Better together (a clace fan...

Por little_squirrel_234

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Jace mysteriously is found dead at the entrance to the institute. Clary is so upset. What happens when he mys... Más

This cant be happening
Feeling better
First day back to school
The institute
The day it happened
The greenhouse
The fashion show
A big suprise
The calls
A very busy day
The trip
Telling everyone
Girls night
A day with jace
Leaving for Italy
Prank wars
The next day
Dreams and Promises
Moving day
The note
Feeling sick
I hate the flu
Where am I?
I need you
The rescue
What do I do?
a new friend
Some huge news and of course
Dress shopping
The beach
A day at the beach
Clary's day
A wedding problem
The wedding
The honeymoon
Herondale manor
Back to New York
He wants me back?
The castle
Coronation day
The missing cup and sword
The faerie court
Telling some big news
The letters
Whats it gonna be?
Shadowhunter academy
Picking out the nursery
Please jem?
Who did this?
2 days
Running out of time
I'm coming Clary
A sleeping clary
Waking up
Going Back to New York
A disney marathon!
She's coming
The bet
A surprise
New and old aquaintances
The truth comes out
A werewolf problem
Poor Wolves
A wolf prison
The auction
A plan
A visitor
The interview and photo shoot
The Jace Journal
Going back to the castle
In the begining
Go home!
Logans birthday
Ascension Day
Looking for clary
Lightwood family dinner
Sneak peak
Protect her
Graces announcement party
Grace leaves
It hurts
The dinner
The horse show
News from mom
The questioning
Queen for a day
The beach
Donuts and birthday presents
Sorry guys
Alices birthday
Going home
Isabelle and Simons wedding
Sorry guys
King for a day
Jace gets sick
Jaces Birthday
A declaration
I need an answer
Telling the family
a few days before the wedding
Jonathan and alices wedding
Good news and bad news
Coming home
Bad news
Grace meets family
Bad news
Graces return party
Neice or nephew?
Los angeles
Seeing family again
Meeting with Aubrey
Meeting with the king and queen
Dont hate me please
Shoping with ash
Gender reveal
Christmas eve
Jaces turn
Meeting with a verlac
Doctors visits and shopping trips
The day before
Home again
A break in
Hawaii pt. 1
Hawaii part 2
Alice leaves

What to do?

155 9 4
Por little_squirrel_234

Clary POV

"Clary, Love, you need to get up" I hear jace say. "No" I whine. "Come on love please" he asks. "No" I say and roll over. I hear a door open and close. Good, he's gone, now I can go back to bed.

Just as I'm starting to fall back asleep something heavy falls on me. I let out an "oomf." I open my eyes to see the green eyes and blond hair of Braxton an inch from my face. "What are you doing?" "You need to get up mommy. I want you to go fly with us later" he says. I sit up. I guess I have to get up now. I get off the bed. "I don't have wings though Braxton, I can't." He pouts. "Go get dressed. I'm sure Christopher is looking for you" I tell him.

He leaves my room and I go in the closet. I put on a black and white striped t-shirt and pull over a sweatshirt over top. I put some black leggings on with some converse and get ready for the day.

Jace and I get Grace and Braxton and head on to breakfast. "Can we go fly daddy" Braxton asks jace. "Maybe later. Me and your mommy have to work on some stuff and the we can go" jace tells him. "Okay daddy, can mommy come too" he asks. "Yeah, can mommy come too" Grace asks. "I guess I can. Jace do you feel like carrying me since they want me to come too" I ask. I don't have wings and my three and five year old aren't strong enough to hold me so therefore I have to rely on jace if I'm going to go with them. "I'll carry you" he agrees.

"Can I have a pony? I wanna learn to ride a pony like you and mommy" Grace asks. "Sure baby. Go ahead and tell your aunt Alice and she will put in an order for one for you" jace tells her. "Okay daddy" Grace says with a big smile on her face.

After breakfast me and jace go to our office to work on some stuff and Grace and Braxton go to the play room to play. Alice comes in our office with a few papers. "Grace said she wanted a pony. Is it okay for me to order one for her?" "Yeah, we told her she could have one at breakfast" jace says. "Okay, just making sure. Here is the books you can pick out one" she says and hands me three small books. They are magazine size. "I like this one. What do you think" I ask jace pointing to the picture of a pony I like for Grace. "That's a good one. We will get this one Alice" jace says.

