Better together (a clace fan...

By little_squirrel_234

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Jace mysteriously is found dead at the entrance to the institute. Clary is so upset. What happens when he mys... More

This cant be happening
Feeling better
First day back to school
The institute
The day it happened
The greenhouse
The fashion show
A big suprise
The calls
A very busy day
The trip
Telling everyone
Girls night
A day with jace
Leaving for Italy
Prank wars
The next day
Dreams and Promises
Moving day
The note
Feeling sick
I hate the flu
Where am I?
I need you
The rescue
What do I do?
a new friend
Some huge news and of course
Dress shopping
The beach
A day at the beach
Clary's day
A wedding problem
The wedding
The honeymoon
Herondale manor
Back to New York
He wants me back?
The castle
Coronation day
The missing cup and sword
The faerie court
Telling some big news
The letters
Whats it gonna be?
Shadowhunter academy
Picking out the nursery
Please jem?
Who did this?
2 days
Running out of time
I'm coming Clary
A sleeping clary
Waking up
Going Back to New York
A disney marathon!
She's coming
The bet
A surprise
New and old aquaintances
The truth comes out
A werewolf problem
Poor Wolves
A wolf prison
The auction
A plan
A visitor
The interview and photo shoot
The Jace Journal
Going back to the castle
In the begining
Go home!
Logans birthday
Ascension Day
Looking for clary
Lightwood family dinner
Sneak peak
Protect her
Graces announcement party
Grace leaves
It hurts
The dinner
The horse show
News from mom
The questioning
Queen for a day
The beach
Donuts and birthday presents
Sorry guys
Alices birthday
Going home
Isabelle and Simons wedding
Sorry guys
King for a day
Jace gets sick
Jaces Birthday
A declaration
I need an answer
Telling the family
a few days before the wedding
Jonathan and alices wedding
Good news and bad news
Coming home
Bad news
Grace meets family
Bad news
Graces return party
Neice or nephew?
Los angeles
Seeing family again
Meeting with Aubrey
Meeting with the king and queen
Dont hate me please
What to do?
Shoping with ash
Gender reveal
Christmas eve
Jaces turn
Meeting with a verlac
Doctors visits and shopping trips
The day before
Home again
A break in
Hawaii pt. 1
Hawaii part 2
Alice leaves


164 8 5
By little_squirrel_234

Thanks to ColdSoulessOne for giving me the idea for this chapter.

I feel my body wake up. Its so early. I hate it. I look down and I see myself sleeping next to me. What the heck happened?

I shake my body and it groans. "Get up" I say and shake it again. My hand hits me. "No" the words come out of my mouth but I didn't say it. What it going on? How did Jace say to wake me up? I rub on my arm. "Time to get up" I say. This is so weird. My body groans and looks up. "What is going on? Why am I looking up" it asks. "Jace" I ask. "Yeah" he says and my body sits up. I sit up too. "What's going on? Why am I looking at myself" he asks. "I have no idea. I'd like to know that answer myself. My guess is we somehow switched bodies overnight" I say. "Great" he groans. "Yeah, trust me, I don't want to be in your body either. We can go see Magnus and see if he can fix it after breakfast" I tell him. "I guess so" he says.

I get out of the bed and go into the closet. I have to go up to Jaces level with all of his clothes. "Clary" Jace yells. I leave the closet after changing into his clothes and go into the bathroom. "Why didn't you tell me" he asks. "Tell you what" I ask completely confused. "You start it today" he asks. "Oh that" I say and shrug. "Well I don't know how to deal with any of this" he says. I pull out a pad from under my sink in the cabinet. "You would probably want to use this instead of the other option since you have never done it for obvious reasons" I say. "I don't know what to do with this" he says. "I'll show you. Its a lot easier" I tell him. I grab a new clean pair of panties from my level in the closet. I show him how to put it in. "There. It will be good for a few hours before you have to get a new one" I tell him. "So these things don't last a whole day or at least a week or whatever" he asks. "I wish" I say. He groans. I brush my teeth and finish getting ready.

I sit on the bed waiting for Jace. "Whos getting Grace and Braxton up" I ask. "Isn't charlotte and Christopher doing it" Jace asks. "I hope so. Should we tell Braxton and Grace what happened" I ask. "Not yet. We can tell them after we talk to Magnus" he says. "Okay, give me your stele" I tell him. He hand it to me. I draw the psychic rune on the top of his arm. He takes the stele from me and draws the same rune on my arm. "Lets go eat and then we need to have a talk with Magnus" I say. "You might want to put those away" Jace says. I look back and see his wings are folded but still out. "How do I put them back in my back" I ask. "My back" he corrects. "Whatever. How do I put them back" I ask. "Open them all the way" he asks. "How" I ask. He sighs and says, "Just think of them opening in your head and they will open." I do what he tells me to and they do exactly what he said they would. "Now picture them closing in your head and they will slide under the skin" he tells me. I try and picture it in my head and the wings disappear into the extra layer of skin.

