Instagram (LiLo)

By narryontop

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[Instagram] louiswtomlinson commented on your post "Who is this and why haven't I met him yet?" louiswtomlins... More



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By narryontop

His fingers shake from the excitement and anxiousness he's feeling. Between his thumb and index finger Louis Tomlinson lets the ticket scanner snatch his ticket for his approval to take the train.

This train will then take him to where he can't believe he's actually going. After the months of messaging over Instagram, Louis' meeting the man he's somehow gotten into a relationship with on a silly app. He never thought he'd be the type of person to be in an online relationship — and after seeing one too many episodes of Catfish, Louis vowed to never trust anyone he speaks to online.

His crush on Liam Payne, the ridiculously attractive male model, has been a fun at first. Louis enjoys making Niall Horan, his best friend and an all-star rookie in his football league, squirm. Louis just couldn't let go of how fit Liam is, so when Liam started to reply to his flirtatious and cheeky comments with his own wit, the joke was over.

The messaging between them made Louis feel on edge but so alive at the same time. Whenever he'd receive a notification from Liam, Louis couldn't even register how fast his thumbs were typing before sending his replies. Liam made him more eager than he already was.

As confident as Louis usually was in his messages, he was properly freaking out just like a lot of the fans in the comments. He still can't believe that Liam Payne likes him because he's sure some of his messages would scare him off, as well as the fans going crazy in their comments with speculations that they were in a relationship.

Louis didn't think the fans would be rooting for the two of them as hard as they have. There are times where their comments make Louis laugh but there are also times where he thinks they're being too obsessive and pushy. He'll never admit that because he's with Liam in ways nobody will ever know.

He's sat on the train now. His hand is resting on his thigh and his fingers begin to slowly splay outwards as his palm sweats.

Louis supposes he should let Liam know he's on his way. They pretty mush have been messaging all morning while Louis was figuiring out what to wear and how to fix himself up for Liam. Even though they've seen each other's pictures, this feels like the real first impression he will be making. He looks down at his phone and takes in the deepest breath he's ever had.

messages with liampayne

louiswtomlinson: On the train. This is really it.

liampayne: Can't wait to finally be in the same space as you.

louiswtomlinson: I'm trying not to have an anxiety attack right now. Too many witnesses.

liampayne: Are you gonna be okay? Are you having second thoughts about this?

louiswtomlinson: No! I'm not having second thoughts. I've been waiting to meet you so badly. I just can't believe it and I have no clue how things are gonna go. Like it's a bit scary!

louiswtomlinson: You're not even a little bit scared?

liampayne: Maybe a little. I know that having you here is a huge risk but I keep thinking about you being here.

louiswtomlinson: Wow. Poetic.

liampayne: There's the Louis I know!

liampayne: As I was gonna say, you're gonna be here and there won't be anyone making any comments about us together, you know? We get to have a private first meeting. I get to touch you and kiss you for real.

louiswtomlinson: I suppose you're right.

liampayne: How are you feeling now?

louiswtomlinson: Still anxious and deciding if I'll be apprehensive about touching you or if I'll jump your bones as soon as the door closes behind us.

liampayne: You don't know how bad I want to reply to this but I can't have my boyfriend hard on a public train.

louiswtomlinson: I hate you. I don't wanna see you stupid smug face anymore.

liampayne: I'll see you in a few hours, babe. Try to relax.

louiswtomlinson: Fine.

He does whatever he can think of to make the time pass. He starts off with glancing around at the other passengers, most of them wearing headphones and not paying any attention. Surely, Liam could have replied to him with a steamy message because nobody would have noticed. Once he's bored of the other people, Louis decides to play some games on his phone. He'd watch videos but he doesn't want his phone to lose its charge before getting to Liam's place.

All that's left for Louis to do is to try and nap, which isn't as easy as it usually is because he's finding himself daydreaming scenarios about meeting Liam. What's it really going to be like when they first see each other? Is it possible that Louis could actually pounce on Liam when he first sees him? Will they both be so frantic to get their hands on It could also be this awkward thing where they can't figure out what to even say to each other. He can't wait to hear what Liam's voice sounds like.

Somehow he manages to pass the time. The hours don't feel like eternities.

He has a car pick him up from the train station and gives him the address to Liam's complex. He's a bit tentative about giving out the address because he doesn't want to ruin any part of Liam's private life. Then again, Louis doesn't even know if the driver knows who Liam Payne is.