She writes it down and takes the three magazines. "I'll have some more of those papers you put on my desk ready for you in a little while, hopefully" she says. "Okay" I say.

Jace and I do some work then he says "let's go get the kids and we can go flying" jace says. "Okay" I say. We go across the castle to our tower and see Grace and Braxton playing in the playroom. "You ready to go" jace asks. "Now daddy" Braxton asks. "Yeah" he says. The kids get up and we all go outside. Jace picks me up and I let out a squeal in surprise. I wasn't expecting it so soon. "Grace go up first then Braxton. I'll follow" jace tells them. "Why do they go up first" I ask once they are both up and we are still on the ground. "I do that so if they need help I can help" jace tells me.

He opens his wing and flies up to grace and Braxton. "Grace, you go first. We are just going to take a trip around the city." Grace starts flying ahead and Braxton follows. He keeps a safe distance away from his sister and me and jace follow them. I love going flying. Getting to see everything below you. I love feeling the wind in my face. It's not a heavy wind but like a lite breeze.

Grace and Braxton are good at this, I'm proud of them.

We eventually make it back to the castle. Grace and Braxton touch down first since they were ahead of us. When jace gets down he sets me down too. "Let's go to lunch" jace says to everyone.

The servants bring out our food. "Did you like it mommy" Braxton asks. "I did. It felt so good to do it again" I admit. "You've been before" Grace asks. "Yeah, but it's been a long time since I've been. I love it though, I wish I had wings" I admit. "I don't mind carrying you so you can come along" jace says. "Mm, that's good to know" I hum.

We all eat lunch and take a walk around the castle. Alice comes up to us. "Clary, jace, I need you both to come to my house. There's something you need to see" she tells us. "Okay" jace says. "Can I come too? I want to see Unca jo jo" Grace asks. "I guess so" I say to her. "You want to come too brax" jace asks. "No thank you daddy" Braxton says. "Okay, you need to go take a nap then. Go find Christopher" I tell Braxton. "Okay mommy" Braxton says and scampers off. I'm glad he doesn't mind taking naps after lunch. "Lead the way" I tell Alice. We all go to the barn and get our horses ready. Grace rides with me leaving jace and Alice by themselves.

We all ride to the Morganstern manor. We go inside the house and echo goes to Alice all excited. "Jonathan" Alice calls. "In the dining room" he calls back.

We follow her to the dining room. Jonathan and someone else are sitting at the table. The person turns to look at us. The other person looks just like Jonathan except he has pointed faerie like ears. "Ash" Grace squeals and runs up to him and hugs him. He hugs her back. "Who are you" Jace asks. "This is Ash, daddy" Grace says. "I heard" Jace says. "My name is Ash Morganstern" Ash tells us. "Mhm, who are your parents Ash? Where are you from" I ask. "My father is Sebastian Morganstern and my mother is the queen of the seelie courts. I'm not really from anywhere." My breath stops at the mention of who his mother is. "I know it sounds bad but just hear his story before you make any accusations or decisions" Jonathan tells us. I look to Jace and he has a blank look on his face. I look back to my brother and ash and nod. "I lived the first three years with my mother and then I was kidnapped and raised by the unseelie king. By the time I was 13 I ran away and escaped into Thule in search of my father from that dimension. The Sebastian of thule liked me enough but he only liked the idea of having a son to carry on his legacy, which I don't have any interest in doing to be honest. I eventually killed him and ran to my mother but she sent me to a house on a cliff far away from her. I stayed there long enough that I eventually gave up on the hopes of one of my parents being there for me and I ran and hid out in the woods in the forest here in idris. I lived in a tree house and eventually princess Grace talked me into coming to my real fathers house and they are letting me live here with them" Ash explains, telling us his story. I feel bad for him, true his parents were horrible but you can't choose your family. "How old are you Ash" I ask. "15."