We go downstairs and Charlotte and Christopher walk out of the kids rooms with them. Braxton hugs Christopher. "Go eat tiny B. I will be here when you get back" Christopher says. Braxon nods and Christopher lets him down. "Hi mommy" Braxton says and takes Jaces hand. Jace looks at me. 'You need to act like me around him until we can either switch us back or have to tell them' I think to him. "Hi bud, did you sleep good" Jace asks him. "Yes mommy" our son says and holds onto Jaces hand. Grace holds onto mine and the four of us go to breakfast.

"When can I see stephie and Travis" Grace asks. "I can see if they can come over and see you" I tell her. "Why can't I go see them" she asks. "We haven't announced you are back yet to the kingdom. People will be curious as to why they see a beautiful 5 year old walking with us" Jace says. "Oh" Grace says. "I will see what we can do to get them over here to see you. I'm sure they miss you too" I tell her. She smiles up at me. "When can I be announced that I am back home? Mommy already measured me for my dress" Grace asks. "Soon Grace, your aunt Alice is already planning it. We are trying to get you a tiara" I tell her. "Yay" she squeals. She has been back for an entire week and a half. I missed her little squeal while she was gone and now that she's back it doesn't get old.

"Cookie and river could use a bath. You guys could give them a bath. You can ask Charlotte and Christopher to help" Jace suggests to the two sitting across from us. "Okay" Braxton says.

'My stomach hurts clary' Jace says. 'Is it like a stabing pain below your bellybutton' I ask. 'Yeah' he says. 'You are starting to have period cramps. It will get worse. Its always like that on the first day for me. After we finish eating go lie down in the bed and I will go talk to Magnus.' I tell him. 'But I want this to get fixed' he whines in my head. 'We will. I will go to Magnus and you go rest. Make sure to drink a lot of water. It will help" I tell him.

"Daddy can we go fly" Braxton asks. "Maybe after lunch. I've got to go see Magnus after this" I tell him. "Can I go? I want to see uncle Magnus and raphe" Braxton asks me. "I guess you can come. Don't you want to help Grace, Charlotte and Christopher give cookie and river a bath" I ask. "Yeah" he says. "Why don't you help them then and you can see unca Magnus some other time" I tell him. "Okay daddy" he says. 'Oh my gosh that's so weird him calling me that'. 'I'm still trying to get used to him calling me mommy. Magnus better fix this' Jace says. 'I agree' I think to him.

After dinner Jace goes up to our room and Grace and Braxton go see Charlotte and Christopher. "Can we give cookie and river a bath Chawotte" Braxton asks. "Sure buddy. Do you want to help Grace" Charlotte asks. "Yeah" Grace says. "You want to come Chrispher" Braxton asks. His little three year old self cant say their full names and its kinda cute. "I guess. I've never given a dog a bath before though" he says. "I would put on some clothes you don't mind getting wet in" I warn him. "Thanks for the heads up" he says. "I have to go see Magnus for a little while. I should be back before lunch" I tell them. "Alright. Wheres Queen Clary" Charlotte asks. "She wasn't feeling good so she went back up to our room to lie down. She will be alright" I tell them talking about Jace.

My kids and Charlotte and Christopher go into Graces room. "It's so cold Grace. Can't we go into my room and give them a bath" Braxton asks. I walk in. "Its not cold" Grace says. "Its snowing princess Grace. I'd say its cold" Christopher says. "I guess we can go to Braxtons room" Grace finally concedes. I walk out and leave the castle.

I head over to Magnus and Alecs house. Alec opens the door after I knock. "Is Magnus here" I ask. "Yeah. Why" Alec asks. "I need to talk to him" I tell him. "He's in the living room with Chairmen meow" Alec tells me.

I walk past him to see Magnus sitting on the couch petting the chairmen. "Did it work" Magnus asks. "Did what work" I ask. "My new spell I was trying. Did it work" he asks. "What new spell" I ask. "To make two people switch bodies. Did it work" he asks. "You mean you did this to us" I ask. "So it did" he asks looking excited. "Yes you Idjit" I say. I lunge for Magnus. Chairmen Meow jumps from Magnus' lap and runs from the room. Alec grabs me and holds me back from getting to magnus. "What are you two talking about" Alec asks. "Well you see Alexander darling, I was trying out a new spell last night. Its supposed to make two people change bodies" Magnus explains to his husband. Alec lets me go and looks at me. "So are you not Jace" he asks. "Nope" I say. "Then-" he starts to ask who. "Clary. Magnus is going to fix this right now or else" I answer for Alec before he can ask the question and command Magnus. Alec lunges at Magnus and I end up holding him back. "You need to fix this right now Magnus" Alec says. "No can do" Magnus says. "What do you mean sparkles? You better fix this" I tell him. "Can't" he says. "Its not permanent is it" I ask. "No, It will wear off. Probably in two to three days" he tells me. Two to three days? "You can't be serious. Jace can't last in my body for two to three more days. I don't want to be in his either" I say. "What do you mean he won't last in your body? He will be fine" Alec says. "Yeah but my body started my period today. He already hates it. He wanted to come with me to see if you would fix this magnus but he couldn't" I say. "Oh" Alec says. "You have 24 hours to find a potion or spell or whatever to reverse this Magnus" I say. "You can't be serious" Magnus says. "I'm dead serious. If you don't you won't like the consequences" I tell him. I turn and walk from their house. Right before the door closes I hear Alec say, "You better get started on finding a cure."