He stays quiet in the car and scrolls through his Instagram feed on his phone, seeing what normal things his friends and the others he follows are getting up to. Niall is at training today, Lottie is working with some clothing company, the most popular Liam update account posted a throwback of some photo shoot Liam did a few years ago. He likes the posts and then turns the screen of his phone off.

Once the car pulls up to the complexes, Louis pays and gets out of the car. Another waves of anxiousness comes over him as he looks up at the tall luxurious housing. He doesn't belong here and hopes nobody catches him.

He spends some time looking around for which building Liam is in. He lives on the 4th floor of Building B.

When he finds the right door, the door is now the only thing separating Louis from Liam. It freaks him out a bit. He pushes the bell and all he can do is pray he doesn't startle when the door opens.

The door opens and Louis suddenly can't remember if he's even breathing. His heartbeat pounds in his ears. He never believed that it's possible for someone to actually take another person's breath away, but here he is now unable to know if he's even alive.

Liam Payne is standing in the doorway and looking at him with those brown eyes Louis only sees in photos. He's thought about those eyes at night, wondering what it would be like to have those dark expressive eyes looking back at him.

Louis' eyes trail up from Liam's torso, which is covered by a plain white t-shirt that clings to his muscular tone in all the right places, to the real winner of his features — his beautiful expressive face. He starts with the rich espresso color of his eyes that edited pictures somehow were able to magnify. Then there's Liam's lightly pinked lips that Louis can't wait to feel how soft they are against his.

Liam backs away and invites Louis to come inside. Once he steps inside, Liam closes the door behind him. He reaches into Louis, their bodies brushing each other.

Now he knows what Liam smells like. Whatever cologne he's wearing, Louis needs to remember to steal a few sprays for himself before he leaves. He doesn't know what to focus on right now. He's doing his best to take everything in all at once.

"H-hi," Louis manages out once he steps away from Liam's embrace. Tentative hands reach up, not knowing exactly where to land on Liam's body. He just knows he wants to feel the warmth of his skin on his own.

Liam tilts his head to the side and squints his eyes in a way that's amused. "All of this flirting and all I get from you is a 'hi' with extra letters?" Liam bites his lip next and Louis almost feels like his legs could fail to hold him up because of how sexy Liam Payne truly is in the flesh.

Louis furrows his brow in confusion to Liam's greeting until it hits him that Louis had responded to his first message to Liam with the same line.

Liam crosses his arms over his chest and rests against the doorway. "I have to confess that I might have been reading through all of our messages from the start while I waited for you." Then he shyly glances down at his arms.

It brings a smirk to Louis face because there are so many topics they've discussed since they started messaging each other. "Every single one?"

Liam nods. "And I looked through your pictures too. I had to stop myself because I was getting to eager for you to arrive."

"Your voice is deeper than I was expected. Quite smooth too." Louis says, feeling flush.

It makes Liam smile.

"Yours is different than I thought." Liam says. "It suits you."

Louis' expressions twists. He hasn't always been fond of his voice. Sometimes he wishes it wasn't so high. "I'm not too gone for it myself."

Liam shakes his head. "There's nothing wrong with it, Louis."

Louis accepts the comment.

"You shaved." Louis points out as he finally feels brave enough to feel his boyfriend against him. In Liam's latest posts he's had his beard. That was the Liam he was expecting to see, but the person standing before him he'd take any version of.

Liam shyly shrugs his shoulders. "I wanted to clean it up for you. Didn't want it to be too scratchy when we kiss." A smile tugs at his lips.

"I like the stubble. Feels good on my skin." Louis tells him, the back of his fingers stroking at Liam's jawline.

Liam slightly turns his head to lean into Louis' touch. His eyes drift close and he lets out a content breath. "I'll remember that for next time."

Louis can't take his eyes away from Liam, watching the man leaning into his hand. He finds it to be a bit alluring because he's just about ready to melt into Liam too. "Already planning on there being a next time? Someone's confident."

Liam opens his eyes, even though they squint and crease when he starts laughing at Louis' comment. He turns his face and gives the inside of his palm a quick kiss.

Louis' teeth scrape over his bottom lip when he feels the press of Liam's mouth, which starts to cool from the air surrounding them.

It doesn't take long for Liam to brush his fingers against Louis' hand, letting him know to move away from the door. As Louis takes a few steps forward, Liam leads him towards the wall. His back touches the wall and he's grinning up at Liam, his tongue swiping over the inside of his lip.

Louis reaches forward with his hand, running it through Liam's styled hair. It's softer than Louis expected it to be. He ends with his fingers gripping at his hair as Liam decides to steal the space between them.