"Jace can I talk to you" I ask. "Sure" he says. We walk into the other room. "What are we going to do about ash" he asks. "I don't know. I feel bad for him. He's never had a real family. He technically never grew up with Sebastian from Thule or his true mother, the seelie Queen, so I think he has a chance to be normal." "Maybe." Jace still has an unsure look on his face. "I say we give him a chance, let him stay with Jonathan and Alice and hope they can keep him normal. Maybe they can help him. Show him what it's like to be a real family" I try and show jace the bright side. "That could work. I guess you're right, let's give him a chance" jace agrees with me. I smile at him and we walk back in the dining room.

Grace is sitting next to ash talking to him. She has a big grin on her face. I still don't know how she knows him. Zillah starts screaming in another room. That baby is quite a loud cryer. "I'll go get her" Alice tells us and leaves the room. "You can stay ash. We will let you stay in hopes that Jonathan and Alice will raise you right while you're living with them. If you make a move like your mother did and go after any of us to put us in danger that will change and something else will happen to you" jace tells ash. "Alright. I have no intentions of ever wanting to hurt a family that will let me in and accept me. So thank you for letting me stay" Ash thanks us. Alice comes back in the room holding baby Zillah. "Of course ash, why don't you three come to he castle for dinner" I offer. "Sure thanks Clary" Jonathan says. "Of course. We will see you later. We should probably get back to the castle" I say.

"Can I stay here daddy" Grace asks. "I guess Grace" jace says to her. "What are you two going to do with only one horse if there is going to be four of you" I ask Jonathan. "I guess we can walk there and one of us can ride with alice back to the house when we come back home later tonight" Jonathan says. "Alright" I say and Jace, Alice and I walk out of the house, get on our horses and ride back to the castle.

Jace and I go back to the castle and start working in our office again. A knock on our door gets our attention. "Enter" jace says still reading the paper in his hands. A servant comes in and I look at him. "There's a hologram asking to speak with you" he informs us. "From where" I ask. "The incoming is from the Swiss institute" he tells us. "Thank you. We will be in the throne room shortly" I thank him. He bows and leaves. "I'll go get changed" I say to jace. "Me too and I will meet you at the throne room" he says.

I go to the dress room and look through all of the dresses and pick a black and colorful ombré colored dress. I get dressed and meet jace in the throne room.

Someone brings us our crowns and accepts the call. Peter shows up as a hologram. "Peter, have you made your decision" jace asks. "I have. Since I cannot go to work between packs Aubrey and I think it's best to move somewhere where we don't gave to worry about me going between packs between work and home. We figured it would be good to move back to the United States. You mentioned a New York pack" he asks. "Yes, there is a New York pack. I will let the Alpha know you want to join his pack. Let us know when you will move and I will let him know to keep a lookout for you" I tell Alices brother. "Thank you. We will leave Switzerland as soon as we can." "Alright, keep in touch" jace tells him. "I will, thank you for everything." "Of course" I say.

The hologram cuts off and we spend some time with Braxton until dinner. "Mommy, Where's Grace" he asks. "She's at Jonathan's house. She's coming back when they come over for dinner I tell him. I sit on the floor with him. Braxton is currently playing with legos. "Mommy, why are you wearing a dress" he asks me. I look up at jace and back to Braxton. "We had some work to do" I tell him.

"I'm going to go change, I don't want to wear a dress any longer" I announce. "But you look pretty mommy" Braxton says. "Well thank you Braxton, but I don't really like being in dresses. I'd like to stay out of them as much as possible unless I have to" I explain to my four year old. "I'm going to stay with him" Jace says. I leave the play room and go over to the dress room. I see my clothes hanging neatly on a hanger. I change out of my dress and into that. I hang my dress up and olivia enters the room. "Oh, hello Queen Clary" she greets me. "Hi olivia" I great her. She sits down and starts fixing a servants work dress.

I leave the dress room and go to my office. I call moms number. Its only 10 o'clock back in New York so she will be awake. "Hello" I hear my mom ask. "Hey mom" I say. "Hey clary, I'm glad you called. We are really short staffed here and Tessa and I was wondering if one day you would come over and help us. Me and Tessa are working the floor and check out too now" Mom asks telling me our problem. "Yeah sure, I will come one week and help out. Now I feel bad for what I'm about to ask of you" I ask. "What is it?" "I want you, Luke and Carson to come over. There's someone you need to meet" I tell her. "You didn't have another kid did you" she asks. "I didn't, no. Things will be explained better when you get here" I tell her. She sighs, "Okay I will call Luke then I will call you back when we decide on when we will come." "Okay, call me back" I tell her. "Alright, bye." I hang up the phone.