I go to the address Travis and Stephanie are staying at. I knock on the door. "Hey, I'm surprised to see you here. Come in" Travis says. I walk in their house. Time to pretend to be Jace again. "Steph" Travis calls. Stephanie comes down the stairs and we go into the living room. "I didn't expect to see you again until a while later" she says. "Yeah, I had to go over to Magnus and Alecs house so I figured I would stop by" I tell her. "I hope Grace is okay" Travis says. "She is fine. She seems to be settling in fine in the castle. She is getting along with her brother good too" I tell them. "She has a brother" Travis asks. "Yes, we don't want people to find out just yet though. We are working on setting a date for a party to announce Graces return and to announce your prince as well" I tell them. "How old is he" Stephanie asks. "He's three, you will get to meet him at the party. Clary and I want you two to come" I tell them. "Of course we will" Stephanie says.

"Grace was asking about if she could see you guys this morning at breakfast" I tell them. "Oh" Stephanie says a small smile on her face. "We told her one of us would ask you if you guys wanted to come for lunch to see her" I tell them. "I'd love to see her again. Don't you have family over to see her" Travis asks. "No, they all came the first full day we came back and stayed for a few days then left. The only one of our family members that's there is her aunt Alice" I tell them. "I thought you said they all went home" Travis says. "They did. Alice lives in Idris. She comes over around 9:30. She works at the castle" I tell them. "Oh okay. I guess we can come over for lunch" Stephanie says. "Alright. Grace will be excited to see you two again" I tell them. "Is cookie there" Travis asks. "Yeah. I convinced Braxton and Grace to give cookie a bath while I left the castle" I tell them. "Braxton is the prince" she asks. "Yes. You will get to meet him at lunch" I tell them. "Lets go then. I want to see the little munchkin again" Stephanie says.

We leave their house and head over to the castle. "You can go inside. Its the dining room. I will go get the kids and hopefully clary" I tell them. "Alright" Travis says. He and Stephanie go inside the dining room and I go down the hallway to where our tower is. I go upstairs first. I find Jace curled in the bed. "Is it any better" I ask. "Not much" he says. "I believe it" I say. "How often does this happen for you" he asks. "Once a month" I tell him. "And you just walk around like things are perfectly fine and normal" he asks. "I kind of have to" I say. He looks up at me. "I feel so bad for you now" he says. I chuckle. "You need to let the pillow go and come to lunch and pretend to be me. I have had to be you this morning now it is your turn for a little while. Travis and Stephanie are here to see Grace" I tell him. "Okay, I will try" he says.

He sits up and looks at me. "What did Magnus say" Jace asks me. "He said he couldn't fix it" I tell him. "So its permanent" he asks. "No, but he said it will wear off in a few days" I tell him. "I can't do this for a few more days. I want to me back in my body. I don't want to deal with your stupid periods and everything that comes with it" he says. "I know. That's why I gave him 24 hours to find a spell or make a potion that will fix this" I tell him. "Good, I don't want to be stuck in your body much longer. I want to be back in my gorgeous body. I hate being this short" he says. "Believe me I want to be in my body too. It feels weird being tall and these wings are kinda itchy when they are hidden" I say. "No they aren't. You just aren't used to them just yet. You need to go and stretch them out in a few hours probably, they will start to get stiff" he says. "I don't exactly know how to do that" I tell him. "Its easy. I can teach you a little later. Lets go get Braxton and Grace and go to lunch" he says. "Okay" I say.

Grace POV

River jumps out of Braxton's bathtub. She shakes all the water off. I laugh. Her hair is standing up because its wet. "Lets get her dried off so she doesn't track water everywhere" Charlotte says. "Okay I say. "Braxton, grab that one and help me and Grace dry her off" Charlotte tells us. Braxton grabs the towel and the four of us dry river off the best we can. While we are doing it river runs out of the bathroom and into Braxtons room making us all fall on our stomachs. She starts rolling on the floor.