The kiss starts off easy because Liam doesn't want to be too forceful against Louis' mouth, which Louis is just fine with as he figures out how their mouths can fit together. He's had plenty of sloppy kisses that have put him off so Liam wanting to take the time with him, Louis happily obliges.

With his fingers still gripping onto Liam's hair, his other hand rests on the back of Liam's neck. Louis manages to pull Liam closer to him as one of Liam's warm hands nestles Louis' head and the other is placed between Louis' back and the wall.

Liam's lips find the right pace with Louis' and Louis can tell from the way Liam's body is starting to relax with his.

Liam lets out a soft airy chuckle against Louis' mouth and glances down between their bodies where Watson has decided to join them.

The large Great Dane looks up at Louis, his droopy eyes focusing on him intently as if he's trying to figure out if Louis' a good person or not.

"He's huge. I mean, I saw him with Sophia and he was big in the picture, but really seeing him is kind of intimidating." Louis says with an apprehensive tone. He doesn't want to make enemies with Liam's dog.

Liam reaches down and scratches Watson behind his ear, the dog leaning into his touch in the same way Liam has done with Louis.

"He's a gentle giant. Aren't you?" He coos to the dog.

Liam stops giving Watson affection and gives the attention back to Louis. "He'll warm up to you." He reassures.

Watson lets out a breathy sound before wandering off.

"Let's get you out of the doorway. There's much better places for us to be." Liam says, stepping out of Louis' space and leading the way to a different room.

"I didn't know if you'd be hungry or not. I haven't really gone out to the grocery store since I came back from New York. My assistant had some things sent over a few nights ago." Liam explains as they walk through the kitchen.

Louis looks down at his stomach. It growls at the mention of food. He's too anxious to eat because he's still buzzing over the fact he's in Liam's space. Liam is real.

"You have an assistant?" He asks Liam instead of accepting the offering of food.

Liam doesn't miss a beat though, opening up his stainless steel refrigerator and looking through what he has.

"Yeah, she's quite helpful. I'd be lost without her." He says with a chuckle. "I'm in my twenties, you'd think I'd be able to manage myself."

Louis just nods, not connecting with Liam because he doesn't have an entire team helping him get through his twenties.

Liam ends up placing all sorts of snacks that don't even go together for a proper meal. Maybe his assistant definitely needs to help him.

They sit across from each other at Liam's kitchen island. Liam's more leaning forward from the sink and Louis is sitting on a stool.

"Do you ever feel like you're lonely?" Louis asks as he glances around. Liam's place is so much larger and nicer than his. He even feels like it's not completely a home. Then again, Liam probably travels too much to settle down anywhere just yet.

"Sometimes." Liam answers distantly. "I mean, I have Watson and my team come over often. I don't really have too many friends that come around for casual visits. So, in that sense, I do feel alone. More at night when I'm done with long and hectic days."

Louis frowns. He doesn't like the fact Liam doesn't have a close group of friends.

"What about you?"

"Um, I go out with Niall and our mates sometimes. Then there's my family, all my siblings like to spend time with me when they can. I don't feel too alone." Louis scratches the side of his neck because he doesn't want his answer to sound like he's bragging about all the people in his life. "But like you said, when all of the chaos goes away it's just me and my dog."

When they finish eating, Liam cleaning up after the both of them, Liam asks Louis if he's interested in going upstairs

He nods, almost before Liam is even finished asking him the question. He follows Liam up the spiral staircase, looking around and seeing the few picture of his family he has on the wall. Most of the pictures are of him and, what Louis is guessing, pivotal moments in Liam's career. He definitely wouldn't mind having a large picture of Liam hanging up on one his walls — or maybe over his bed. That's not weird at all because Liam's his boyfriend.

Louis' eyes widen from the sight of the size of Liam's room because it's practically size of the entire layout of his flat. He has a king size bed, with all white bedding. It's not really decorated but Louis assumes Liam hasn't hired a decorator yet. Maybe if they're still together he can offer Lottie's help because she hates Louis' flat and enjoys interior design.

With a content groan, Liam's already down on his bed. He's smiling lazily up at Louis and reaching his arms up so Louis can join him.

Louis kicks off his shoes and slowly climbs into bed with Liam. He lays next to him, but off to his side because he doesn't know how they fit together yet for a proper cuddle.

"This is real?" Louis asks while his heart beats rapidly in his chest.

"This is real." Liam repeats with more certainty than Louis. "Come here."