Jace comes in the office with Braxton holding his hand. "What are you doing" he asks. "I just called my mom" I answer honestly. "Well, Jonathan, Grace and Zillah are here with Ash" he tells me. "Who's ash daddy" Braxton asks. "You will meet him at dinner" Jace tells him. "Where are they" I ask. "Alice is keeping Ash in her office for right now until dinner, just in case you know. I'm not sure where Jonathan and Grace are" Jace tells me. "I'm right here daddy" I hear a little voice say. Jace turns around and we see grace and cookie. "Wanna play outside Grace" Braxton asks. "Yeah" Grace agrees and they both run out of the office and disappear down the hallway.

A while later the phone rings. I notice moms name come up and I hit speaker. "Hey mom" I greet. "Hey, so I talked to Luke and we are going to come tonight and we will see you tomorrow morning" she says. "Okay great. See you tomorrow mom" I say. "Okay, bye Clary" she says and hangs up. "Your mom is coming" he asks. "Yeah to come meet ash. I didn't tell her about ash, just that she needs to come over and meet someone" I tell him.

"I see. Well, let's go to dinner" he says. "I'll go get the kids. You go on to the dining room" I tell him. I go outside and see Grace and Braxton playing outside with cookie and river. "Grace, Braxton, come to dinner" I call. Grace and Braxton look at me and the four of them come running. I make them slow down to a walk and we go to the dining room.

"Who are you" Braxton asks curiously when he sees ash in the dining room with Alice, Jonathan and Zillah. "Ash Morganstern. Who are you" ash asks. "Braxton" Braxton says. "Braxton this is your cousin ash, Jonathans son. Ash, this is my son Braxton" I introduce.

"I guess you're my aunt Clary" ash says. "That's me" I say. "You act a lot different than Janus described you" ash says. "Who's janus" jace asks. "He would be you, uncle jace. I already know how you and aunt Clary grew up because everything that happened in this world happened in that one. I know your parents both died before you were born leaving you an orphan. Valentine raised you for 10 years then faked his death and you went to live with the lightwoods. The same thing happened to Janus. Then Janus fell in love with a girl called Clary. I guess you know what happened until Sebastian bounded himself with Janus." "Then I went and spied on Sebastian and Jace" I say. "That Clary did too. But when it came time for Lilith to come and give blood for the mortal cup, Lilith killed Clary. Eventually Sebastian won and conquered the shadow world. That's what took the last normal human piece of Janus away. Once he had lost everyone he had loved he became cold and distant. Then I came along and eventually killed Sebastian of Thule and the shadow world and Janus of Thule was free of his hold. Janus started to feel again somewhat but he has never been the same from what I hear" ash tells us. It's a lot to take in. I can't imagine jace being like that. "A lot has happened since 2007" I tell ash.

"Grace, how do you already know ash" jace asks. "Ash would come sneak to my room some nights. He would knock on my window and wake me up. We would talk for a while, then he would leave and I would go back to bed. He hasn't been over since Tuesday" Grace tells us all. "Nice to know the night guards work" Alice says. "How often have you came Ash" I ask. "Not very much. It just depended on if I feel up to getting out of my tree house and climbing up to the princess's tower"ash says. "You lived in a tree house" Braxton asks. "Yeah, but it was tiny" ash says. "Can I see" Braxton asks. "Maybe sometime, its in the middle of the brocelind forest. I don't live there anymore" Ash tells Braxton.

"Clary can you make ash some clothes? He doesn't really have much of anything with him" Alice asks me. "Sure, what size do you think you are Ash" I ask. He shrugs. "Lets try a medium first and if that is too small we can go up to a large" I tell ash.

"I called mom earlier and she, Luke and carson are coming tomorrow. They will be here in the morning like they usually do" I tell the others. "Nana and Papa are coming" Grace asks. "That's right, so is your uncle carson" I tell them. "Uncle Carson" Ash asks. "Mom and Luke had a baby, mine and clary's younger half brother. His name is carson. He is five years old" Jonathan explains. "You will get to meet them tomorrow. As long as you explain to them what you told us they should be okay with you. We can help too. We are on your side too ash" jace says to ash. "Thank you" ash says.