Mommy and daddy come to the door. They look a little confused to see us all lying on the floor. "River did it" Braxton says quickly. "I'm not even going to ask" mommy says. "Come on you two, lets give Charlotte and Christopher a break. Lets go to lunch" Daddy says. We all get off the floor. "Can doggys come too mommy" Braxton asks. "As long as they are dry" she says. "They should be. We gave cookie a bath first then river" Christopher says. "Its kinda hard giving a short haired dog a bath. at least to me it is" Charlotte says. "Probably, Jonathan would know. Clary convinced him to give bear a bath so he can probably relate more than we can" daddy says. "I did" mommy asks. Daddy elbows her and mommy says, "oh yeah I did." "Come on guys, we will see you in a few hours Charlotte and you two Christopher" daddy says. I hold daddy's hand we all go to lunch.

When the doors open I see two people I have missed so much. "Stephie! Travis" I yell. I run up to them and give them a big hug. They laugh and give me a hug. We sit down and I sit in between them. "I missed you guys" I tell them. It feels like forever since I last saw them but its only been a week. "We missed you too munchkin" stephie says. "But now you are a princess, what you have always been" Travis says. "I have" I ask. "Yes, we couldn't tell you when we were raising you because we didn't want to put you in danger. I'm sorry Grace" Travis says. "That's okay" I say.

"Who is this" Stephie asks pointing to Braxton. "That's my little brother Braxton" I tell her. I'm so happy to see them again. I hope they like Braxton. "How old are you Braxton" she asks. "This many" he says and holds up four fingers. Mommy puts one finger down. "This many" he says again. "Three? You're a big boy aren't you" she says. "Yeah, I'm a big boy like daddy and unca Alec and unca Jo Jo" he says. "Yes you are" she says. I love Braxton.

"Are you spending the night" I ask them. "We can't, but we are staying in Alicante, so we can see you sometimes if you want" Travis says. I want them to stay longer. They are my family too. "Are you coming to the party" I ask. I don't know when it is but I know aunt Alice is trying to have it soon. "Yeah, of course we are going to come. We want to be there for your return party and Braxtons announcement party" stephie says.

The side door opens and aunt Alice comes in holding a tray of food. "Sorry we are short on staff to help out today due to people being sick so I had to step in and help" she says ad places all the food down in the middle of all of us. "Hi aunt Alice" I say. "Hi Grace. Why are you and Braxton all wet" she asks. "We gave cookie and river a bath" Braxton tells her. "Well, if you two are still in the mood to give dogs a bath I have two dogs at home that are in need of one" she says. "Is unca Jo Jo there" I ask. "Yep, as far as I know" she says. "Can we mommy? Can we go see unca Jo Jo" Braxton asks. "After your nap you can go see uncle Jonathan" mommy tells us. "I better get back to work. Let me know if you guys need anything" aunt Alice says and leaves the room.

"So I see you are still taking your naps after lunch" stephie says. "Yeah, Braxton has to take one too" I tell her. "That's good" she says. I make my plate and start eating.

"Can I show you my room before I have to take my nap and you have to leave" I ask them. "Sure Grace" Travis says.

We all eat and Braxton and I walk with Travis and stephie to our rooms. I show them my room. "Wow Grace. I love your room. It's so pretty" Stephie says. "Thank you. I knew you would love it" I say. My room is a bunch of different colors.

"Oh look" I tell them. I get on my bed and push up the fake windows. "Oh that's so cool" Travis says. There's a painting that appears when you push the window up. "Aunt alice designed and put together my room. She said mommy painted this" I tell them pointing to the paining behind my fake windows. "She's really good at it" Travis says. "Your room is so pretty Grace" stephie says. "Thank you" I say. "You should go to sleep now. When you want to see us again tell your parents and we can come back" Travis says. "Okay. I love you guys" I say. I get off my bed and hug them both. "We love you too Grace" they both say. "Go to sleep now so you can go see your uncle Jonathan" stephie says. "Okay stephie. Night night" I say. "Sweet dreams princess" Stephie says and leaves my room.

Clary POV

Jace and I go to our office right after lunch. "Ugh, Magnus better fix this soon" Jace says. "I agree. Until the 24 hours is up we have to be strong and get through this. I hate when he picks us to experiment his new spells on" I say. "What are you talking about" he asks sitting up on the couch. "He has used me before to try one of his new spells before. It took me back in time to when you died 7 years ago. He said it was to teach me that no matter what I did you would still die and the events happening right now were still going to happen" he says. "Why didn't you tell me about that" he asks. I shrug. "He said he was trying out this new spell last night and when I went to see him this morning it proved to him that it works so he can now switch two peoples bodies" I tell him. "That's just great" he says sarcastically. "I know" I say. "Why didn't he just try it on him and Alec" Jace asks. "That's a great question I wish I knew the answer to" I say.