Suddenly, Liam is pulling Louis on top of him so he's straddling his lap, his hands running up his thighs so his hands can hold onto his hips. His fingertips go up underneath his shirt, where it's already bunched up and showing some skin. His thumbs trace circles over his hipbones.

"I'd like to do some more kissing if you don't mind." Louis says.

Liam grins, resting one arm behind his head as he stares up at Louis. "I don't mind it."

The initial contact of their lips together makes Liam growl and Louis can't wait until he's be able to swallow the rough sounds of the model. Liam takes more charge after this, titling his head a bit to really get at Louis' lips hungrily. Their mouths move together, Louis having to try to keep up with Liam's fast kisses, each feeling sloppier than the last. Liam's stubble brushes and burns against Louis' mouth and Louis can't help but whine out when Liam bites at Louis' lip before dragging his tongue along it, his tongue then slipping into Louis' mouth to clash with his own. If Louis can manage to get a moan of his own out, it would probably be loud enough for one of Liam's neighbors to hear.

Everything about this kiss is hot compared to the first one they shared downstairs, including Louis' body. As Liam continues to get a taste of every part of Louis' mouth and dig his fingers into his his, Louis arches his back.

That's when Liam moves his large hands over the swell of Louis' ass. Louis teasingly rolls his hips back against Liam's hands, letting him squeeze it when he rolls them back forward. He can feel how hard they both our through their jeans.

Louis has to break away from the kiss, their mouths panting and breath mixing as Louis stares up at Liam, his fingers dipping under the collar of Liam's t-shirt.

Suddenly, Louis finds himself stopping. In all his dirty thoughts about how he wants to ruin Liam, and have Liam ruin him in return, stopping is never something that happens.

Liam is able to read Louis right away and loosens his grip. He calms his breathing down and he's looking up at Louis. His eyes tell him he's worried that he did something wrong.

"I'm sorry. I—I." Louis can't get his words out. He wants them to come out the right way, the way that won't hurt Liam's feelings.

"It's okay, Louis. Whatever it is. It's okay."

"I don't think I want to rush this?" He's telling Liam but he's also trying to convince himself at the same time.

"Like in my head, everything's so heightened and it's because part of you is a fantasy and mystery to me — well, when I was talking to you through a screen. Now, that I'm literally sat on top of you, I think I want to take my time with you." Louis feels vulnerable and it's not what he's used to. "You're my boyfriend, Liam. Not some quick shag I'm meeting for the first time off of Grindr or picking up from some bar. I can take my time finding out what you like, and you can take the time with me."

Liam's still looking up at him and he starts to sit up, hands holding Louis' waist as he settles his weight. Then he leans in and presses a loving kiss to Louis' mouth, pulling away and resting his forehead against his.

Then Liam swallows. "I don't know if I've told you yet, but you always find ways to amaze me." His thumb brushes over his cheekbone.

"So, you're all right with stopping right here?" He asks cautiously, ready to dislike himself a bit for being so abrupt all of the sudden. He's never like this in his messages.

"Yeah," Liam nods. "Like you said, we've got the time to learn each other. I don't know if you could tell but I'm nervous. I've never had sex with a bloke before, remember?"

Truthfully, all of their messages aren't filtering through Louis' mind to use as references. He does wish he remembered the real and raw ones from their more sexual ones.

"It's okay. You can be nervous and you don't have to do anything with me that you're not ready for right away."

"Thanks for understanding, not that I don't think you wouldn't. It's just weird to talk about now that, you know."

"Face to face?"

Liam hums. "That and, um," he pauses and motions between their jeans.

They both share a soft chuckle.

Louis blinks down and closes his eyes, wanting to lift any weight from his shoulders. He wants to go back to just being happy that he's finally with Liam. He wants to end their day together positively.

"Wish I could mark up your model body." Louis mumbles, tipping his head to nuzzle his nose against Liam's.

Liam's looking down at him, his eyes dark and more seductive than in any of his released photos. "Nothing a little makeup can't fix. But we should stay on the safe side for now. I could always mark you up instead."

Louis lets out a sigh before rolling off on Liam. He stays close to his side and tangles his legs through the model's. His hand rests on Liam's chest, his fingers trailing over the thin gold chain around his neck. Louis hides his face in Liam's neck, wanting to nip and bite at his skin.

"I don't want to leave." Louis mumbles against Liam's warm neck. He attempts to nuzzle into him further but he's already as close to Liam as he can get.

Liam's large hand runs up and down Louis' back. "I know, babe. I don't want you to leave either but it's how it's gonna have to be for awhile."