"I will have to go back to New York when they do. Herondale Designs in New York are short on staff at the moment and they need help. I am going to go back with them to help" I tell them all. "You can take some of the others here too if you need to. I'm sure they would like a change of scenery and a chance to go back to the real world" Alice offers. "I'm sure they would be a help, thanks. " "How long will you be gone" Jonathan asks. "I don't know. I will probably stay there until things get fixed and settled. I mean unless something happens and I need to come back here." "What happened that they are short on staff? I thought they were doing good" Alice asks. "No idea. Mom just told me on the phone that I need to come back and help out since they are short on staff at the moment, so I'm going to go help. " "You will figure everything out. I will call you if I need your help with anything" Jace says. "Alright."

We spend some more time with my brother and his family then they go home. I tuck the kids in then I go up to my room to see jace. I get ready for bed and we cuddle on the bed. "Jace?" He hums. "Do you want another baby?" "Mm, yeah I do" he says. "Me too" I tell him and lean into him. "We can try another day. I'm tired" he says and hugs me. I yawn and fall asleep.


"Come on love, you have to wake up" Jaces sweet voice says and he kisses my forehead. I open my eyes and look at his golden ones and smile. "Do you think they will like Ash" I ask. "I don't know. I think with all that has happened with Grace and the seelie Queen they may not at first with her being his biological mother. Ash seems like a good kid" he says. "He does doesn't he? I think he just wants a family. I know Jonathan wants to be that for him. It may just take mom and Luke a while to accept and get used to" I say. "I do too, let's get ready and we will meet your parents at breakfast and we can go to Jonathan's house after" jace says. I sigh and agree and get out of bed. I get a navy and white striped sweatshirt and Some leggings and converse. I get ready for the day and when jace is ready too we both go down to get the kids and go to breakfast.

Mom, Luke and Carson are already in here. I give them each a hug and we sit and have breakfast brought out to us. "I'm going back with you whenever you three go back. I'm going to help out at the store" I tell them. "Okay" mom agrees. "Alice has a good idea though, I bring some of the staff here with me and we come help for as long as needed. I'm sure they would like the change in scenery and chance to be able to do something else for a little while" I tell them. Mom and Luke exchange a look. "I don't think our house has enough rooms for more people than us and you" Luke says. "I don't think so either. We can always stay in a hotel and walk to the store. We won't mind" I tell them.

"Can I come too mommy" Braxton asks. "I guess Braxton but you will be bored. I will be working and your uncle Carson and Logan will be at school" I tell him. "Never mind then" Braxton says. "Why aren't Braxton and Grace at school" Luke asks. "They usually are but they are on break. They will go back next week" jace tells them. "Can Jordyn come over and play" Grace asks. "Sure Grace" jace agrees.

After we all finish eating the kids go play and we go sit in the drawing room with mom and Luke. "So why did you call us here" Luke asks. "So we all know Sebastian had an alliance with the seelie Queen. What we didn't know is they had a son. The boy was taken from the seelie Queen at a very young age before he could be brought up by her. He was taken by the unseelie king but ran away from him at the age of 13. He ran to Thule in search of the Sebastian of that world. He stayed there for a short time until he killed that Sebastian and ran to Idris. He hid in the forest until someone found him" jace explains. "We have met the boy and are okay with him staying in Idris" I add. "Who is this boy and where is he" mom asks. "His name is ash Morganstern. He is currently living with Jonathan and Alice. He seems to be doing alright with living with them and Zillah" jace tells them. "What about Grace" Luke asks. "She loves ash" I tell them.

"Do you want to meet him" Jace asks. "Yeah" mom says. "Let me make sure Charlotte and Christopher know since we will be gone and tell Alice we are leaving. Are we going to walk or ride" I ask. "Let's just walk" mom says. "I will meet you guys out front then" I tell them.