I work on some paper work. "We need to tell Grace and Braxton" Jace says. "Yeah. Go tell Charlotte and Christopher to send them in after their naps" I tell him. "Do you know where they are" he asks. "I have no idea. I would go and ask Alice. I would check the kitchen or the dining room for her first before scouting out the rest of the castle if you can't find her those two places" I tell him. "Okay, I will be back" he says.

He leaves the office and I continue to work. I get a handful of papers done before the phone rings. I pick it up. "Hello" I ask. "Hi Jace is Clary around" I hear Tessa ask. "Believe it or not this is Clary" I say. "How" she asks. "Long story. Whatcha need" I ask. "We were supposed to meet today. You were going to come here and meet with me and your mom this morning" she says. "Oh my gosh Tessa, I forgot. I'm sorry. I've been a little distracted as you can probably tell by my voice at the moment" I tell her. "Yeah you sound a lot like Jace" she says. "I'm stuck in his body for the time being. Its a long story why. We are hoping we will be able to get back in our own bodies by tomorrow. Can I come tomorrow and meet with you guys" I ask. "I guess so" she says. "Thanks Tessa, I'm really sorry about forgetting" I apologize.

"Hey I also had an idea I was going to suggest when you were here today. I guess I can do it now" she says. "What is it" I ask. "A lot of people that work for us and even some of our loyal customers have never seen you and always ask if you even exist. I was wondering if you wanted to do a meet and greet. A lot of people love your clothing designs and I'm sure would love to meet you" she suggests. "That's not a bad idea. I will see when I have time on my schedule. As of right now I am pretty backed up with designing and ruling all of the shadow world. That's a great idea Tessa. I will see when I have time and come down for the day" I tell her. "Okay. I guess I will see you hopefully. If you still aren't back to yourself just let me know and I can reschedule. How are you planning on getting back to yourself" she asks. "I gave Magnus 24 hours this morning to reverse this since he did this to us" I tell her. "Oh, okay. Well good luck with that. I will hopefully see or hear from you soon" she says. "Hopefully. Bye Tessa" I say. "Bye Clary" she says. I hang up the phone.

I get back to work and Jace comes back in. "I found Charlotte and Christopher in the kitchen eating lunch. They said they will bring the kids in here when they wake them up" Jace says. "Thanks" I tell him. "Do you need any help" he asks. "No, I've got it" I tell him. "Okay" he says. He lies down on the couch. "Does it still hurt" I ask. "Its a little better than this morning but yeah" he says. "I'm sorry" I apologize since I know how he feels.

Fifteen minutes later there is a knock on the office door. Jace sits up. "Come in" I say. Charlotte and Christopher enter the office with Braxton and Grace. "We brought the kids for you like you asked" Charlotte tells us. "Thank you" I say. They nod and leave us to talk to the kids. "Guys we have something to tell you" I tell them. "What is it daddy" Braxton asks. "Something happened over night and we switched bodies" Jace tells them. "What do you mean" Grace asks looking confused. "I mean, I'm your daddy, I just am stuck in your mommys body. We are trying to fix this" Jace says. "Oh. Why" Grace asks. "Why are we trying to fix this? Because we want to be back in our own bodies" I say. "No daddy, I meant why are you in different bodies" she asks. "Oh, let's just say it's uncle Magnus' fault. But we are all working to fix it" I say. "Oh, okay" Braxton says. That went easier than I thought it would.

"Can we still go see uncle Jo Jo" Braxton asks. "Yes Braxton, I will take you two to his house" I tell him. I get out of my chair. "What are you going to do" I ask Jace. "I'm going to sit here and die" he says. I laugh. "No you're not. Get off the couch and help me with the reports. That's what I have to do next" I tell him. "But that takes too long" he whines. "When I get back I can help you" I say and the kids and I leave the office.

"Is daddy okay" Grace asks. "He's fine he just doesn't want to be stuck in my body and I don't want to be in his body and he is being a baby about it" I tell her. "Oh" she says. I go down to the barn. "Can we ride major? He's pretty" Braxton asks. I ask a barn girl to get major ready for us. When he is ready I help Braxton on and then Grace. "Can you scoot back a little Grace so I can get between you two" I ask her. She scoots back some and I get on the saddle. We take the backroad around the city so nobody spots us. When we get to the road to the manor houses Braxton asks. "Can we spend the night at Unca Jo Jos house?" "Yeah can we" Grace asks. "We will see. I will ask him if we wants to watch you two for the night" I tell them. "Yay" they both say.