Louis lifts his face from Liam's neck and looks up at him, seeing that Liam is just as bummed about having to separate after finally being able to connect by touch - a touch Louis had no idea he'd crave this much.

"Do you know when we'll be able to see each other again?"

"My manager's coming around tomorrow to give me my schedule for the next few weeks. I'll let you know as soon as I do." Liam promises.

Louis nods, missing Liam already.

"I vote next time we just have a visiting nap. That way I'll know what it's like to have you sleeping beside me. It's gonna drive me crazy when I go back to mine and not having you in my bed when I get there." Louis says in a jokingly strict tone because he's completely serious about it.

Liam lets out a chuckle, his fingers now tracing circles around his back. "Sounds perfect and now I'm gonna be thinking about that all night too." His hand stops moving before both of his strong arms wrap around Louis again, pulling him to him so he can press a warm kiss to Louis' forehead.

"Mm, we can discuss the scenario in our messages when you get back if you want." Liam suggests.

Louis quickly shakes his head. "That'll be torturous. I'm gonna be sad that I can't have you until the next time."

He really doesn't want to leave as his chest starts to tighten from the sound of Liam's sincerity. He might cry on the train journey home.

"No reason to be sad though, right? Just think of it like this. Close your eyes for a second."

Louis sends him a look as if Liam's being mental. He lets out a dramatic sigh and does what Liam tells him to do. In his new darkness, he feels the heat radiating off of Liam's body, his own moving closer to that warmth without even thinking about. He curls up so he's surround by everything that makes up Liam: his body, touch, strength, and warmth. It's a safe feeling and he's never felt safer that he does right now.

He opens his eyes to see if Liam's eyes are closed too but he finds them staring back at him. "Every time?" Louis asks, hoping not to sound too desperate.

Liam nods his head, reaching over to Louis so he can stroke his hair. "Every time, Lou."

A small smile tugs at Louis' mouth and then he cranes his head up to kiss Liam. He ducks back down and nuzzles into Liam's broad chest, his teeth nipping at his cotton shit and his nose breathing in Liam's scent.

"Is it too early in the relationship to steal your clothes?"

"Only one." He feels the way Liam's body shakes when he laughs and Louis can't help but smile because of it.

He unburies himself from Liam and looks up at him, shaking his head in disappointment. "You think you can limit me? Ha! you've got a lot more to learn about me than you realize."

Louis rolls away from Liam and sits up. Then he gets out of the bed and walks into Liam's closet. The door is already open and the light was left on. The closet, again, seems larger than Louis' place. There's even a mirror built into it. It's ridiculous.

He scans one section, where Liam's hoodies are hanging and folded underneath as if his closet is actually a clothing store. He stops when he sees a grey Adidas one that he likes.

He pulls it over his head and he frowns when the hood messes up his hair. The hoodie is slightly big on Louis but still really comfortable and cozy, just like Liam.

As he fixes his hair in the mirror, Louis sees Liam come up behind him.

"Just you wait until I teach you a thing or two when it comes to my personal property. Very protective over what's mine." He leans down and kisses Louis on his shoulder.

Louis turns in his arms and looks at Liam in a playful and challenging way. "So, if you don't get it back you'll tear it off of me?" He smiles slyly.

Liam's grins in that sexy way Louis will never get enough of. "Anything to get to you, Lou."

A chill runs through Louis and he shivers. He backs up until his lower back hits the large rectangular display in the center of the closet.

Louis licks at his lips. "Just so you know, once we do start having sex, we'll definitely be doing stuff in here." His eyes scan around the closet. "Yep, I can definitely think of a few ideas already." He chuckles victoriously.

Liam raises his brow at him. "Is that so?" His hands rest next to Louis' sides.

Louis nods again. "Mm, yeah."

Liam kisses his forehead, which Louis isn't satisfied enough with. So he lifts his chin so Liam's lips find his.

They spend their time letting their hands roam each other's bodies until they're out of breath from kissing.

Louis' phone also vibrates in his pocket. He set an alarm before he left so he knew when he had to leave. He's no happy about it.

"As much as I want to keep you, you'll miss your train if I keep being selfish." Liam says when he realizes that he has to let Louis go.

"Feels like I just got here." Louis mumbles.

"I know and I hate that I'm making you leave. I want more time with you too. And there will be time."

"I know. Still sucks. It's gonna suck every time one of us has to leave." Louis says.

"I'm sorry, Louis." Liam apologizes.

"S'not your fault." Louis tells him.