I go over to the playroom where Grace, Jordyn, Carson and Braxton are playing. "Charlotte, Christopher watch over the kids please. Jace and I are leaving the castle for a little while with my parents" I tell them. "Yes ma'am" Christopher says. "Queen Clary" Jordyn asks. "Yes Jordyn" I ask. "Can miss Charlotte and mr. Christopher take us to the park later" she asks. "Sure you can. As long as they stay with you both and a guard goes with you three just in case" I tell them. "Alright. Maybe in a little while we will go" Charlotte tells them. "Alice is in charge while we are gone" I tell them.

I go to Alices office and see her working on something. "Alice, Jace, my parents and I are leaving for a little while. I'm taking mom and Luke to go meet ash. You are in charge until we get back" I tell her. "Alright. I will make sure things are stable for a few hours" Alice says. "Thank you. If you need anything we will be at your house" I tell her. "All right. Now go, you can't keep them waiting. I will send Jon a message letting him know you are coming" she says. "Alright" I say and leave her office.

I meet the others at the front of the castle and we leave the front gates. "So are you going to be okay with Clary leaving to come help us" mom asks jace. "I think so. If I need her for anything I will call her. I can hold down the shadow world and take care of things for a little while" jace tells her.

"Ash looks just like Jonathan guys. The only way to be able to tell the difference is personality and ash has faerie like ears but other than that they look pretty much the same" I warn my parents. "Do you really think we can trust ash? I mean his mother is the queen of the seelie courts. She tried to hunt down and kill Grace" Luke asks. "I'm not sure completely yet but we are going to give him a chance. From what he has told us he never really had a parent figure. He just kind of jumped around from one parent to another. I think living with and having Alice and Jonathan as parents can help him. They can make sure he stays like a good kid" jace says. "We had him over for dinner with Jonathan, Alice and Zillah and he seemed like a good kid" I tell them.

We finally get to the edge of be city and enter the road to the manor houses. "I got you a new pack member. I'm not sure when he will be moving to new York but he will be coming eventually" I tell luke. "Who is it" he asks. "Alices brother" I tell him. "I thought he lives in Switzerland. Why doesn't he just join a pack there" Luke asks. "He could have but when he met the alphas there they didn't like the idea of him being in one persons pack and crossing through the other packs land freely just so he could get to work. He wanted to move back in the United states so he could at least be in the same county as their parents but far enough that they can be more independent and on their own I guess" I tell him. "Oh, I get it. Well he can come on whenever he finds somewhere to live" Luke tells me.

We make it to the Morganstern manor. "This is it" mom asks. "Yeah have you ever been here before" I ask. "No, valentine and I always came to my house when we were dating and lived in the Fairchild manor when we were married" she tells me. "Well this is it. Maybe Jonathan can show you around later. Its a nice house and I think Alice said they redid the kitchen and dining room, I wasn't really paying attention yesterday when we came over" I tell her.

We get to the front door and I knock. Jonathan opens the door and smiles seeing all of us. "Here to meet ash" he asks. "Yeah" I say. "Come on in. He is upstairs with zillah. I will go get him" Jonathan says letting us inside the house. "I will be right back" Jonathan says and goes upstairs. He comes back down with ash holding a bundle of blankets that could only be Zillah. Moms face lights up at seeing her. Ash looks confused looking at mom at luke not knowing who they are. "Oh, right. Ash these are is my mom and stepdad" I tell him. "Hi" Ash says. "Lets go to the living room so you can tell them" Jonathan says.

Ash tells them the story he told me and Jace. "Well I'm glad Jonathan has taken you in and now you have a real family. Now you have clary, Jace and us" Mom tells ash. "Thank you" Ash says. "Can I hold her" Mom asks. Ash hands Zillah to mom. "Where is Carson" Jonathan asks. "At the castle plating with Jordyn, Grace and Braxton" Luke says. "I will have to go see him when you guys go back" Jonathan says. "We can take the back roads away from the castle if you want to come too" I tell Ash. "I'd like that" Ash says.

"What do grace and Braxton call you" ash asks my parents. "Nana and papa" Mom tells him while loving on Zillah. "Can I too" ash asks. "I don't see why not. You are Jonathan's son aren't you" Luke says. Ash smiles.