When we pull up to the Morganstern manor I get off then help them off. I knock on the door. Jonathan opens it and Braxton walks in. "Um okay" Jonathan says watching the little boy disappear into the house. "I guess he knows his way around your house" I say. "I guess so. Why are you here anyway" Jonathan asks. "Alice mentioned to them that since they gave river and cookie a bath they could come give echo and bear one if they wanted and as you can see they do" I tell him. "Oh, well they could use it. Thanks Jace" Jonathan says. "That's not daddy, that's mommy" Grace says. "No, that's not my sister" Jonathan says. "Yeah I am. Magnus was trying out a new spell and made us switch bodies. I am hoping he can fix it because Jace has just about fallen apart being stuck in my body and all that comes with being a girl" I tell him. "Oh, it happened" he asks realizing what I'm talking about. "Yeah and he can't handle it" I say. "I can imagine not" he says.

"Unca Jo Jo can we spend the night with you" Grace asks. "Um sure I guess" he says. "I will let Alice know ask well as Charlotte and Christopher" I tell him. "Okay, I guess you guys can go find Echo and Bear" Jonathan says to Grace. She nods and walks in the house.

"Good luck. If you need me to come get them just let me know" I tell him. "They will be fine" he says. "Thanks. I hope that in the morning when I come to get them I am back to normal" I tell him. "Me too" he says. "I have some clothes Alice can borrow. I will just bring it over tomorrow when I come to pick them up" I tell my brother. "That's fine, thanks clary. She told me you are sending her on maternity leave soon" he says. "Yeah, when you are pregnant you cant ride a horse and I don't want her hurting the baby" I tell him. "Me neither" he says. I get on Major. "Bye" I say. "Bye" he says. I turn and ride off back to the castle.

When I get back to the castle I look for Alice. "Hey um, Grace and Braxton are at your house. They wanted to give your dogs a bath too" I say. "I was kidding about giving them a bath but okay" she says. "They also wanted to spend the night" I tell her. "Was Jonathan there" she asks. "Yeah, he said okay to them spending the night" I tell her. "Okay, I was going to make fried chicken for dinner so they can try it too" she says. "You know how to make fried chicken" I ask. "Yeah, my friend Gavin's mom taught me how to make fried chicken back when I was in college" she says. "That's cool. Guess what happened when I got to your house with Braxton and Grace" I ask. "What" she asks. "As soon as Jonathan opened the door Braxton walked in and just wondered around your house" I tell her. "I guess he knows my house pretty well all of the sudden. He has only spent the night twice" she says. "I guess that's enough times for him to know your house by heart" I say. "I guess so" she says. "Thanks Alice" I say. "No problem" she says. "I will let you get back to work. you probably have a lot of stuff to do with people out sick" I tell her. "I do" she says. "Let me know if you need anything" I tell her. "Thanks clary, I will" she says. "How did you know it was me" I ask. "Jace told me what happened. I hope you guys get this fixed soon" she says. "Me too" I say. I walk off.

Now I feel bad leaving my kids with her and Jonathan. I know what its like coming home from work and not wanting to do anything because you are too tired to want to do anything. She is probably stressed too because she has to get everything situated before she goes on maternity leave in a few months.

I turn back around and go back to her. "I will take care of the rest of the party planning. Just give me what you have so far on it and I will take care of planning the rest" I tell her. She looks shocked. "Why would you do that" she asks. "I need to help you. You are so busy taking care of everything around here and you have a baby on the way as well as Jonathan to get home too. Stress isn't good for the baby and there is no way I'm letting you loose your baby. I feel bad for leaving you with my kids on top of everything you have to take care of here. I want to take something off of your plate" I say. She looks shocked still. "I-I don't know what to say" she says. "Don't. I want to do this. If there's anything else you need me to take care of and take off of your plate just don't hesitate to ask" I tell her. She hugs me. "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you guys" she says. We let each other go. "Of course Alice. I know what it feels like to be stressed and exhausted because of work. I don't want to do that to you. When we get dinner head home. You can make fried chicken another night. Make Jonathan make dinner. You guys should watch a movie and you need to relax. Take tomorrow off" I tell her. "Oh I couldn't. There's so much left for me to do before I leave" she says worrying. "One day won't hurt you. You need some time off to relax and rest. I can tell you are stressed and worried and we can't have that. You took care of me when I was pregnant with Grace and Braxton and You made sure nothing happened to them and now its my turn to take care of you" I tell her. "Thank you so much Clary" she says. "Of course" I say. I give her a hug and walk off.

I work on some papers then Jace and I go to dinner. Alice brings us our food then leaves. Hopefully she leaves for the night. "Where's Braxton and Grace" Jace asks me. "They are spending the night at Jonathans house" I tell him. "Oh, is that okay with Jonathan" Jace asks. "Yeah, he said it was alright. When the 24 hours are up and if Magnus fixes us I will go get them" I tell Jace. "Oh, okay" he says.

