes, I did. Because I love her." I closed my sisters' eyes as they kissed and she giggled.
"I wanna see kisses!"
"No Leia!" Noah and I yelled. This was an amazing birthday.

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