"How are the Carstairs" jace asks. "They are good. Tessa is pregnant again. Jem and Tessa adopted kit into their family too" mom tells us. "Did they really? I'm happy for kit" I say. "Yeah, he seems to like it a lot" she agrees. "Tessa's pregnant again" Jonathan asks. "Yep" mom confirms. "This would be her third right" he asks. "Fifth. She had two a hundred years ago. Do they know what it's gonna be yet" jace asks. "Not yet" Luke says. "I know she must be excited" I say.

"Can I see the rest of your house" mom asks. "You've never been here" Jonathan asks. "No, even growing up we always went to my house or somewhere else. Never his house" she says. "Let me show you around then. We did change some things though" Jonathan says. We follow him around as he shows us the different rooms of the house. When we get upstairs I say "I love Zillahs nursery!" Its got yellow walls and a painted tree and some clouds above the window.

"Thanks. We figured you couldn't go wrong with yellow since we didn't know what she was going to be when Alice was pregnant and we were doing the nursery. We could always use this room in the future" he says. "You could" mom agrees.

Ashes room is two doors down the hallway. "Where is all of your stuff ash" Luke asks. "I don't have any yet" ash admits. "We will need to get you some stuff" mom says. His room is just bare. There is a bed and closer but no colors or clothes or personal stuff.

"You could always come with me ash, and I could take you shopping as well as have Olivia make you some clothes as well. I have designs I was going to use for the store but you will have them first" I tell ash. He looks to Jonathan. "Don't look at me it's your choice" Jonathan says. "I'll go" ash says. "Okay. Whenever we leave I will bring you with us" I tell him.

We go back down the stairs. "How do you have a tv in the living room? Does it work" mom asks. "It works, it runs on witch light. Alice has her old credit card off her dads bank account. One day when we were out of the country she got the tv and brought it here. It doesn't get cable just movies. So we have a bunch of movies" Jonathan tells us.

"That's cool. Let's go back to the castle. We can probably make it back by lunch" jace says. "What about Alice and Zillah" Jonathan asks. "I'm bringing Zillah" mom says. "We have a carrier for her" Jonathan tells mom. "Alice can join us for lunch too" I tell him. "Okay, I'll go get her carrier so we can go" Jonathan says and leaves the living room.

"Have you ever been to New York Ash" Luke asks. "No" ash says. "It's a lot bigger than it sounds. I know some really good places to eat" I tell ash. "I'm back" Jonathan says. Mom puts Zillah in the carrier and picks it up. We walk out the front door. "Did you guys walk here" Jonathan asks surprised. "Yeah" I say. "Let's get walking then if we are going to make it to the castle for lunch" Jonathan says.

We get back to the castle just a few minutes before lunch. "Alice is probably in her office, if you want to go see her and tell her she can come eat lunch with us. I need to go tell Olivia of her new orders" I say to my brother. "I will go get the kids" mom says. I go to my art room and grab my sketchbook. I go to the dress room and see Olivia in here. "I have a job for you Olivia" I tell her. She looks at me. "My brother has taken in his long lost son and he is in desperate need of some clothes. Here is my sketchbook for the men's clothing line. I think he would probably be a medium or large. He's quite skinny and about the same build as Jonathan" I tell her. "How old is he" she asks. "15, you can pick out what you think he would wear" I tell her. "Okay. I guess I should get to work then" she says. "Okay, ash and I will be gone for a little while. Mom needs help at the Herondale designs store in New York so I'm going to help and I'm not sure how long I will be gone. When you finish with his clothes give them to Alice to take home with her" I tell Olivia. "Yes Queen Clary" she says. "Now, if you will excuse me I am going to eat lunch with my family" I say and leave the dress room.

"I told Olivia to just give the clothes to you when she finishes" I tell Alice. "Alright" she says. "We can get you whatever you want for your room ash" I tell him. "Whatever I want" he asks. "Whatever you want. I will take you to different places and get you whatever you want" I tell him.

"I've been putting together a list of people to go with you guys. How many people do you think" Alice asks. "Let's say three. That way we can have enough people. The store is bigger now that it's more popular" mom says. "Alright" she says.

"What time are we leaving" I ask. "Not sure. Either tonight or the morning" Luke says. "Okay, if we leave in the morning ash you can spend the night here if you want" I tell ash.

So what did you all think of the chapter?

Do you like the pony I picked for Grace?

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