We talk some more over dinner then we head up to our room and get ready for bed. "I wouldn't wear those white pajama pants if I were you" I warn. "Why not" he asks. "Because you could leak all over the pants at night. That is really embarrassing when it does happen. I suggest putting on a pair of dark pants that way it doesn't show up if it does happen" I tell him. He puts on my black sweatpants and finishes getting ready for bed.

We cuddle some. "I need to tell you something about Braxton" I tell him. He sits up looking worried. "What's wrong? Is he okay" Jace asks looking panicked. "Braxton is fine. I need to tell you something about him as a baby" I say. "Oh" he says looking relieved. "Braxton got sick a lot as a baby. I don't know what happened. It was between age 2 months to 8 and a half months. I was worried I was going to loose him" I tell my husband. "You didn't and he is with us still. Did the silent brothers look at him" Jace asks. "Yeah, they tried what they could but nothing seemed to work. He eventually got better as you can tell" I tell him. "What do you think happened with him" Jace asks. "I'm not sure but I'm glad it went away" I tell him. "Me too" Jace says. He cuddles up with me. We eventually fall asleep.


Jace and I wake up at what feels like the crack of dawn and get ready for the day. I hear a yelp when I am getting dressed in the closet. I walk over to the bathroom door and try to open it but it's slammed closed. "Don't come in I'm hideous" he says. "Gee thanks" I say. The door opens and I am let in. "What's wrong" I ask. "I'm hideous! I have a huge pimple on my forehead" he exclaims. "It's just a pimple" I say. "You don't understand, I've never had a pimple on my beautiful face in my entire life" he says. "I find that hard to believe. Everyone gets break outs when they go through puberty" I say. "Not me, I've been pure perfection since the day I was pulled out of the womb" he says. "Now that's just not fair" I complain. "You will be alright" I say and finish getting ready.

When we go to breakfast Charlotte and Christopher come up to us. "We cant find Prince Braxton or Princess Grace" Charlotte says worried. "They spent the night with Jonathan last night. I am going to get them later this morning. I thought we told you last night" jace tells them. "We knew they were going to give their dogs a bath but not to spend the night" Charlotte says. "Yeah. I'm sorry we didn't tell you" I tell them. "Well thanks for letting us know what really happened" Christopher says. I nod and they walk away.

As jace and I are walking to the office after breakfast a guard comes to us. "Magnus bane is here to see you two. He says it's important" the guard says. "Okay, send him to our office" I tell him. "Yes sir" the guard says and walks off. We walk down the hallway. "Let's hope he found a cure" I say. "Let's hope" jace agrees. We both wait in our office and Magnus enters a moment later.  "You look awful Magnus" Jace says. He's right. Magnus looks tired and not like his usual spunky sparkly self. "Biscuit hurt my feelings that's why" Magnus pouts. "How did she hurt your feelings" Jace asks. "She yelled at me" Magnus pouts. "If you wanted someone to ask nicely and beg on their knees for you to turn us back to normal Jace should have came and done it instead of me" I tell him.

"Whatever. I found something that I think can help put you two back to normal" Magnus says. "Gimme" Jace says quickly. Magnus takes out two small bottles that I guess are potion bottles. "Drink these at the same time and it should switch you two back" he instructs. "Bottoms up" I say. Jace and I both down the bottles at once. I feel this weird feeling in my body and I pass out

Magnus POV

They both fall to the ground. "Oh, dear" I mumble. That wasn't supposed to happen. I reach down and make sure they are both still alive. Yep they are still living. I guess I should just wait. There was nothing harmful in that potion that would put them in a coma or anything, at least not that I've heard of.

I sit on the couch and make a cocktail appear. I take a sip and wait for these two to wake up. Its too early to not have a drink.

By the time my drink is empty they start to wake up. Clarys body is the first one to sit up followed by Jaces. "Did it work" I ask. They both look down then at each other. "I think so" Jace says. "I liked being tall for once" Clary whines. "I definitely won't miss what tortures I had to endure yesterday. Thanks for fixing us magnus" Jace thanks me. "No problem Jace. Clary" I ask. "Hm" she hums. "Don't ever threaten me again. You may be Queen but I can still turn you into a hat for my collection if you threaten me again" I warn. She just looks at me. I send my now empty  glass away to wherever it came from. "Cio darlings" I say and walk out of their office.

Clary POV

"I'm so glad to be back in my own body" Jace says looking relieved. "Me too. I know period cramps are a pain in the butt. Now you know what I have to go through once a month" I say to him. "I will never complain about you and your periods gain" jace says. "Well good. Lets try and get some work done and I'll go get the kids from my brothers house" I say.

After we get some work done I go up to my bedroom and pack a box of my maternity clothes. I told Alice she can use them so she doesn't have to buy her own clothes. I asked her what size she is just so I can make sure she would fit into my clothes. She should be able to wear it. True, I am a lot shorter but apparently we are the same size and maternity clothes make you wear different sizes too.