Louis walks past him and goes to fetch his shoes. His hands curl and hold onto the cuffs of the sweatshirt's sleeves. He doesn't want to leave just yet but he knows what they both agreed to getting into this.

At least they finally met and it's more than Louis ever could have wanted. Well, in a perfect fantasy they would have done much more in Liam's bed.

Liam appears again when Louis turns around. He's wearing a black hoodie. He looks disappointed and Louis doesn't want him feeling that way.

"Hey, let's cheer up. Yeah?" Louis says as he slips his phone out of his pocket, ignoring all of his notifications.

He opens the camera and motions for Liam to stand next to him. "You're not allowed to look sad in our first picture together." He tells Liam as he does his best to get a decent angle for them both. "And no sexy model faces either."

"Now I know why you have more pictures of just yourself than with others. You're bossy." Liam jokes with him.

Louis turns and looks at him, his brow furrowed and his lips slightly pouting.

Liam pulls Louis' hood over his head, smiling. Then quickly reaches up and takes the picture, which Louis is not happy with.

"That doesn't count! I'm deleting it!" Louis says.

"Don't. I like it. It captures us pretty well and it's a funny one."

"It captures me looking like I'm not interested in anything about you." Louis argues. "And you're beaming with pride."

"You look cute."

Louis huffs because he's not winning.

"Fine. At least send it to me before you delete it. I really like it."

Louis holds his phone up again. "Fine. Can we take a serious one now?"

As Liam surrenders by pressing a kiss to his cheek, Louis takes the picture. As both boys start laughing, Louis takes another one.

"I thought you wanted a serious one?" Liam accuses.

"My finger slipped because my arm's tired." Louis lies.

"I'm sure that's why."

"All right. One more. We'll both just smile. No more nonsense."

Liam takes the phone from Louis, mumbling something about how he'll do it since Louis said his arm was tired.

In the end, Louis gets the picture he's satisfied with. They're both looking at the camera and smiling the bright smile like two people who are so happy they found each other.

Liam's hands go into the front pocket of his hoodie. "I don't want to sound annoying and untrusting of you but, you probably already know what I'm gonna say."

Louis does. He understands completely. "Absolutely not. These are just for me." He jokingly hides his phone against his chest in hopes to hear Liam laugh at least once more before he leaves.

"I feel stupid for repeating it. Just me being cautious. Message me when you get back to yours."

"Are you sure? I'll be home after midnight." That's not late for Louis but he doesn't know Liam's schedule during the weekdays.

Liam nods. "Yeah. I might fall asleep but I'll keep my ringer on for you."

"I can't believe I met you today. And kissed you."

"It's mental, yeah? Never in a million year would I have thought I'd find a boyfriend through social media.

"I never thought Niall had any super fit mates before you came along." Louis tries to joke even though it's true. Louis hasn't been too attracted to any of the men on his team or towards any mates from Niall's hometown.

Liam's strong arms wrap around Louis' waist. "Good."

They walk back down the staircase. Watson must have heard them because he appears from wherever he's been the entire time they were upstairs. He looks up at Louis and sniffs his hand.

Louis waits until Watson seems comfortable enough before he pats his head. "One day you're gonna meet my boy Clifford. That way you won't be lonely every time we close a door on you."

Liam chuckles before giving Watson a couple of loving pats.

"I'm sorry I can't walk you out. Sometimes there's paps." Liam tells him.

"It's fine. Our relationship is just that. Ours. I'm perfectly happy with that." Louis promises.

"I'll see you soon." Liam says and Louis could tell he almost slipped out a 'goodbye'.


Liam pushes the hood off of Louis so he can properly see his face. Then his hand finds its newly-found favorite place to hold Louis when he pulls him in for a kiss.

Louis melts into Liam, feeling like this actually is a dream that he'll be waking up from very soon. He needs to keep the memory of Liam's lips vivid.

The sound of a car honking outside makes them pull apart. Liam's thumb traces Louis swollen bottom lip.

"You're so special to me, okay? Whatever happens from here on out, I will do everything to make sure the world doesn't rip us apart. I don't want to lose you, not after the day we had." Liam says, his state hard on Louis.

"You can't get rid of me that easily, Payne. I succeeded weaseling my way into your life and I have no desire to leave." He grins, hoping he's convinced both of them that everything's always gonna be smooth sailing between them.

Worth the wait?? I hope it was for you guys because I adored writing this chapter!

Updates will return daily and in multiples until the next time there's a need for another chapter written this way. I already have 3 drafts waiting to be posted.

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