I go down to the office where jace is. "I'm going to go get the kids. I'll be back" I tell Jace. "Okay" he says.

It feels good being back to normal. I brush Autumn and tack her up. I'm glad to be able to ride her again. I like major and trapper but Autumn is my horse. She will always hold a place in my heart over the other two. I walk her out of the barn and get on her. Someone straps the box to the side of the saddle so it doesn't get lost and fall off on the way. I ride autumn to the Morganstern manor.

I knock on the door and Jonathan opens it. "Do you want to come in" he offers. "Sure" I say. I walk in his house and we go to the kitchen. "You hungry? I know you just ate back at the castle but we still have some bacon left" he offers. "I'm fine, thanks though" I say.

"What happened with Magnus? Did he fix you two" he asks. "Yeah, just about an hour ago" I tell him. "Okay good. I know you two are glad to be back to normal" my older brother says. "Absolutely. It felt weird being all tall and stuff" I say. He laughs and says, "It must be, going from 5'2 to 5'11."

"Where's Alice" I ask. "Asleep, when she got home she was tired. I made dinner last night instead and the four of us watched a movie and she just about fell asleep the second she hit the bed. Alice told me you gave her the day off and took the task of planning the party" he says. "Yeah, I knew she was exhausted and probably stressed. I don't want her hurting or loosing the baby. I figured I could handle that and take one thing off of her large plate" I tell him. "Well thank you" he says. "No problem, what do you think of being a dad" I ask. "I'm terrified honestly. Being in charge of my own kid. I grew up with a crappy dad and I don't want to make the wrong choice and do the wrong thing. I'm scared but also excited about this baby" he admits. "Its okay to be scared. I was scared and Jace was too. You will be okay. Its okay to make mistakes with your kid. I'm sure mom will tell you the same thing. You will be just fine" I tell him. "If you say so" he says. "Alice will need your help while she is pregnant. She will need your help while you are raising this kid just like you will need her help. That's why you have each other" I say. "Thanks Clary" he says. "Of course, I'm happy for you guys" I say.

A few minutes later Alice walks in. "Do you feel any more rested" I ask her. "A little bit, yeah" she says. She grabs some pancakes from the counter and sits down with me and Johnathan. "I can finally get some laundry done" she says. "Why don't you just bring it to the castle when you come in in the morning" I ask. "There is a lot of clothes and I can't carry them all there" she says. "Oh okay. Hey speaking of clothes I have something for you" I say. "What" she asks. "I will be back" I say. I go outside and untie the box from autumns side and take it inside. I bring the box to Alice. "What is this" she asks looking at the box. "Open it" I tell her. She hesitantly opens the box. "Thank you clary" she says. "No problem. I think they will fit you" I tell her. "What is it" Jonathan asks. "My old maternity clothes. I don't want her having to go and buy some so she can just use mine. If for some reason I need them again I can always come back and get them" I tell my big brother. "I put how many months along I was in the tag so when I wore them for future reference so that should help you some" I tell Alice. "Thanks clary" she says.

Grace and Braxton come in the kitchen. "Hi mommy" Braxton says. "How do you know it was me" I ask. "Aunt Alice called you by your name" Grace says. "Did you two eat" Alice asks. "Yeah" Braxton says and grabs a piece of bacon. "They have been up since 8:00 and I got up then too and made them breakfast" Jonathan says. "Did they wake you up" I ask. "Yeah but its fine. I get to sleep in tomorrow so its fine" he says. "Braxton made me do it since apparently he was hungry but didn't want to wake you up. I was hungry so I did it anyway" Grace says. "That would be something Jace would do" I say. "Yes it would. She is just like him personality wise. We knew they would be close and something together since the day she was born" Alice says. "Yeah we did. Does she still have Jace wrapped around her little finger" Jonathan asks. "Oh yeah, I bet you if she asked him for something he would have it to her as soon as possible" I say. "I'm not surprised" Jonathan says. "Me neither" I say.

"Are you two ready to go home" I ask Grace and Braxton. "Do we have to" Braxton whines. "Yeah clary do they have to" Jonathan asks mimicking Braxton. "Yes Brax we have to get home so they can have their house back" I tell my youngest son. "Okay" he says Disappointed. "Go get your bags and come back and we can go" I tell my kids. "Okay mommy" Grace says. They both hurry to the rooms they stayed in.

"Thanks for watching them" I thank them. "Of course. The dogs got a bath so things got better that way too" Jonathan says. "They aren't ever any trouble when they come over so we don't mind watching them" Alice says. "Well thank you" I say.

Braxton and Grace come back with their little bags on their back. "Say bye" I say. "Bye unca Jo Jo, Bye aunt Alice" Braxton says. Grace repeats Braxton. I take the kids outside and put them on autumn. I get on in the middle and we take the back paths back to the castle.

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